Botox touch up after 3 weeks

31st January 2017

  Category: Botox Injections

You’ve decided to turn back the hands of time and try Botox. By now, you should’ve found an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon to carry out your treatment. This is the most important step, as not all “Botox providers” are created equal. In the hands of the wrong person, your Botox injections could produce far more harm than good, and/or be a waste of your time and money.

Beyond finding a skilled plastic surgeon, there are a few helpful instructions to follow if you want to maximize your results. Taking the following measures before and after Botox will facilitate a better Botox experience as well as better Botox results:

Before Botox:

While Botox is not a surgical procedure, it still deserves some preparation.

Confirm that Botox is right for you – A qualified plastic surgeon will guide you into the best filler and injectable combination for your unique aging concerns. For instance, vertical frown lines between the eyebrows are effectively treated with Botox, while smile lines may be more appropriately treated by filling in lost volume in the cheeks.

Discontinue taking any medication that can cause blood thinning – This will reduce bruising. Such medicines include:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen, either generic or Advil, Aleve, or Motrin
  • Excedrin
  • John’s Wart
  • Vitamin E
  • Fish oil or Omega-3s
  • Ginko Bilboa
  • Ginseng

Skip your makeup regime – before injecting Botox, your physician will thoroughly clean and sanitize the skin. Therefore, you can save yourself the time and effort and go natural for your appointment that day.

Be ready to ask questions – it is perfectly accepted and encouraged for patients to ask questions about their specific Botox treatment. You may want to know how many units you are getting? How long will it last? Is there a charge if you need a touch-up or if it wears off quickly?

After Botox

What you do after Botox can impact how well it takes and how long your results last. In general, follow these rules for the first 24 hours:

  • Don’t touch, rub or massage the injected area
  • Don’t exercise
  • Don’t drink lots of alcohol
  • Don’t get a facial or chemical peel
  • Don’t take blood thinning medications
  • Avoid laying down for the first 4 hours

Remember that Botox takes about 2 weeks to see your results. If you are not satisfied with what Botox did for you by then, schedule a follow-up with your physician. A minor touch-up may be needed. In addition, if you experience any surprising or unwanted side effects from Botox, call your physician immediately. Botox is considered a safe and highly favorable alternative to plastic surgery.

For an elite facial plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills who does Botox injections, call Dr. Ben Talei. You can expect natural, balanced and attractive results!

Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 S Spalding Dr, #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 288-0641

24/36/48 month payment schedules

The effects of a Botox procedure are not immediately apparent – results start to appear two to four days after treatment and continue to develop for a week or two afterward. There is no hard-and-fast rule – Botox simply affects people differently, and naturally, the quantity of Botox administered is also a factor.

Experienced practitioners are typically conservative in the choice of how much Botox to administer – it’s easy to reapply small quantities afterward if needed, but if the initial dose is too large you may have no choice but to wait for the effects to gradually fade away. The effects of a Botox treatment typically lasts anywhere from three to five months, so you could have a long wait.

Touch-ups are also often needed to maintain perfectly symmetrical results – it can be difficult to predict exactly the effect of a Botox injection, so practitioners will often plan on applying additional small doses of Botox after the primary treatment, to correct for small differences in muscle behavior, and to adjust for any unbalanced or unnatural looking results.

Using Other Procedures to Augment Botox

It’s also possible to combine the use of Botox with other non-invasive or minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures. Dermal filler products can be used alongside Botox, to supply additional bulk beneath the skin, or to contour and enhance facial features. If you choose a practitioner who’s experienced in both procedures they will be able to help you achieve results beyond what is possible using only Botox or dermal fillers.

When is it Time to Repeat the Procedure?

When you see the effects of your Botox start to diminish, typically by the slow reappearance of fine lines and wrinkles, or by your skin starting to loosen up and look less smooth, it will be time to make another appointment to have your Botox re-applied. Here too it’s difficult to predict the delay between treatments – your experience and results will provide the best guide here. Four months is often given as the best estimate for how long Botox will last, but this depends very much on each person and their expectations.

How to Maximize the Period Between Touch-Ups

You can do several things to help prolong the effects of your Botox and delay having to re-apply it. We recommend avoiding sun exposure – direct as well as indirect and applying sunscreen as part of your daily regimen. Regular use of moisturizers can help to keep your skin looking youthful, and delay the need for Botox to be applied. A healthy and well-balanced diet, keeping active, and trying to reduce stress can all contribute to a healthier complexion.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in performing both Botox and dermal fillers procedures. We can provide expert advice on the best techniques to address your particular concerns and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of non-invasive cosmetic procedures and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

Can Botox wear off in 4 weeks?

For the majority of patients Botox generally lasts three to four months, however anywhere from two to six months is not uncommon. Botox wearing off at six weeks is a little earlier than expected and there may be several reasons for this.

Can you get Botox again after 1 month?

The short answer to how long you should wait between Botox treatments is anywhere from three to four months for the best results. We recommend scheduling around this time frame, which is when most people begin to notice that their results begin to dissipate.

How soon can I get Botox top up?

Avoid having botox 'too' regularly – it is completely acceptable to go back for top up 2 weeks following your botox treatment. However, it is not advisable to go back 6-8 weeks following your botox treatment; the reason being; your muscles will most likely be resistant going forward.

Does Botox loosen up after a few weeks?

Answer: Botox and duration of effects Yes, for some, Botox does tend to feel stronger/tighter at around the 7 day mark but then lets up a bit after a few weeks. In general, Botox lasts about 3 months with results gradually fading over the last few weeks.


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