Babies in heaven waiting to be born

A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.'

The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy. ' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'

Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.'

'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' God said, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.'

'Who will protect me?' God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.'

'But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.'

Editor’s Note: We are all deeply saddened by the passing of Dr.Wayne Dyer on August 30th, 2015. Below is an excerpt from Wayne’s most recent book, Memories of Heaven, which illustrates perfectly his belief in far more than just this earthly experience.

I have enjoyed a lifetime love affair with children, particularly newborns, infants, and toddlers. If a baby is in the room, it’s almost as if there is a magnetic connection that draws my attention and I must make contact. Being the father of eight children, I have spent countless hours simply gazing into the eyes of a brand-new arrival into our family. In these private moments, I often send silent inquisitive messages asking them to tell me about God and what the formless spiritual world is like. I have passed many, many hours of my life lying on the floor making direct contact with our new arrivals. I’ve long been fascinated by the fact that children just show up here with personality traits. I love to ask little toddlers who are only beginning to communicate with language to tell me what they remember.

I have asked adults from all walks of life to share the wisdom of their little ones, and I have included many of my own experiences with my children’s recollections in my new book, Memories of Heaven. I am more than convinced that there is much more to our lives than the few short years we are allotted here on Earth. And our young boys and girls are the ones who can offer us a glimpse into the unfathomable, infinite, invisible world that is for all of us to discover. After all, they haven’t had much time to truly forget.

My book Memories of Heaven is divided into 8 sections which beautifully evidence the existence of Heaven, Past Lives, Choosing Parents, Angel Stories and Spiritual Connections to Our Source amongst others.

Here are just a few of the thousands of stories I received from parents whose children are very much aware that they chose them.

One night at dinner, our younger foster/adopted son(he was around four years old) started talking at great length about his life “in the stars” and how he had all these brothers and sisters who lived there. He said he’d seen my husband and me from there and tried to get our attention many times but we never could see him, so he decided to be born through his mom so we could find him.

My husband and I were floored to say the least. I’d had a few miscarriages after my first son, so once my younger son told us what he’d seen, I knew his soul had been trying to come in through me even though my body was not able to do it.

– Melissa Held-Wegner
Longmont, Colorado

My son was around age four when we were playing our game of “I love you more because…”
I told him, “I love you more because…I love you beyond infinity, around the moon two times, around Mars, and touching every star on the way back to you.” Pretty great answer, right? I had him beat. Or at least I thought I did.

Very seriously, my son placed his hands on either side of my face, locked his crystal blue eyes with mine, and said, “Mommy! I love you more because I picked you while I was in heaven.”
Needless to say, he won the game.

– Shari Rightmer
Taft, California

At the age of five, my younger son announced out of the blue that he had chosen my wife and me to be his parents. Intrigued, my wife asked how he had done this. He matter-of-factly stated that while he was in heaven before he was born, he had been allowed to go through one door to pick his parents, and through another door to select his brothers and sisters. We were not churchgoers, and have no knowledge of his having obtained this idea from any external source.

– Robert J. Rinne
Orthez, France

My son constantly talks about how excited he was as a baby in my belly, waiting for me; how scared he was to come out; and how happy he was to finally see my face. I always thought he was being creative.

He had hearing problems as a child, which were remedied with a surgery. When he came out of the anesthesia, I sang to him. He grabbed my face, eyes wide, and said, “Mommy! Your voice is so beautiful! This was the voice I chose!” Again, I thought he was just telling stories, Hearing other people share their experiences makes me think there was more going on than I thought, though.

– Erin Michelle Threlfall
Brooklyn, New York

When my daughter was about three years old, she mentioned in a conversation that she liked it when she was in heaven! I was a little sad that day because she had told me that she wished her daddy was home with us, like other children (we got divorced when she was a newborn).

Then she said, “But that’s okay, because I knew it would be like this.”
I asked her what she meant by that, and she answered, “Mommy, when I was in heaven, I picked you. And I knew we were going to be alone, so that’s okay. Don’t worry, Mommy, I love you so much.” That was so amazing for me to hear.

