Does the Modern Bow do more damage in The Forest?

The REAL Problem with the Modern Bow.

As someone who is very fond of the forest i love the idea of a new ranged weapon being added to the game. The Modern Bow (according to the developers) has more range and damage than the Crafted Bow which has been around for about 60ish patches. I like this idea very much and I've wanted something like this for a while... problem is without visible stats on weapons there is no real inidcation that the Modern Bow does any more damage, whereas the range is visible by just some target practice i feel like they need to show some numbers as to HOW MUCH more damage it really does.

That being said this is the real issue. The Bow is too difficult to get for what it is. Now keep in mind like i said we dont know exactly HOW MUCH more damage the modern bow does than the Crafted Bow but the fact that in order to get the damn thing you need to enter Cave 7 (I.E. the endgame cave that you pass through to get to Sinkhole. fight off (or flee from) over a dozen canibals and atleast 2 Legsies (that i can remember) enter an off the path flooded tunnel in a water filled room that you dont even NEED to pass through AND you need the Rock Climbing Axe AND the Rebreather to get the damn thing is just too much for the average player to bother with.

Naturally I have alot of time and experience with the game so it wasnt hard for me but the modern bow doesnt need this type of limitation... The Katana, Flintlock, and Chainsaw are all much easier to get and are arguably better weapons than the bow but i guess it depends the situation. That being said I hope the developers move the bow somewhere more convienent as I feel most people who just wana pick up the game will do 1 of 3 things.

1. Complety miss the Bow because its in an off the path flooded tunnel inside a flooded room that you dont need to go through.

2. Figure out where it is and not want to bother because its too tedious and end up forgetting it by the time they beat the game.

3. Find it as they're going to beat the game and have no time to actively test it to determine if they like it or not.

This message is mainly for the developers but i hope my points rain true for alot of ears.

Crafted bow damage with crafted/bone/modern arrows 14/16/22
Modern bow 22/25/35
For reference, Armsy has 300 health on hard survival.

Yes, Crafted bow shoots faster. It has lower base damage, although headshots are instakills, so if you can land them consistently, it might be better against cannibals. I find it much easier to land headshots with Modern bow though, except when enemy is very close.

Modern Bow Overview

A closer look at The Modern Bow.

The Modern Bow is perhaps the most powerful weapon in The Forest. Usually, many players compare it to the Crafted Bow, but when you look at the difference, it’s evident that Modern Bow is better in the majority of departments. Suppose, you would want to know, the Modern Bow has Longer Range, Higher Damage, and Faster Arrow Speed as compared to Crafted Bow. Besides, the weapon also has more headshot ratio and less potential for arrow loss chance.

Although the stats part sounds immensely convincing, it does have its consequences. Unlike the Crafted Bow, Modern Bow cannot be made through resources; instead, it’s hidden, and you will have to locate it. This isn’t all that hard because we have a perfect guide for finding “Modern Bow” in the segment below.

Modern Bow Location

Cave Location.

The Modern Bow is located inside the Chasm Cave.

Getting inside isn’t easy, and to clarify it further, you need a rebreather alongside a climbing hatchet to begin your experience. Further, weapons are essential since you will run over certain mutants and savages, preventing you from arriving at the Modern Bow.

Once inside the cavern, head down, murder the savages with the Ax, and you will see a wooden square that would have a Christianity sign painted. Separate the blockade, and keep on pushing ahead. Presently you will see an immense pit hole that would have a few water streams and edges to head down beneath. Utilize these edges, and reach the bottom. You will require the climbing Ax at a certain point; however, In case you didn’t bring one. Switch to Godmode, and you will be able to fly without taking any damage.

After you arrive at the base, you will run over one way, so keep heading towards the North. In transit, there will be a few savages, and more Barricades, which would then end with an immense open space, that would have a few stalagmites. I ran away from these through the rebreather because they could be really tough to kill. Likewise, look on the right, and there will be a small blue hole. Swim inside this and head down below.

As the swimming journey ends, you will come across a small island.

This will have a few cargo boxes, looking like that of Cast Away, and close to one of these. You will locate the Modern Bow, which could be snatched through Button E.

Equipping The Modern Bow.
The Forest – Modern Bow.

The Modern Bow might have more enriching features and slight brutality. This doesn’t ultimately make it different from other Bows in the game. It does have a few specific characteristics which are very easy to identify.

One of the Modern Bow’s key elements is that the more you hold the arrow while shooting, the further it shall go. It also has an easy headshot feature allowing you to land arrows on the head more easily. The range also differs slightly; hence, it’s not recommended to switch between Crafted and Modern Bow because both weapons have a completely different meta. Besides, make notes that the Crosshair of Modern Bow is inaccurate due to the arrow’s midpoint curve. This further results in inaccuracy, but as I said, you need to practice a lot before getting used to the Modern Bow.

Last but not least, the basics are still there. Hit the Combat/Attack-Button, and the Modern Bow will be drawn into your hands. Likewise, you can hold to aim with the right mouse button and subsequently release it to fire the bow. Depending on your key-maps, You can also switch between different arrow types through the R button. The weapon isn’t classified into Throwable or Upgradable and features Max Stack of 1. You can use the normal Arrow, Modern Arrows, Poison Arrows, Bone Arrows, and to unleash Hell, also the Fire Arrows.

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Is there a Modern Bow in The Forest?

The Modern Bow is located inside the Chasm Cave. Getting inside isn't easy, and to clarify it further, you need a rebreather alongside a climbing hatchet to begin your experience. Further, weapons are essential since you will run over certain mutants and savages, preventing you from arriving at the Modern Bow.

Which arrow does the most damage in The Forest?

Bone arrows do 40% more damage than regular arrows. Bone arrows, like all other arrows, are capable of head shots. This will most likely instantly kill a cannibal if it strikes them in the head.

Is the crossbow or Modern Bow better?

As the bow is shot, the string on a conventional compound bow pushes the arrow more than twice the distance as when a crossbow is shot. Therefore, to produce the same arrow speeds, a crossbow must have more than twice the draw weight of a compound bow.


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