How do you know if a number is an angel number?

Have you ever wondered What is my angel number? Or have you been noticing the same number patterns popping up everywhere lately? Then this article is for you.

We will talk all about angel numbers and their meanings. Including 3 undeniable ways to discover your angel number. We will discuss the meanings of common number patterns. And how you can trust your intuition when it comes to spiritual signs such as these.

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What is an angel number?

Your angel number is a number that feels spiritually significant to you. Often, it is a number connected to your name or birthday. Or it can be a sequence of numbers that you see repeatedly over a period of time.

Numbers you see repeatedly are most often communication from your angels. When you see your angel number, it is a positive and supportive sign.

Your angel number could be connected to your numerology life path number, but not always. Your angel number may have special significance such as “lucky 777”, or it may appear random to you at first. Additionally, you may have more than one angel number.

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What do angel numbers mean?

Angel numbers are a sign from your angels. These numbers appear when your angels want to show support, boost your confidence, guide you, or affirm something to you.

Angel numbers often appear as signs that you are on the right path. Or that your thought process is correct/good.

Angel numbers can signify new beginnings. Such as the start of a new relationship, or an opportunity on the horizon.

It’s incredibly common to start seeing angel numbers as you become more awake spiritually. Regardless of your religious beliefs. As your connection to the Divine grows stronger, your angels start to reveal themselves more and more. Angel numbers are just one way that angels show signs they are near.

Related: 17 Signs Angels Give to Reveal Their Presence

By now you’re probably wondering ok… What is my angel number then? And how do I know my number for sure?

Here are three ways you can discover your angel number.

1. Calculate your angel number with numerology

Often, our angel numbers are connected to our numerology life path numbers. For example, my numerology life path number is 1 and my primary angel number is 111 or 1111.

To find your numerology life path number, the steps are easy. Simply add up the number for your birth month, birth day, and birth year. Then further reduce that number with addition until you have a single digit. For example, December 12, 1995 would be 1+2+1+2+1+9+9+5 = 30. Then 3+0= 3.

If your numerology life path number boils down to the double number 11, 22, or 33, that is rare. Those double numbers are known to be master numbers. People with master numbers are thought to have special gifts of heightened intuition, intelligence, and extra potential in life.

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2. Find your angel number in your name

Another way to discover your angel number is to examine the numbers in your name. With A=1, B=2 and so forth, add up the numbers of your first, middle, and last name. For example, Ann Lee Jones would be 1+1+4+1+4+1+2+5+5+1+0+1+5+1+4+5+1+9 = 51= 5+1= 6.

You should also note connections between your numerology life path number and name number/s. For example, my first name letter is K=11. With 1 being my numerology number as mentioned before.

3. Intuit your angel number

Intuit means to feel or know, using your intuition.

If you are seeing certain numbers or number patterns frequently, then know that these numbers are jumping out at you for a reason. These kinds of numbers are undoubtedly your angel numbers.

You may also favor a certain number. If you feel strongly for any reason about a certain number, consider it your angel number. Maybe you decided years ago that 8 was your number and you have no idea what brought you to that conclusion. Well, now you do.

Ultimately, to know if what you are seeing are angel numbers, trust your intuition beyond anything. I’m at the point where I’m more skeptical of things being a “coincidence” than I am skeptical that something is a sign from my angels or spirit guides. More on trusting your intuition in a moment.

Related: 111 Questions to Ask Your Spirit Guides

Which is your angel number if your birthday and name numbers are different?

Your angel number can be found in any of the three methods listed.

Often, a birthday numerology number is different than a name number. It is up to you to use your intuition to decide which number feels more relevant to you. Of course, you may have more than one angel number. 

As an example, my numerology number is 1, and my name equals 9. But I don’t sense 9 to be relevant at this time. I do consider 1 my angel number because I see 111 and 1111 everywhere, all the time. Also, 9+1=10=1+0=1, so it all still comes down to 1 for me.

To help your intuition decide, set your intention to receive a sign from the universe. Start noticing what numbers are popping up.

Related: Seeing Triple Numbers All the Time? Meanings of Repeating Angel Numbers

Places you may find angel numbers

It’s common to see your angel numbers appear anywhere and everywhere. Especially once you are aware of them. You may see your numbers on:

  • Clocks
  • License plates
  • Street signs
  • Stickers
  • Receipts
  • In the media
  • And many more places

You may also hear the numbers spoken. It may get to a point where it feels a little extra and you just have to smile. Heyyy angels!

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Common angel numbers and meanings

111– A message that you are on the right path. You’re making correct and good choices. Love, higher self, intuition, spiritual connection. Purpose, passion, light energy.

