How do I fix over encumbered?

How do I fix over encumbered?

Getting the message that I am carrying too much, including the forced slow down, but I am not actually? It goes away when I actually look at my carry weight. I have a lot of mods but I’ve kept the same ones for a while and never experienced this. Anyone else experience this?

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Fallout 3 (PlayStation 3)

How do I get rid of this overencumbered status?

  1. Well I want to know how do i get rid of this overencumbered status because I can't run or fast travel and I need to do both to solve a quest. I want to know how to get rid of that status.


  1. Or if you have multiples of items (armor, clothing, weapons), you can repair them to lessen the weight.

    2   0

  2. you have too many items in your inventory. Just throw stuff you dont use often out.

    2   0

  3. And just in case you didn't notice the instructions on the screen ...
    When in your inventory (Pip-boy), press the square button to drop the currently highlighted item

    3   3

  4. u got really many heavy items....drop them.
    Then at the top of your pip boy it says (ex: 22/20)
    that means ur carrying 2 much

    0   1

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Hey, I came across a glitch I need help with. My character gets over encumbered any time I load into the game, every time I go into a door that loads into another map, or when I rest or wait.

It's super annoying. The only way around this glitch, I've found, is to go into my inventory and drop a single item. Usually I drop an arrow or a potion, just to pick it back up again and move on. To be clear, my character is not over encumered. I am below the weight limit. This bug is game breaking, not to mention emmersion breaking.

Is there any way to fix this without starting a new character? All my saves are infected with this glitch. I've even uninstalled and reinstalled the game, to no change. Suggestions?

also: in a unrelated note, I have no mods installed because when I try to view the mod load order at the mod menu (by pressing Y), I get shown back to the main menu screen as if I had pushed B. Does this happen to anyone else?

Your character is carrying more than your carry weight. This will slow you down, and may cause you injury.— Fallout Tactics in-game description

Encumbered or Overencumbered is a condition in Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76.

The player character gets this condition when the weight of items in the inventory exceeds the maximum Carry Weight.


  • Character cannot run (moves slowly).
  • Character is noisy (Sneak affected).
  • In Fallout Tactics, the character may cripple.
  • In Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4 the character cannot fast travel and moves slowly.
  • When playing on Survival mode in Fallout 4 the character will also suffer -2 points to Endurance and Agility, as well as take periodic damage.
  • In Fallout 76, fast travel is disabled but player characters can still run at the cost of AP.


This condition is removed when the weight of the inventory drops to or below the carry weight limit.


  • The Fallout: New Vegas perk Long Haul allows fast travelling even when the Courier is overencumbered.
  • The Fallout 4 perk Strong Back allows the Sole Survivor to carry more weight, and if upgraded, they are able to retain the ability to run (but not sprint) in exchange for Action Points and fast travel when over-encumbered. In Survival mode, instead of allowing fast travel, Strong Back rank 4 eliminates the periodic damage effect of being over-encumbered.
  • Various Fallout 76 perks will reduce the weights of certain types of items, including ammunition, weapons, and junk. Various perks, as well as clothing items, armor mods, food and chem buffs may also increase Carry Weight directly or indirectly by increasing Strength.

v · d · e

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How do I fix over encumbered?
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How do I fix over encumbered?
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How do I get rid of encumbered in Skyrim?

Besides simply dropping excess items, Skyrim players can drink potions to temporarily increase their carry weight. They can also dump points into Stamina so their character can carry more items, and of course, they can always leave gear they're not actively using in storage at their home.

What does over encumbered mean?

adjective. /ɪnˈkʌm·bər/ prevented from making quick progress by having to carry heavy objects or deal with important duties and responsibilities: She was encumbered by concern over her husband's health.

How do you fix over encumbered in Oblivion?

The easiest immediate solution to becoming over encumbered is to simply drop something heavy. Another, more agreeable permanent solution is to raise the character's Strength score when leveling up.

Can you fast travel while over encumbered in Skyrim?

Yes, drinking a potion that fortifies your carry weight will allow you to fast travel, provided that you do so before the effect expires and the potion's effect is strong enough such that while under its effect you are no longer over-encumbered.