Are red bumps after laser normal?

Undergoing a laser hair removal treatment is an effective way of removing hair, but also for preventing future hair growth. The treatment utilizes specialized laser light to kill the hair follicles, which causes existing hair to fall out while stunting further growth. The laser does not damage the tissue surrounding these hair follicles, but your skin may react to this treatment. To keep your skin healthy after laser removal of your hair, use these simple tips to care for your skin.

Post-Treatment Reaction

As the laser makes contact with your skin, the heat from the light will kill hair follicles. This heat will cause small red bumps to develop on your skin’s surface. This is a completely normal reaction, but it can be alarming to some people. Fortunately, the bumps will disappear within a day or two after your treatment.

The bumps may be itchy, but it is imperative that you do not scratch. Scratching the skin will increase inflammation even further, resulting in serious discomfort and possible scarring. If the small red bumps are causing you any discomfort, apply a cold compress to the area. Create an ice pack by bundling a few ice cubes into a plastic bag. Seal up the bag and hold on the affected skin for a few minutes. The ice will not only numb any discomfort you are experiencing, but it will also reduce the redness and possible swelling.

Post-Treatment Crusting

As the bumps disappear, you may notice that your skin feels excessively dry. In some instances, the bumps will dry out and begin to crust. Again, this is a common issue that occurs after a laser hair treatment, so there is no need to panic. Apply a healing ointment to these overly dry and crusty areas of your skin. A thin layer of petroleum jelly can be beneficial in these areas. Since petroleum jelly does not contain toxic chemicals, using it offers less risk of further irritation.

Post-Treatment Care

After the initial reaction and crusting decreases, you should continue caring for your skin. Make sure to moisturize your skin periodically after your treatment. Consider using aloe vera gel to soothe inflamed skin while keeping it moisturized.

When you bathe or shower, be gentle when washing laser-treated areas. Do not scrub treated areas with a wash cloth, body wash puff, or sponge. Use a soft microfiber cloth to gently wash areas of your skin. In addition, use a gentle body wash while bathing and showering. To smooth your skin, consider using a gentle exfoliating body wash.

Laser removal of your hair is a safe and effective option, but you must properly care for your underlying skin after the treatment. To learn more about skin care after laser hair removal in McKinney, TX and proper skin care, contact Le Beau Visage Medical Spa at (214) 705-7676.

If you’ve had a laser hair removal treatment and noticed almost immediately after that you had numerous red, raised bumps, you can take a deep breath and relax—this is totally normal! It is a phenomenon known as “follicular edema” and it’s basically swelling around the treated hair follicle. It may look worrisome, but it’s actually a good thing when you see it because it means that you got a great laser treatment!

First, it’s important to note that follicular edema is temporary. It should last a few hours to up to a day or so after your treatment. Anything lasting longer than that is something else that you need to talk about with your laser practitioner. Here’s why it happens.  During the laser hair removal treatment, the laser concentrates a large amount of heat on the individual hair follicles. This energy causes changes to the follicle which can make it swell and become red. Thus, the term edema (swelling) is used because it’s exactly what is happening in each follicle.

While follicular edema is normal after laser hair removal treatment, blistering (or more severe burns) or prolonged redness or brown discoloration after treatment are not. These changes signal that either the wrong device for your skin type (color) was used or that the energy settings on the laser were too high. You can avoid these unwanted side effects by getting to know your laser practitioner and practice before you begin your treatments. Make sure you choose an experienced practitioner with the right laser for your skin type.

Let your laser practitioner know if you had follicular edema following your treatment. Many will ask as it helps guide their decision-making process when planning the safest and most effective laser settings to give you the best results.

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Editorial note: this article was updated on June 26, 2020.

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  • Redness and irritation
  • Slight discolouration
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (i.e. ‘burn marks’)
  • Acne and pimples
  • Blisters
  • Hair regrowth
  • Staying safe

Laser hair removal can provide an amazing life change for those who suffer from unwanted hair. It can be an easy way to remove a large portion of body hair permanently. However, the procedure can come with some pesky post-treatment, short-term side effects. The good news is that these can be easily cured with the right aftercare and precautions.

