How to say i love you novel

The Great Film Emperor, Ji Mian thinks that Young Master Xiao Jiashu is an arrogant, poison-mouthed, spoilt, rich snob who exploits his strong background to ruin people’s lives on a whim. But when he somehow obtains the ability to read minds, Ji Mian comes to realise that Xiao Jiashu is probably the most adorable person in the world. This is a story about the rise of the acting-fanatic, Xiao Jiashu, as he silences his haters and wows the world with his magnificence.

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After eating, Shi Tingheng habitually opened his mobile phone to scan Weibo, and then saw a comment that caused a lot of discussion. This comment comes from "Don't bow your head, the little crown will fall", spreading a lot of words, talking about the different development of the acting career between himself and Ji Mian. Many netizens have left a comment below, some have expressed their approval, and have scoffed at it. Yes, and fans chased and said that Xiao Crown was insulting Shi Yingdi, which was abominable.

Shi Tingheng looked at the two lines with a joke, then his expression became more and more serious, and his brows grew more and more tight. A few minutes later, he slowly said, "Who is this little crown? Damn it ..."

Xiao Jiashu sitting on the side glanced at him, then slipped away quietly. Although this is a bit confusing to Brother Heng, but Brother Ji's development is really more comprehensive than him. He cannot speak with conscience.

Shi Tingheng didn't notice Master Xiao's abnormality, and continued to bite his teeth, "I really talked about my heart! Lao Tzu's acting skills are really worse than you? No! Lao Tzu's play path is severely restricted! I ca n't play other roles with movie fans. What can I do? One of my favorite movies is "Montenegro", but every time a reporter asks me a similar question, I dare not answer it, I feel bitter! This little crown It 's very eye-catching, no, I have to give him a thumbs up. "He poked hard at the phone.

His fans were still spraying the small crown. When they saw the idols came out and praised them, they were as quiet as chickens, and someone asked stupidly, "What's going on? Shi Yingdi was stolen?"

Steal a fart! Shi Tingheng silently replied, and then cheerfully opened the small crown's Weibo, and found that this was a newly registered trumpet, and there was only one person who was concerned about the quarter crown. It is said that Ji Mian's fans are the highest in the network in terms of quantity and quality, which is true. It can be seen from the lines that Little Crown should be a professional film critic. If he hadn't watched and understood all of his films and Ji Mian's movies thoroughly, he would never have said that.

Ji Mian stared at the comment for a while, staying on her fingertips, and finally didn't press it. Netizens would like to compare him with Shi Tingheng. If he also stood up to respond, this would be a big deal.

"It's time for you to transform," he said to his friend Xu Xu. "Thirty-four years old, just right."

"I'm thinking about it," Shi Tingheng smiled, "I want to play a villain in the next movie, it's so bad."

Ji Mianer said, "If there is a good book, I recommend it to you. A villain with a decent face should be very interesting."

Lin Leyang listened to the two while chatting while eating, and the depression sent by netizens compared with Xiao Jiashu was long gone. Miao Muqing took a nap for twenty minutes, and the redness and swelling subsided after waking up, leaving only some bruises. Covering with a concealer, she could barely see it. She was not as angry as before.

Therefore, the shooting in the afternoon began in a harmony, and the play only passed a few times. Finally, Luo Zhangwei's coffin face was eased a bit, "oK, this one is over, the next one is ready."

The crew moved to the basketball court outside the studio and continued to film the daily lives of the Ling brothers.

Xiao Jiashu has changed his casual clothes and is chatting with several crowd actors. They are very young, the oldest is 20 years old, the youngest is less than sixteen, making a movie for one hundred dollars, and two hundred with lines.

"Your parents agreed to let you come out for a movie? Should you be studying at the age of fifteen or six?"

"Don't agree, we ran it out by ourselves. The grades were too poor, and it was futile to read."

"That's not good, I still have to tell them, otherwise they don't know what you are doing outside, it's not safe." Xiao Jiashu was preparing to persuade these little North drifts, but saw Ji Mian slowly go He was wearing a casual suit. His hair was not fixed to the back of the head with mousse as usual. Instead, it draped fluffy and softly on the horns. He looked younger and had a softer temperament.

The same is true of Ling Tao in the film when facing Ling Feng. In front of him, he was the majestic President of the Lings Group, who said nothing; behind him, he was the leader of a drug trafficking group, cruel and ruthless; in front of his brother, he was the smartest and gentlest elder brother. His life is cut into two sides, the dark side is left to himself and the whole world, and the bright side is left to his younger brother.

Seeing his new look, Xiao Jiashu's eyes brightened, and he was not worried that he would not find the feeling later. In order to fit the character's image, Ji Mian has considered all aspects, from appearance to eyes to temperament. There is nothing wrong with it. It is a relaxed job to play with him.

"Luo Dao, I'm ready." Xiao Jiashu confidently gave Luo Zhang Weibi an oK gesture.

Ji Mian nodded and walked to the sidelines to stand.

"Action!" Luo Zhangwei ordered, and the two started walking along the basketball court.

