How do you maintain keratin treated hair?

By on September 4, 2020 in Hair, Keratin |

What to expect for the best results with your Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy (not flattening!) or Keratin Complex Express Treatment.

Please review the care recommendations in this post before you make your keratin treatment appointment to be sure you can commit to the practices and purchase any needed item.

See also:

  • Keratin Smoothing Treatment FAQs (Most frequently asked FAQ? What’s the difference between smoothing therapy and flattening/straitening?)
  • Keratin Smoothing Treatment – Seven Time Winner!
  • Keratin First-Timer


  • Get your permanent color, semi-permanent color or highlights directly before your keratin treatment. The treatment seals in the color, making it last longer and appear more vibrant.
  • Make sure no event requiring an up-do, hat, or any bands or clips is on your schedule as hair must hang loose for three days after your treatment.
  • Review your calendar to be sure nothing requiring your hair to get wet is planned for the three days after your treatment.  This includes visits to humid places like the San Francisco Bay, our coast, and aquariums.
  • Check the weather forecast.  Keratin treatments are fine for rainy days, but you’ll definitely want a rain coat with a loose hood and an umbrella.
  • Tell your house mates that your hair must not get wet for three days after.
  • Keratin treatments are not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
  • Stock up on sulfate-free shampoo and conditioners. More on this below.


  • Please allow a two- to three-hour window for the Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment and a one-hour window for Express Blow Out.
  • Bring some entertainment (you won’t be able to wear earplugs.)  Magazines, books, tablet, check your e-mails, play Sudoku, etc.
  • Know that you (your stylist, and other Halo guests) are safe.  We use Keratin Complex brand.  No formaldehyde or harmful chemicals.


Care during the 72 hours after your treatment (eight hours for our express keratin treatment) is key for optimal and the longest-lasting results.  The means three days of strict adherence to these guidelines:

Do not get your hair wet!

  • When you shower, use the absolute best shower cap. The Dry Diva brand – available at every Halo location – has never let us down.
  • If you work out and/or sweat, get to a dryer asap.  Blow-dry and flat iron with medium to low heat as soon as possible.
  • No swimming, not even with a swim cap.
  • No saunas, baths, hot tubs, steam showers, skiing, skating.
  • Carry an umbrella and a loose rain hat, or even a plastic shower cap, everywhere if rain or fog is in the forecast.
  • When you wash your face or brush your teeth, use a shower cap or spa band to hold back your hair.  Long hair can get tucked into the back of your shirt to prevent it from falling into water.
  • We offer several brands – including Keratin Complex – of dry shampoo, which may be used in small doses.  But if you can stand it, embrace your three-day hair as it naturally is.
  • Repeat, do not allow your hair to get wet!  H2O in all forms – liquid, gas, even solid – is your enemy.

No kinking!

  • Avoid making any impressions on the hair from clips, ponytail holders, hats, or sunglasses.
  • Resist the urge to tuck your hair behind your ears.
  • No up-dos with bands or clips.
  • No braids.
  • At night, sleep with hair loose.


The Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment lasts up to five months, and Express Blow Out up to six weeks, depending on lifestyle, maintenance and adherence to all aftercare instructions.

Using shampoos that contain sulfate will ruin your Keratin treatment. To maintain your results, you must use sodium chloride-free hair products.  We recommend and carry Keratin Complex brand Keratin Care Shampoo and Conditioner and Keratin Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner.

We recommend that the hair be cut after the treatment, as the hair will have a smoother texture and will lie differently.

We recommend waiting at least two weeks before coloring your hair.

The hair will be more manageable and easy to style, and will be resistant to humidity. It will feel noticeably softer and silkier, with added life, shine and vibrancy.

It is quiet apparent about your hairstylist giving you sufficient tips on how to take care of your keratin treated hair. Nevertheless, we ought to throw light at the gaffes that you probably might not take care enough of.

