How to get rid of coffee nausea Reddit

Whenever I drink coffee I get a weird uncomfortable sick feeling afterwards. Not sick to the point where I'm throwing up or anything, just feel kinda gross and bleh. It can't be the caffeine because I can drink like 3 redbulls and be fine (not that I do), but one cup of coffee just makes me feel like shit. I heard on a podcast a while back about a guy talking about mycotoxins in almost all coffee unless it's grown and harvested carefully and in a special way so mold doesn't grow on it - or something like that. That may have something to do with it, I don't know.. It also makes me piss like a race horse for like the next several hours.

The worst part is that I love coffee, but pretty much have to stop drinking it at this point.. Any idea on why this is happening to me?

i love coffee but i noticed that since two years till now(when i started drinking lots of coffee) that i get this ugly disgusting nausea after drinking it, and im wondering whats the reason that it does this? ive searched before and it said lactose in it but i havent found good answers.

does anybody know about it?

hello everyone! I've been doing IF for a while now and starting to see some good results. So far I've been sticking to only eating between 12Pm - 8Pm and then getting a 16 hr fast in between the two. However, one problem I've noticed come up is consuming caffeine in the mornings. I usually start my day with either a cup of green tea or coffee. Especially with the green tea I've noticed that if I have been fasting all night the caffeine causes me bad nausea and anxiety. I've read that you should eat something starchy to help the caffeine absorb better, but naturally since I'm fasting I don't have that option. I work an office job and love drinking tea, so getting rid of it is out of the question. I've read somewhere that you can consume 50-100 calories without breaking your fast, and for me this would mean having 2 crackers with my tea when I begin drinking it. Has anyone else ran into this problem? If so, what did you do to be able to take the caffeine? Is the 50-100 calories worth of crackers breaking my IF?

So basically I think I might've overdosed on caffeine. I'm not dying or anything but I'm kind of nauseous, lightheaded, and also shaking a lot. My french press can only make one mug of coffee at a time, and I made a cup with 10 tablespoons of coffee grounds because I have a high tolerance and any less doesn't affect me, and I've been shaking all day and it isn't getting better. Please help

Edit: I'm alive. Kind of. Thanks for your help :)

Posted byu/[deleted]4 years ago

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I used to drink a lot of coffee and it would be pretty much how I would start every day. Then I moved away for 4 months and only had the occasional cup as I didn't have a coffee maker at the place I was staying. Now though I came back and tried to have coffee in the morning, but everytime I drink it I just feel sick for the next 4-5 hours.

Funnily enough though if I drink coffee later in the day I'm usually fine with no adverse affects. Was wondering if its maybe something to do with drinking coffee on an empty stomach and if anyone knew anything about it or had some suggestions.

Edit: Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm gonna try some of them :)

Hello all, don't know if this is the right subreddit for this, but it's the closest I can find.

So I've always loved coffee, and had no problem drinking it straight black, no sugar or milk - I love the aroma, the bitterness. A few years ago, I was in a rough patch and started upping my coffee intake to cope with the large amount of daily work. I downed like 2L of cold brew a day, just drinking it like water. I kept doing this for a few months, then stopped cause I was moving, lifestyle changed, etc.

Some time after this, I realized I could no longer drink coffee like before. I'd start coughing, eyes watering, then straight up vomit and feel sick for a while. Of course it took me some time to realize it was the coffee that was doing this.

My SO suggested maybe cut down the caffeine little by little to see how much I could take at a time. So I experimented a bit and the most I can do (without vomiting) is about 100ml a day... yep... Hot seems to induce the vomiting more too. Caffeine in energy drinks do the same thing. I thought I developed caffeine allergy, but I read into it and the symptoms don't look the same. Not hypersensitivity either, cause I don't jitter or get insomnia, or raised heartbeats. Just the vomiting... Of course I can just cut coffee out of my life, but I LOVE coffee. It's such torture walking past coffee shops and smelling that wonderful aroma and not being able to get one, or turning down coffees from friends because I know just one will ruin my day... I got so desperate I tried the decaf stuff, but it's just not the same. Tea is cool and all, but it's like being with your crush vs being with your soulmate... you know...?

For some reason though, I've tried making cold brew at home, and this surprisingly doesn't cause me any issue. I can drink like 2-3 cups a day without feeling sick, so I've stuck with this recently, but would really like to be able to drink any coffee like before again.

So my question is, does anyone have or know someone who has the same issue with caffeine? Or do you have any suggestion as to what my problem is and how to fix it? Many, many thanks in advance.

Used to be a heavy coffee drinker, like 30oz a day. Weaned down over time and took a few breaks. Now I can hardly drink 6-8oz without feeling nauseous, a sip starts to make me gag. What's the deal? I miss my coffee...

Definitely been drinking it more on an empty stomach, maybe this is the culprit?

Like if I drink coffee (I usually drink store bought bottled coffee most of the time) first thing in the morning recently I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting nauseous if I don’t eat anything first. Is that kinda normal do any of you experience this?


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