Xiaobei Xiao played the children in the community while playing a basketball game. When the two approached, they pretended to accidentally shoot the basketball. According to the script, Xiao Jiashu should catch the flying basketball, then throw it back again and get a perfect three-pointer. The children clapped and applauded and invited him to play together. He also brought Ling Tao on the court. The brothers played basketball and recalled their happy childhood. After leaving, Ling Tao made the next decision-to reject plans for new drugs to flow into Southeast Asia, because he didn't want to ruin the beautiful world in his brother's eyes.

But the real situation is ... Xiao Jiashu is a sports idiot, and basketball is flying towards him. He couldn't hold it, and almost fell down. Fortunately, Ji Mian quickly dragged him, which saved his handsome face.

"Brother, I'm lucky to have you!" Xiao Jiashu raised his red face after standing firmly, his eyes were full of gratitude and admiration.

Luo Zhangwei, who had already raised his hand, saw his expression of sweetness full score slowly and let it go again, but did not call cUt.

Professional actors have first-rate on-the-spot adaptability. As long as the director does not stop, even if the lines and plot are completely off, they can still perform as usual. Ji Mian rubbed Xiao Jiashu's head and chuckled, "Don't you exercise well abroad? You can't catch a ball." Then he picked up the ball and threw it into the basket.

Originally, this shot would not be taken in full. Regardless of whether the shot was made, the crew would make a close-up shot, and then edit it later. But Ji Mian is a master of sports, and she can also make a hollow three-pointer standing a few meters away from the field, her action is perfect.

Xiaobeibu applauded sincerely. Xiao Jiashu paused and said eagerly, "Brother, how can you do anything? I am a good student in the United States in front of you."

"What stupid thing to say? My elder brother won't read, but my younger brother is Xue Ba." Ji Mian was proud, and then warmly invited Xiao Xiaobu to roll up his sleeves and pull Xiao Jiashu into the basketball court.

Xiao Jiashu was not playing basketball, but was playing basketball. Fortunately, there was a season crown to help him, otherwise he lost miserably. The two brothers were extremely embarrassed, and one was more skillful. After scoring, they clapped and hugged. The scene was more interesting than the description in the script, and also showed Ling Tao's softer, warmer and more lifelike side. If this face is compared with his later cruel madness, the plot will be more contradictory and conflicting.

Xiao Jiashu played basketball seriously and completely forgot to play. It wasn't until Ji Mian retreated to the sidelines and looked at herself with nostalgic eyes. Ji Mian's expression was very complicated, she seemed very relieved, and she seemed a little heavy. But no matter what, when he was facing his brother, there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth. The smile was warm and gentle, and sprinkled on Xiao Jiashu like rain.

Xiao Jiashu thought of the "End of the Road" scene somehow, Ling Tao used the blood-stained hand over and over Ling Feng's ashes, and finally died peacefully; then he remembered the scene of "Dear Kiss" and he hugged Ling Feng's body said in a desperate tone, "You don't understand Xiaofeng, once a person's hands are blackened, they will never be white."

Why is it not white? It's not that he doesn't want to wash, but can't. If he becomes weak, the first victim is definitely his brother Ling Feng. He has been caring for Ling Feng all his life, leaving to him everything that is the most beautiful and bright, but he has finally lost everything.

Xiao Jiashu's heart was suddenly filled with this reckless love. He threw the ball to others and stood under the basket and smiled at his brother. He didn't know how warm and pure his smile was at the moment, he just eagerly hoped that his only loved one would be happy. He trot next to Ji Mian and said sincerely, "Brother, shouldn't you get married? Don't always take care of me, you should also consider it for yourself. I have grown up and will change my care from now on." "

Ji Mian patted him on the shoulder and said softly, "I will consider personal issues after you get married. Still playing? Let's go back without playing?"

"Don't play, I'll drink some saliva." Xiao Jiashu waved his hand and ran to the drinking fountain on the side of the field.

Ji Mian stared at his back, his smile changed from deep to shallow, and finally he fixed himself as dignified. He took out his mobile phone and said in a deep voice, "Terminate the ebola plan." Because of his brother, he didn't want to bring disaster into this country, and the decision at this moment is the beginning of all tragedies.

"CUt!" Luo Zhangwei, who had been slow to move, roared.

Xiao Jiashu drank two sips of water, and sat down beside the basketball court. When the strong distress passed, he slowly walked to the director to check the video. Ji Mian stood still for a long time, then shook her head with her hand covering her face.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Fang Kun quickly walked over to ask, "What happened to you?"

Ji Mian put down her hand and said dumbly, "I was in the movie just now."

"Ah?" Fang Kun was so surprised that he looked up and down several times. If others don't know, can he still not understand? The quarter crown is a typical expressionist actor. What is expressionism? In the words of the famous French performance artist Old Cogrand: the actor must be able to control himself. Although the character he plays is so hot, he must be cold, he must dissect every trembling nerve like a ruthless scientist, Exposing every beating vessel, at any time, he must make himself like an ancient Greek god, lest the blood in his heart rush up to disrupt his performance.

Ji Mian is just such a frosty and relentless performer. He can easily let others into the play, but even if he has become the character himself, he has no fluctuations in his heart. His reason is always controlling his body and emotions, making his external performance impeccable.

But at this moment, he actually said ... he was brought into the play? That person is still Xiao Jiashu who just started?