Below is a list of common laser hair removal side effects you can expect from your treatment, along with ways to fix or prevent them.

If you’re looking for Vancouver laser hair removal (in Surrey), we can help! We use the top laser for the job, while keeping safety top of mind (always!)

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Redness and irritation

You may experience some redness, small bumps, irritation, and temporary discomfort directly after a treatment, but only on the area that was lasered.

This is temporary and should go away on its own within a few hours to a couple days. However, you can help soothe the area by using a cooling cream. For example, try a fragrance-free aloe vera, or non-comedogenic aftersun products). You can also use ice packs or cold wash cloths as compresses to reduce swelling, or sensations of burning or itching.

Avoid using harsh cleansers or exfoliants on the treated area. This will only irritate the skin further.

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Slight discoloration

After laser hair removal treatments, your skin may appear slightly discolored. This is a temporary side effect and usually goes away on its own within a week or so.

If you have any severe pain, in addition to discoloration, you should call your laser treatment provider right away, or see a doctor. You should not feel like you are ‘on fire.’

That said, some discomfort is expected. It is common to feel like you have razor burn after laser hair removal. But, it is not common to feel debilitated by pain.

If you’re unsure whether or not your symptoms are serious, call and ask the clinic you went to for this service. They may ask you to come in for an assessment (especially if a doctor runs the clinic). If that is the case, don’t delay going back so they can take a look, and advise further.

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Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (‘burn marks’)

Some people call these scars, but they are not quite the same thing. Permanent, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can create a ‘burn mark’ if a laser was used inappropriately during hair removal sessions. They can be hard to reverse (though steps can be taken to try to reduce their appearance).

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the result of skin being affected by the laser treatment, instead of the hair follicle only. Ideally, a laser should not do this. However, since laser light is attracted to pigment, tanned skin, or certain skin tones, can be more susceptible to this side effect. If the laser is set too high for the context in which it is being used, the chances for ‘burn marks’ can increase.

This is why we can’t stress enough that seeking a treatment like laser hair removal is very serious. It should only be done in a professional setting. It’s nothing like waxing at a spa, nor even like electrolysis with needles.

As a precaution, you should never, ever (we mean never) undergo laser treatments if you have recently been exposed to the sun. Even if you are not fully bronzed, sun exposure can spur melanocyte activity in your skin. This will make you more sensitive to hyperpigmentation from laser treatments.

You should also avoid the sun after treatments, and wear high-SPF, broad spectrum sunscreen daily.

If you do find yourself with a permanent burn mark or scar that won’t go away after laser hair removal, you should start by contacting your provider. If it is a medically-run clinic, they will likely be your best bet. This is because they will have information about how your scar may have happened to begin with. If they don’t have access to a doctor, you should seek medical care on your own.

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Acne and pimples

After your laser hair removal sessions, acne may appear on the treatment area. This side effect happens when pores get clogged. Since the heat of the laser opens up your pores, your skin will be sensitive to these very tiny infections. They happen the same way as any acne would – dead skin cells and bacteria can’t escape, so they create a puss-filled bubble as your body tries to get them out.

This issue can be prevented with a proper, post-lasering treatment regime. Keep the area clean. Avoid putting on makeup, deodorant or other cosmetics directly after sessions. This will allow the skin to ‘breathe’ while it heals. You want to keep that ‘pathway’ open for the pores to clear out debris.

But, do keep using the cooling creams or ointments that a doctor suggests, to keep irritation down.

If acne persists after laser hair removal, it can be helped with a triple-antibiotic ointment. This type of product can be found over-the-counter at most drugstores. A doctor can advise you on which one you need (another reason to only use a doctor-led medical spa for any laser treatment).

You should refrain from picking or popping the acne spots, to avoid scarring.

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Since lasers use heat from light energy to destroy hair follicles, they can create blisters, like a burn would. However, this would be unusual in a medically-run clinic, and when using the most modern devices.