Related: Spiritual Meaning of 111 and 1111- Why You Keep Seeing Repeating 1’s

222– Friendship, connection. You are loved and well regarded. Partnership, cooperation. A positive confirmation to trust in someone or in the efforts you are making. Your efforts will not be wasted.

333– Seek balance, keep your thoughts strong and positive. Good things are in the works, especially changes. Your angels and The Universe are working behind the scenes. Forge ahead.

444– You are protected and loved. Everything is working out in your favor. A reminder to give thanks and know you are supported by your angels. A sign of spiritual growth and awakening.

555– A positive money sign. Indicates financial good fortune. Connection to sun energy, joy, and happiness. A sign to be lighthearted. Go have FUN!

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666– Stability and security in the home. Peacefulness, calm, and serenity. Balance and good health. A sign to nurture yourself and relax. *Not a negative number. More on this below.

777– A sign of luck from your angels. Excitement ahead and winning. Take a chance but keep balanced with common sense. Keep seeking your answers. Indicates strong transformative energy, especially spiritually or in matters of personal growth.

888– Good luck with finances, travel, and transportation. A sign of safety. Indicates abundance. Feeling satisfied, content, and with a full cup.

999– An angel sign of positive endings. Closure and peace. It’s ok to let go. Trust in the unknown. You are cared for, your angels are watching over you.

000– Fresh opportunity, the door is wide open. Anything is possible. Clean slate. Forgiveness. Infinity and infinite choices. You have the power to make huge leaps forward.

Are there negative or bad numbers?

There is no such thing as a bad or negative number.

Numbers were created by God, The Universe, Infinite Intelligence, or whatever name you give The Divine. They cannot by nature be anything but pure and of the light. All of existence comes down to math, numbers, and energy.

Even 666 is a good, positive number. It is a number representing a stable home life, financial security, safety, and peace. Dark forces may try and claim this number, but it’ll never be theirs in any authentic way.

If I had to paint a picture of what 6’s represent, it would look like a lovely cabin in the woods with a cozy living room and a roaring fire in the fireplace. A wooden dining table with bowls of homemade soup and freshly baked bread. A cat curled up next to you and a good book. Totally hygee. So don’t assume seeing 6’s or having them in your numerology is bad luck.

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Can angel numbers be warnings?

Numbers may be used as warnings. But it all depends on the person and their own beliefs.

In my personal experience, my angels use numbers to guide and communicate. But don’t use them as an ominous message. This is because my angels know I innerstand numbers as Divine. So, if they need to warn me they send other, clearer red flags.

If you have a negative association with a certain number, then your angels know it and may potentially use that number to warn you. Again, use your intuition. Angel signs are personal.

Trusting in your intuition & your angels

As you grow spiritually, you may have moments of doubt. You may be unsure of your interpretation of angel signs or messages. This is normal. Questioning everything is important and so is critical thinking.

It is possible to have common sense and still trust in angels, believe in spirits, and live your life beyond “the ordinary.” (Meaning what you can see with your eyes and prove through science.) You can trust in angels regardless of your religion or lack thereof.

You get to choose your own reality in many ways. As Dr. Wayne Dyer (RIP) said: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Choosing to trust yourself to receive spiritual guidance or signs is wise. Don’t hesitate to affirm your ability. Humans were born with intuition and a sixth sense for a reason. You are part of infinity and you are infinite. Claim it!

Other ways angels communicate

In addition to communicating with numbers through common mediums such as license plates and clocks, angels send messages in many ways including:

  • Feathers
  • Coins
  • Rainbows
  • Clouds
  • Things out of place
  • And many more

Read more: 17 Signs Angels Give to Reveal Their Presence

Final thoughts

I hope you enjoyed learning all about how to discover your angel number. I sure enjoyed writing what I know to share with you. As always, form your own conclusions. Please leave your comments below!

By the way ~ Did you notice the date of this article? Published January 11, 2022. I didn’t plan it that way, but just realized halfway through writing. Angels are with us. Have a lovely day!

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What do angel numbers show?

Angel numbers usually appear in groups of three and might pop up on a license plate, in a phone number, on a bill, or on a billboard. They could also appear as "split" numbers, like 3303. Angel numbers are a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence—divine guidance from angels and the universe.

Is 444 an angel number?

The angel number 444 is also associated with productivity, durability, and resolve. 444 is a sign that one should keep faith and that the angels are watching over one. They have taken it on themselves to guide one to a brighter future.

Is 1010 an angel number?

Yes, 1010 is an angel number, but it isn't an easy number to catch. It's a more obscure number sequence, but still one that packs a powerful punch. If you're seeing this number often, you're on the verge of wrapping up a major cycle in life and you're ready to start something new.


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