1. Using the Drugstore Shampoos:

Your freshly keratin treated hair calls you for utmost care. You cannot and you should not use any shampoo that comes your way. Keep yourself away from the drugstore shampoos for at least three months. Your keratin treated hair, now, needs gentle shampoos with micro keratin. These will contribute to the progressive enhancement of the treatment, thus, holding them on with their freshness for a longer period. The two blatant ingredients that you should check and avoid in your shampoos are –

  • Sulfates:

Sulfates are the surfactants that would squander the natural oil from your hair and scalp. It is a sudsing agent that can strip hair. Not just this, it would also assassinate the acid mantle – a layer that helps maintain the health of your scalp and keeps it free from bacterial infections.

  • Sodium Chloride (Salt):

Salt is gritty, alkaline, and abrasive. It has sodium packed in it that is used as a thickening agent in shampoos. The salt or the sodium chloride in shampoos will dissolve the keratin coating/layer and call the bets off, prematurely.

Recommended Products:

2. Stow Away the Clarifying Shampoos:

Clarifying shampoos are the best bets for the pre-keratin treatments. This is because the clarifying shampoos helps get rid of residues and impurities. The clarifying shampoos aids in the quick absorption of keratin. Having said that, the clarifying shampoos are never to be used after keratin treatment, but only before. This is because the clarifying shampoos work at high pH. They would open the hair cuticles and support deep cleansing. When the hair cuticles are open, the alkaline water would dissolve the keratin and allow them a space to escape through the hair shafts. Hence, you do away with your keratin treatment before time.

After keratin and color treatments, it is always recommended to work your hair with gentle shampoos that has low pH levels. They would seal and tighten the hair cuticles, thereby, extending the life of the expensive treatments you’ve had taken.

3. Keep Your Head Baths to Minimum:

Keratin treatments are never permanent. They would wash out gradually, depending highly upon your head bath counts. Yes! This might sound gross but that’s the truth about it. The key to extend the life of your keratin treatments is to wash your hair less. To keep your hair clean as well as refreshed without using water, you can get your way by the dry shampoos. They have to be your best bet, indeed. On the days you skip your head baths, spray dry shampoos to the hair roots, twice in a day. Not only it extends the timeline of your keratin treatment, but also it saves your time while letting your hair smell divine.

Please note that despite it being fine washing the hair three days after a keratin treatment, the freshly keratin treated hair are malleable and still requires the time to set into your hair properly.

Recommended Product:

4. No Hair Styling For Upto 2 Weeks:

Hair styling and of course the hair accessories, to hold them up, would go hand in hand. And because, the use of any hair accessory, from pins to rubber bands, can leave you hair with lines and demarcations, you’re never advised to do any kind of styling. Not even a simple updo or a ponytail, for at least two weeks. To extend the timeline of your keratin treated hair, you’re suggested to keep your hair straight and down as much as possible.

5. Do Not Touch Your Hair Frequently:

If you touch your hair strands a way too much, you are unintentionally manipulating them and running a risk to kink them up. Also, this makes your hair feel greasy. And when that would happen, you’ll get an urge to wash them now and then. And so girls, keep your tresses down and straight, unbothered and nonchalant.

6. Do Not Tuck Your Hair Behind the Ears:

If you tuck your fresh brazillian behind your ears, you’re inducing them to create unwanted crimps and creases. Do not bunch up your either the way for at least the first two weeks.

7. No Rubber Bands For At Least Two Weeks:

If you keep your freshly keratin treated hair up using a rubber band, that would end up kinking your hair – making them look patchy, straight and sleek in some parts while crimped and curly on the other.

As it was mentioned above, during the first few weeks of keratin treatment, the hair are malleable and any styling that you whip them to would cause them to retain in that shape. And this, then, would be hard to undo. Keep your hair straight and down for at least two weeks until the keratin blends in fine, we repeat!

8. No Clips or the Bobby Pins:

You’re strictly prohibited to using any clips or pins for at least two weeks. Do not forget that your hair are still adjusting. The use of the pins during this period may lead you to experiencing hair breakage.

9. Do Not Hold Your Hair Back With Headbands, Sunglasses, or The Hair Clutchers:

If you hold those fresh brazillian hair back with headbands, sunglasses, or the hair clutchers; you ain’t really behaving nice ane polite with your hair.

10. Do Away With Heavy Oils:

Heavy oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil, et cetera nestle deep into the hair follicles to provide moisture.