– Elsie Farfan
Henderson, Nevada

Have a conversation with your children and ask them why they would have chosen you if they had that opportunity even before they were born. These kinds of questions can stimulate fascinating and compelling discussions that could lead to improving your relationship with your children, regardless of their current age. If you are the parent of a toddler, I encourage you to be open to anything that your child might say, particularly if they offer any clues that they remember being on the parental-selection committee while still residing exclusively in the world of Spirit.
I would encourage you to examine what possible motive you might have had in picking your own parents as well. At one time in my life I couldn’t have imagined why I would had picked my own father, a man who abandoned me as an infant, and who was an irresponsible drunkard who spent a great deal of time chasing women, stealing, and being incarcerated. I spent a great deal of my life searching for this man with a heart filled with anger and even rage.

However, it was at his gravesite ten years after his passing that I began to understand why I ultimately came to address my father as “my greatest teacher.” It was in forgiving him and overcoming my inner fury that I was able to align with my true calling. Perhaps, just perhaps, I picked my father in order to experience the healing power of love, and to become a teacher of higher consciousness, which includes forgiveness as a major tenet.



Topics: Heaven, reincarnation

« How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You: In 15 Steps

Could We Reincarnate with the Same Family? »


Buck Collins says:

August 10, 2016 at 10:26 am


Buck Collins says:

August 10, 2016 at 10:26 am


Buck Collins says:

August 10, 2016 at 10:26 am

🙂 heaven

Donna Divall says:

January 30, 2016 at 10:54 am

When my daughter was about four she told me that she had fallen into my mouth one day when I was singing!

Nancy Malone says:

January 18, 2016 at 3:09 pm

Nancy Malone
I am currently reading “Memories of Heaven” and so inspired by the memories of these children. I too had the same experience with my grandson Tyler who I adopted. Tyler told me when he was around 4 or 5 that he also looked down from heaven and “picked me.” He later told me about the angels that were all around and that he could see, even one sitting next to me in the car. Of interest, especially today, was something that he told me when he was around 6. He was invited to my neighbor’s home with their son, who he frequently played with, to come and celebrate Martin Luther King day at their home with them. When he later came home I asked him what he learned about Martin Luther King and he told me that he already knew him because he met him in heaven when he just popped in one day! I asked Tyler if he could tell me what God looked like and he said “oh you can’t see him because the light around him is too bright.” Tyler will be 23 this year and I fully believe that he did meet Martin Luther King in heaven and did remember being with God. He, of course, has no memory of this at this time.

Richard James Norton says:

January 9, 2016 at 8:39 pm

As an adult of 50+years I still have a complete pre-life memory. I do not talk about it but I feel that it is creative to mention it here as this is positive and valid.

Bergmann Theresa says:

November 9, 2015 at 4:24 am

I read this book. What a nice surpise to read about things that I had heard from my own kids. When my son was three his father and I had divorced and his dad had moved in with his new girlfriend. My son had told me he was unhappy and wanted to live with the other mom. I had assumed that he meant his dad and girlfriend, now I am not so sure.
In a separate incident my daughter, age 3, had just attended the funeral of her grandfather. The following day we went to the grave site. While looking at the stone she said, “He is not here.” I told her, “you are right he is in heaven.” she said, “No, he is at the top of the hill talking to some people.” Not only was I taken by surprise, but I also thought, “that would be just like him to be yacking.” So we walked up the hill where she saw him and when we got there she told me he is was not there anymore. So, she guided us to where he stood last. I was stunned to realize that we were standing on the gravesite of my uncle who had died long before any of my kids were born which was also I place I had never been to and was not aware it existed there at all.
Two weeks later we went again. I wanted to see if she would have that connection with him again. That experience was very different. She screamed and cried that something bad was there. I believed and we left.

Bmanuel Martins says:

October 28, 2015 at 12:54 am

Truth shall spring up from the eath,
and justice shall look down from heaven above.
God will grant abundant grace;
earth will spring up with boundless life.
Blessings flow every before him
to prepare his way.
May God bless all humanity.

