Average weight of an egg in grams

Anyone who does a lot of cooking would most likely agree that eggs are always an ingredient you want to have on hand, especially if you do a lot of baking.

Eggs are simple, economical, and can be prepared in a variety of ways: fried, boiled, poached, and are a necessary ingredient for many dishes and baked items.

Eggs come in different sizes, and according to USDA are sized based on their weight per dozen. The average sized egg (medium) is 49.6 grams or 1.75 ounces. The egg shell is 8 to 9 percent of the weight of the egg.

Unless referencing a specific country or a specific type of egg, the eggs mentioned in this article will be chicken eggs.

Weight Classes/Standards of Chicken Eggs

USDA has set standards for chicken egg weights and grade. The six weight classes are Jumbo, Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, and Peewee. The standards for grade measure the appearance and quality of the eggshell as well as the quality of the yolk and the egg white, and they are rated AA, A or B.

Also, four descriptions describe the types of eggs on the market (non-cage-free, cage-free, free-range, and organic) and the standards that must be met for each type.

Weight Class

Size Grams, Per Egg Ounces, Per Egg Ounces, Per Dozen
Jumbo 70.9 2.5 30
Extra Large 63.8 2.25 27
Large 56.7 2 24
Medium 49.6 1.75 21
Small 42.5 1.5 18
Peewee 35.4 1.25 15

Organic eggs come from chickens that were raised outdoors without added drugs or chemicals. No genetically modified foods can be used. The chickens must live in a cage-free environment. Due to the extra costs associated with meeting the organic certification requirements, organic eggs cost a little more than commercial eggs.

The USDA requires that free-range eggs come from chickens that have some access to a small, fenced patch of cement. Free-range chickens might eat non-organic feed and antibiotics or other drugs.

Types of Cooking Eggs

Some of the most common types of eggs are chicken, quail, duck, goose, and turkey. Bird eggs are a common food and one of the most versatile ingredients used in cooking.

Where you live in the world may determine the type of egg you eat more of. The most commonly used eggs for cooking are chicken, duck, and goose eggs. Smaller eggs, such as quail eggs, are used as a gourmet ingredient in Western countries. In the U.S., it would be chicken. Here’s a little information about each one.


Chicken eggs are the most commonly eaten eggs in the U.S. One whole chicken egg weighs an average of 50 grams. They are the most balanced in terms of nutritional value, and the lowest in cholesterol.


One whole quail egg weighs roughly 9 grams. They have more yolk than egg white compared to any of the other types of eggs, and they are also considered less allergenic.


One whole duck egg weighs 70 grams. Duck eggs offer the best in vitamin B12 and vitamin B9. They are rich in choline and have a high trimethylamine content which gives them a fish-like taste.


One goose egg weighs 144 grams (medium-sized). Goose eggs are the second best source of vitamin B9 and vitamin B12. They are highest in cholesterol and offer the most protein of all the eggs.


One whole turkey egg weighs 79 grams. Turkey eggs are second to goose eggs for protein. The younger the hen, the smaller, the egg, the older the hen, the larger the egg.

Type Grams, Per Egg Ounces, Per Egg
Quail 9 grams 0.32 oz
Chicken 50 grams 1.77 oz
Duck 70 grams 2.47 oz
Turkey 79 grams 2.79 oz
Goose 144 grams 5.08 oz

Benefits of Eggs

Eggs are widely used in many dishes and some of the most common methods include scrambled, fried, poached, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, omelettes, and pickled. Some are even eaten raw.

Eggs offer some essential benefits to being healthy. None of the eggs mentioned above offer fiber or vitamin C, but they are all important dietary sources of B vitamins. All eggs are satiating, nutritious for the brain and muscles, and boost energy levels. They are also good for pregnant women.

Egg shells are rich in calcium and the yolk has almost all nutrients, fats and calories. The egg white is a good source of protein. Eggs help to promote a healthy immune system and helps to lower the risk of heart disease.

They’re a good source of eye health as well as weight loss and maintenance because the protein can help people feel full for longer. Lastly, some vitamins and mineral in eggs help promote healthy skin and prevent the breakdown of body tissues.

Colors of Chicken Eggs

Chicken eggs come from various breeds of chicken, and produce eggs in different colors depending on the breed of chicken. Although they may yield different colors, the eggs are essentially the same on the inside.

There are three main colors for chicken eggs however, and that’s white and shades of brown. It’s also possible to produce blue and green chicken eggs, which come from the Aracuana, a breed of chicken from Chile. There are hundreds of chicken breeds in existence, with about 20 of them being popular in the U.S.

Egg Color White Eggs Brown Eggs Blue Eggs Tinted Eggs
Breed of Chicken (U.S.) California Gray; Holland; Lamona; Leghorn; Pyncheon American Game; Buck-eye; Delaware; Dominique; Iowa Blue; Java; Jersey Giant; New Hampshire; Plymouth Rock; Rhode Island Red; Rhode Island White; Wyandotte Ameraucana Blue Hen of Delaware

Related reading:

  • What Are The Dimensions of an Egg?

How many grams does 1 large egg weigh?

Medium - at least 49 grams. Large - at least 56 grams. Extra Large - at least 64 grams. Jumbo - 70 grams or more.

How much does 1 egg weigh in grams without shell?

Conversion Charts.

How heavy is 2 eggs in grams?

*Each size band starts at the minimum weight and includes eggs up to, but not including, the maximum weight, for example a large egg can be 63g-72.99g. ... Egg weight and sizes..

Does an egg weigh 2kg?

The average 2kg hen will lay eggs that weigh around 55g. Occasionally, you might find a double yolker weighing 70g or so. So you can feel for the White Leghorn hen which the Guinness Book of Records claims laid the world's largest-ever egg. It was recorded as weighing 454g.


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