One basic part of training with laser hair removal technicians is to keep the skin cool during the procedure. This is so that the laser heats only the pigments in the hair shaft, and not the skin. You may be iced during sessions, to achieve this.

Some lasers are so ahead of this issue, they include cooling devices into their handpieces. This way, additional icing is not always necessary.

If you get a blister from laser hair removal, allow it to heal as you would any other blister. Use a wound healing cream to avoid infection. Do not try to pop the blister.

Be sure to tell your provider that you got the blister, and ask them what measures they will take to prevent it from happening again.

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Hair regrowth

It is possible to be lasered too much. Laser hair removal can only achieve about 80 – 90% hair reduction in a single treatment area. If it is overdone, it can reactivate hair follicles.

The best way to handle this is with prevention. Your laser clinic provider should not be over-aggressive in attempting to remove 100% of your hairs.

If you want that baby-bare skin, electrolysis may help to clear out the few strands that remain, after laser hair removal has taken you most of the way there. However, many people are happy to do at-home maintenance on these leftover hairs. Waxing or shaving is a lot easier when there is less hair to begin with. However, you should only do this after your series of laser treatments are completely done.

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Laser hair removal side effects are minimal and temporary, when the procedure is done safely

While severe side effects are possible, most of the time, laser hair removal poses very minimal risk. Most issues are temporary. However, the length of time side effects last can depend on the practitioner performing the procedure, and the measures you take to both prepare for sessions, and care for your skin afterwards.

If you experience rare, long-term side-effects, or if you are not certain they are related to your laser hair removal sessions, always call your provider. Ask to speak with a doctor on staff.

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Keep yourself safe from laser hair removal injuries

As a final word, we will also say this:

Don’t be fooled by ‘cheap deals’ and ‘back door’ offices for laser hair removal. Some of these places even come with fancy signage and beautiful websites. The questions should ultimately be: is a doctor running this clinic? What is their experience in the industry? Who trains the staff that does treatments? What are the staff qualifications? And so on…

Lasers are not regulated, so anyone can acquire them. That leaves it completely up to the consumer to determine whether they are getting a quality, safe treatment.

That’s a shame. And that’s why, in 2011, we pioneered an organization calling for standardization in the industry. It’s called the BC Society of Aesthetic Physicians (BCSAP).

Many doctors feel the same way, especially after a woman was left with a slew of burn marks on her legs and gential area. Read more on that in this article by the CBC (opens a new tab).

In the meantime, you can do a lot to prevent the worst side effects of laser hair removal, by doing your research, and choosing a quality provider.

If you are looking for Vancouver laser hair removal (in Surrey), we can help. Start by booking a consultation, and we’ll let you know what it will take to safely remove your unwanted hair.

CALL / TEXT 604 580 2464

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See also:

  • Here is what to know about facial laser hair removal for both men and women
  • Laser hair removal for men: what you should know before getting this treatment
  • Before you get Brazilian laser hair removal, read this
  • What is the best laser for hair removal? Get the treatment that’s right for you
  • Get quality laser hair removal in Surrey (near Vancouver)

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How long do red bumps after laser last?

Immediately after your treatment, redness & bumps at the treatment area are common; these may last up to 2 hours or longer. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You should use a cold compress if the sensitivity continues.

Why do I have red bumps after laser?

Answer: Bumps after Laser Hair Removal Treatment Could Be Hair Follicle Irritation. Every so often, we do see an itchy bumpy rash following laser hair removal. This is usually because of irritation of the hair follicles in the treated area, and this can be easily treated with a mild cortisone preparation.

How do you get rid of red spots after laser?

Some swelling and redness are common after laser treatments, particularly after ablative treatments that affect the outer layers of skin. Cold compresses and ice packs can help to bring down swelling and minimize redness. They can also feel soothing to irritated skin.

Is it normal to breakout after laser?

Breakouts occur due to the quick skin turnover. You will require antibiotics if you're dealing with whiteheads or other signs of a breakout in the treated area. Antibiotics can reduce the breakout issue and make it easier for your skin to recover.


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