Does Mr Olympia allow steroids Reddit

Yeah none of those guys take steroids, its all just genetics, diet, hard work, and every GNC supplement under the sun.

Srsly how do you think Ronnie Coleman got to be so big? It's obviously because he takes protein shakes exactly 30 minutes after workouts

Most heavyweight pros are probably pushing well in to the 5 figure range.

HGH alone is probably at least 5-7k per year figuring most guys run 5-10 IU per day, and I've heard (unconfirmed) of people running up to 20 IU per day(that would be pushing towards 20k per year depending on the source)

Anabolics can vary wildly depending on what people like to run. If you were running 4-5 injectables and starting/finishing with 2-3 orals for instance, it could run you 3 grand for a 20 week bulk cycle. Compounds run during a cut(primo, anavar, etc) are typically even more expensive.

Add in cutting compounds, clen, albuterol, t3, DNP, and diuretics. Supplementary medicine for high BP, cholesterol, pain control. Don't forget bloodwork and a regular Doctor and/or drug coach visits. Plus most guys probably go through another 5-10 grand of protein and other legal supplements.

Bodybuilding is not cheap. I could easily believe the top guys would have to spend spend 20-30k+ per year on bodybuilding without being sponsored.


not all laws are enforeced equally, nor should they be. These are people that compete in a sport that has no drug testing. Or any stigma towards the use of steroids (or HGH, or cutters...etc etc)

They really arn't hurting anybody and federal agents have better things to do than to worry about them. Also, many of them could be getting these drugs legally prescribed by a doctor. If you have enough money you can find an anti-aging doctor to give you some form of synthetic testosterone.

I suggest you look up the movie "Bigger, Stronger, Faster". it is really entertaining and goes through how this culture works and how the laws have been passed that make it illegal in the USA

Very simplified: body building isn't a performance based competition. It's about aesthetics, think of a beauty pageant but for muscle bros. For beauty pageants, it's also allowed to dye your hair or to have surgery or other beauty treatments done, to have fat removed from your ass and injected it into your lips and so forth. Both can create unhealthy environments and standards, so I'm not saying it's good, but that's the reason.

That’s why I have little respect for a lot of these guys. They sugar coat and lie about everything. He claims he made those massive gains in high school naturally, BULLSHIT. Kids at my rural ass fishing town started juicing in 8th or 9th grade if they were serious about a sport and had money. Which was probably exactly what he did.

The only bobybuilder I can think of that that reallllly laid it out there was Seth Feroce

It's a wink wink nudge nudge type deal. Steroids use is banned according to the rules, but they don't test for them during competition and state that testing is random.

In reality, testing just isn't really done that often because then no one would be left to compete.


Why is it that i hear about actors and dealers being charged but i never hear about pros being hit. Or does it happen and no one makes a big deal about it.

level 1

At the pro level, they always travel with someone to carry and fetch so they don't ever get personally snagged. To much money invested to be blown on bad p.r.

level 2


· 9 yr. ago · edited 9 yr. ago

Pretty sure that they probably get pharma-grade from a doctor, so they might obtain it legally. No clue though, just a guess.

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Aren't most of the actors who get busted only busted when they try to travel internationally?

level 2

i.e Sylvester Stallone coming to aus haha

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Thats what i gather most of the time as well. So pros are fine as long as their gear doesnt leave the states?

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From what I know from talking to a few of them/others, most narco cops either don't care about steroids anywhere near as much as coke/heroin/meth/weed/E or are too busy worrying about the former to be able to cover steroids to the degree they do other drugs.

The drug trade is so widespread and complex that any network that the police will take months bringing down is practically replaced overnight.

level 1

Authorities wasting and spending their time going after the really hard drugs out pot ;)

level 2

Almost - authorities (namely the DEA) are going after the traffickers, distributors, manufactures and could honestly care less about Joe Schmoe (or the 'individual' user....of any drug). Local/state police go after drugs users/dealers in their areas because its still against the law (and better incarceration rates generally means more money for te department), but the Feds (atf, Dea, FBI) go after the "big fish".

level 1

Where I'm from, possession isn't illegal. Only the distribution/obtaining of AAS. I could wave a vial of Test and Tren in front of a narc and get away scot free... not that I would, that's stupid....

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Have you tried taking away steroids from a body builder? It's like trying to take away Thor's hammer.

level 2

Except when you take away Thor's Hammer he doesn't lose 30 lbs of muscle and look like rubber that's been stretched for too long.

level 1

I assume a lot of cops are on roids themselves....where are they going to get their gear if they bust the suppliers?

level 1

Ive always wondered this about Ronnie. No god damn way hes natty, plus the dude is a cop (which is probably his way around it).

As u/fartsmoker mentioned, almost all use mules. The fitness/supp companies have dumped to much into their athletes to let anything happen to them which in turn would damage the name brand said bodybuilder has decided to promote.

level 2

"Hey man. Wanna travel with Ronnie? Yea yea. all expenses paid... The catch? Nothing man! Just put this up your ass".


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