Why wrap door knobs in foil when home alone

The idea of wrapping a single rubber band around both knobs on a door (to minimize noise for example) has been featured in online advertisements for years. One such ad claimed: “Wrap A Rubber Band Around Your Door Lock Tonight.”

The ad appeared to hint at a critical safety concern.

We clicked the ad and were underwhelmed, to say the least. Another version said: “Put Rubber Bands Over Your Door Knobs If Alone, Here’s Why.”


The ad led to 42 pages of purported “unique life hacks.” Some of the tricks in the long story were perhaps a bit odd. One of the pages mentioned how to stack more than one large bowl in the microwave at the same time. It claimed that stacking one of the bowls on a mason jar can free up space down below. It’s unclear how often someone is both short on time and needs to microwave many bowls at once.

On the first page, a picture of the doorknob trick appeared as a tease. Another photograph showed coins and plastic in a hotel sink, which we previously covered in a separate fact check.

However, the lengthy slideshow article never ended up explaining anything about attaching a rubber band to doorknobs. It was clickbait, plain and simple.

Actual Rubber Band Tricks

As for whether a rubber band on doorknobs actually serves a purpose, the answer appeared to be a questionable “yes.”

One of the tips we found involved twisting a rubber band so that the door cannot snap into the door frame. Good Housekeeping advised readers to “loop a rubber band around a doorknob so it makes an ‘X’ that presses the latch open.” The column said that the trick is “especially helpful when you’re unloading an armful of groceries, or need to open a sticky door without waking a sleeping toddler (or husband).”

And where would we be without mentioning what might be the authority on all things rubber bands: rubberband.com. In a blog entry from 2014, the website said that hooking a rubber band around both knobs could help with noise. Without twisting the rubber band to hold the latch open, the trick could potentially help lessen the sound of a door being slammed.

In sum, rubber bands probably won’t let you down as badly as misleading ads will.

For further reading, we previously reported about a Facebook post that claimed robbers were using rubber bands to break into houses.

Snopes debunks a wide range of content, and online advertisements are no exception. Misleading ads often lead to obscure websites that host lengthy slideshow articles with lots of pages. It’s called advertising “arbitrage.” The advertiser’s goal is to make more money on ads displayed on the slideshow’s pages than it cost to show the initial ad that lured them to it. Feel free to submit ads to us, and be sure to include a screenshot of the ad and the link to where the ad leads.

By wrapping the doorknob with foil paper, you cannot prevent thieves from coming inside. Because if you are at home alone then you are more prone to thieves. But thieves are not afraid of tin foil paper.

Read more: Is it OK to bake with aluminum pans?

What is the Aluminium foil trick?

The hot foil trick is a magic trick in which the magician places a small piece of tin or aluminium foil in a volunteer’s hand, and the foil begins to rapidly increase in temperature until the volunteer has to drop it to avoid scalding their hand, and the foil is reduced to ashes on the ground.

You have to wrap your doorknob with aluminum foil for your safety. Many people are unsure what to do with the doorframe when alone in an apartment. Most people recommend using a shield on your doorframe to safeguard yourself from robbers. In contrast, others advise not to use a g shield on your doorway because it may signal to shady men that nobody is at the apartment; it may allow them to split in and out of your apartment when they get an opportunity.

Suppose you live in a state where you have a higher chance of robbery, which is a massive problem for your security. You do not have any need to worry about it. Keep reading. This article will be helpful to you.

Place some layer after layer of tinfoil on the piece of metal to see if last evenings was protected or not. Unless users find this same foil completely ripped or punctured in the early hours, it implies you should be cautious.

When You’re Alone, Use Foil on the Joint Surface for Security.

The door handle is a means of entry into the apartment, and you could do away with it after encasing your door frame in plastic wrap. Splash some petroleum jelly over there; it helps make the door handle difficult.

Most people believe that enclosing a piece of foil around the doorframe when you are by yourself at home is pointless since it would not help stop someone from reaching home. Implementing a Surveillance camera is the best approach to distinguish the enigmatic activity out front of your apartment.

When depicting the lock, safeguard the knob by being refined.

When doing do-it-yourself projects around the house, like drawing walls, securing the door frames and carrying is vital. Otherwise, you risk polishing your door frames and carries.

You now understand how much these wearables cost. It will be hard to separate the plaster from the colored knobs and carries.

Covering the sliders and handles with aluminum foil and perhaps other plastic wrap is a popular approach. Aluminum foil could be found in the specialty cheeses of the supermarket or plastic wrap from the cutlery drawer.

Most favor using the strips to safeguard the door handle from becoming colored, but using plastic wrap or aluminum foil will be much simpler than using tape since the foil peels off easily and dries.

The Method of Applying Aluminum Foil

Grab a piece of plastic wrap to accommodate the door handle and enclose it over it to avoid using aluminum. The stopper will be gleaming again and look far better than if you used a strip.

During the manufacturing process, the material is created layer upon layer. Milling cutters that use heat and suspense extend foil to the correct thickness. Designers mill multiple pairs in interaction with it at the comparable period because the material would split during the machining processes if designers didn’t. 

The ‘dreary’ part is where the filament comes into contact with some other layer. The shiny edge is the angle that has not come into contact with some other piece of steel. Depending on which side users use, the foil performs the same.

Other Important Techniques For Security

Install motion sensors and gesture lighting.

According to Alerting Great Britain, installing surveillance cameras is one of the most significant things you could do to defend your life. These should notify you of any motion on your real estate, and users wouldn’t even have to be back to be notified of an invader. You can connect it to your mobile phone; the data is safe when you’re not at home. Defunct burglars concur that a movement light is a powerful deterrent.

Maintain A Car In A Parking lot

Of course, this would be simple when you’re in the apartment. However, you can ask a roommate to use your carport even when you are away. A wheel in the carport has been one of the most effective mitigation measures to be implemented; according to the people’s reactions to the 2/5 questionnaire, many said they’d be cautious about robbing a store if there was a wheel in the carport.

Purchase a Loud Dog

Dogs provide multiple benefits, one of which is home defense if you want to choose the correct breed. According to most jails who responded to the Mislabeled questionnaire, a large dog would steer them away.

Keep all the lights on.

Keep the Open-air Regions Well-Lit Night provides cover for lurkers, allowing them to approach your estate undiscovered. You could help deter violent terrorists by ensuring your open spaces are well-lit. For beginners, a well-lit residence suggests that men are present. It also provides your neighborhood with a realistic understanding of what’s happening outside in the dark. According to many violent offenders who reacted to the KGW questionnaire, property owners could protect their residences by creating their estates accessible to light conditions.

Shut your carport door and all the panes.

The critical point would be to secure your glass doors before leaving your house. However, many people seem to have forgotten or become passive. Stop opening your carport and check all of your window frames before leaving home.

Get  a Housesitter

If your estate is uninhabited for an extended period of time, other than when you commute to work, think about having a person live at home. Their occurrence will discourage robbers and help relieve the understanding that your house isn’t empty. Users can even rent out a portion of their residence to a small business owner who doesn’t have to work from home.


Many people are unsure what happens to the doorframe when they are alone in their apartment. Most people advise using a shield on your doorframe to protect yourself from robbers, while others advise not using a shield on your doorway because it may signal to shady men that no one is at home, allowing them to split in and out of your apartment whenever they see fit.

Examine for unwanted mystifying activity by layer after layer of tinfoil on the piece of metal to determine whether or not last evening was protected. Unless users discover this same foil completely ripped or punctured in the early morning hours, it suggests you should be cautious.


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