Patricia F. Harper says:

October 20, 2015 at 6:54 am

My grandson an only child always spoke about his brothers, 4 of them. They enjoyed lots of time Together, everyday. He was round 3 at the time. He said that him and his brothers went to a cafe and sat and spoke about stuff. He loved his brothers so much. He stayed home with a nanny and when we got home and asked how his day was, he’d reply very exciting, I played all day with my brothers, but now they gone. Never said where they lived. One day walking through a store, there was an older man, he turned around, looked at this stranger and said, Gran, that’s one of my brothers. I said, really, and he said yes, can I go and say hello to him. I said, of course you can, very surprised, he went up to the old man, and said, hello my brother….The guy was pleasant and said hello but carried on walking away, and my little grandson, kept shouting The him, hello my brother. The guy was confused. Needless to say my grandson was very happy and chatted away about the old man. AMAZING

Andrea Hutson-Jones says:

October 12, 2015 at 4:24 pm

I was driving my car and could see my daughter reflected in the rear view mirror. She was aged two at the time, and seated in her car seat. She was staring intently at me, then said “I think I’ll keep you”. It was such an odd thing for a small child to say , but I believe she did choose us to be her parents.At the age of four her Grandmother passed away and some days later she told us she had seen Grandma in a rainbow outside of the bedroom window. We can learn so much from our children!

Beverly Wheeler says:

October 12, 2015 at 1:25 pm

When my 6 year old grandson was just an infant we noticed that he would often turn his eyes and face towards the ceiling in one corner ofbthe room and look there so intently…sometimes he’d smile…I told my son and his wife he was looking at an angel…he is such an intuitive little boy…I’ve kept him ancestors he was 3 weeks old and he loves me very much…he told me one day that he had chosen his Mommy and Daddy when he was in Heaven so he would have me as his grandma…my heart melted…no matter how much Time he spends with me, when he leaves and we give our goodbyes….after a minute or two he will know n the door or ring the bell and rush in to gibpve me yet another sweet hug and kiss…and will walk away looking back at me blowing kisses…Hemis one of 12 grandchildren…two younger..and I adore each of them…and know I was meant to be their grandma!

Steven Schargel says:

September 29, 2015 at 9:40 am

I once had an experience of going back before I was born and knowing it did not matter if I incarnated in the belly of a suffering woman in a poor village because it is just a passing unreal dream

Pat Whitaker says:

September 21, 2015 at 3:25 pm

My dad died when I turned 16….years later when my youngest was about 4, she often talked of her grandpa..I thought how cute, but one day, actually on the date of his death, she told me several things about daddy, curious I asked mom about all the things she had told me…I was shocked as mom confirmed everything Susan was telling me…I absolutely know she was with daddy before she came here…<3

Jacqueline Strachan Laughlin says:

September 20, 2015 at 3:55 pm

Today my son is 41, how could that have happend? As we celebrate with our birthday brunch a bit after I once again tell him about the birth story and labor or some aspect of the story he never tires of hearing as long as I don’t share too much with friends…I will ask him that question. .. why would he have chosen me?? Thanks

Linda Quinn Slaughter says:

September 19, 2015 at 4:25 pm

My daughter told me (when she was about 2 1/2 to 3) that God told her to be “good” when she came to earth. I asked where we were when He told her that and she said “at the hospital waiting for me”. She was too little to make this up and I’ve always thought it was interesting because as parents we often say “be good” when our child is going to be away from us.

Susan Wolfe Mercer says:

September 19, 2015 at 4:25 pm

I first experienced this when working with young children with mental health challenges (preschoolers) and had these types of conversations with them. I was a teacher, not a therapist, and I often have wondered if this was all interconnected in some way. They would tell me about when they were “big” before they came to this plane. Amazing!

Terri Leman says:

September 19, 2015 at 12:40 am

My daughter, Brie Wallace, told me that she “choosed” me. When I asked her where she was when she choosed me, she said, “In Heaven”. I think she was about 3 at the time and it was all the proof I needed.

Shari Willis says:

September 18, 2015 at 6:10 pm

It does my heart good to hear these stories. When I first got my foster son he was just five and he ran into my arms and said “I’m the baby boy you lost.” We never spoke of that child we lost to anyone. How would he have known that? I looked into his green eyes and he smiled and his dimples sunk in just like mine and his eyes were just like my husbands. I knew he was coming from a place of spirit. He now is 14 and has no memory of that sweet day. We adopted him a year after that.

Who cares for babies in heaven?

God has special care for all babies, even the babies of unbelieving idol worshipers.

Will we Recognise each other in heaven?

Christians who know and love each other on earth will know and love each other in heaven.

Where do unborn babies go?

Amniotic Sac: A thin-walled sac that surrounds the baby during pregnancy. The sac is filled with amniotic fluid which is a liquid made by the baby and the amnion (the membrane that covers the fetal side of the placenta). The amniotic sac protects the fetus from injury and helps to regulate his temperature.


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