When on one hand it is a win-win thing. On the other hand, it is absolutely absurd to use them during your Brazilians. Why? Because this would eventually require you to use a lot of shampoo to wash the oil out. The more shampoo and water you use to wash out thw oil, the more you wash out your keratin as well.

The first two weeks of your keratin treatment is a transition period. Show some patience at least for the said period. If oiling is your life you cannot do without which, Hale and Belle would recommend you use a lightweight keratin infusion oil in the meantime.

Recommended Products:

11. Avoid Hair Color for First Three Weeks:

If you wish to get your hair colored, get it done before the Keratin treatment. That’s an ideal time, indeed. The keratin helps seal the color nicely and also, it creates a protective layer that keeps your color from fading.

However, if you color your hair after the keratin treatment, you might fail at achieving the desired result. The reason to it is that post-keratin, it gets real hard for the color to penetrate into your hair. If you minds kicks you for a hair color after the keratin treatment, we recommend to get it only after the first three weeks of the keratin treatment.

Recommended Read: The Ultimate Hair Colour Guide You Would Want to Read Before Your Next Appointment

12. Refrain Hair Bleaching:

Bleach is yet another hair slaughterer. It is accerbic and corrosive in nature that leaves your hair feeling fried and grouchy. The highlights, blondifications, balayage or any other treatment of the kind is always recommendeded to be taken before your keratin treatment. The highlights/blondes followed by the keratin treatment will indeed make them even more radiant.

13. No Overdos at The Gym, Please:

Vigorous workouts at the gym will lead you to sweating. And then, that would lead you to head baths. Even if you bring in dry shampoos to your rescue, the sweat on your scalp would, meanwhile, interfere with the keratin treatment setting in. To stay clear of all the hassle and inconvenience, you’re suggested to reschedule and restart your gym routine after two weeks of the keratin treatment.

14. Refrain Swimming for the First Two Weeks:

Hale and Belle tells you this aloud – do NOT swim for first two weeks. You just CANNOT. The chlorine in the pool water will dissolve the keratin in no time! This is why it is strongly suggested to stay away from the swimming pools and don’t let your hair get anywhere near chlorine for at least two weeks after the keratin treatment. Or otherwise, you’ll land up your hair in a big mess. A mere one dip is enough for the same.

15. Do Not Sleep On Cotton Pillows:

Cotton creates creases in the hair. Also, they would pull off all the moisture from your hair, thereby, leaving them up dry and frizzy. This is not it. The cotton fabric creates a friction that leads to the development of tangles and knots. If you dream of waking up like Cinderella, beautiful and with the smooth and tangle-free hair; do invest in the silk or satin pillowcase.

Satin and silk would neither strip your hair off with any moisture nor would it create any friction. Thus, alleviating hair breakage.

16. No Beach Sprays, Please!

The beach sprays have salt in them to help your hair get that beachy waves texture. Beach sprays are, nevertheless, to be avoided as much as one could. Keratin Mist Spray is indeed your best bet for light-hold hair styling.

Recommended Product:

17. Keep Your Hair Away from High Heat:

Hair experts strongly suggests shampooing the hair with lukewarm water, and follow the rinse with cool water instead. The cool rinse shuts the hair cuticles, thus, preventing the frizz and the tangles. However, make sure you shampoo your hair with ‘tepid’ water only and not hot. Hot water will thaw and dissolve your keratin .

18. Do Not Dry Your Hair With a Regular Towel:

Any regular, coarse textured towel would create creases to your hair, also leading them to damage. Use microfiber towel to soak your strands instead. A microfiber towel is soft and quick absorbent. It helps soak the excess water out of your hair easily, without needing you to rub the towel against the hair. These towels doesn’t create friction, thereby not leading your strands to any creases or frizziness.

19. Don’t Bombard Your Hair With the Hair Styling Products:

Post your keratin treatment, your hair strands have a protective layer been created. The styling products like hairsprays, gels, or the mousse cling to the strands, thus, leaving a residue behind. The more styling products you use, the more you build-up a residue on your strands. The more residue build-up is, the more head baths you would call for, thus, fading your keratin layer prematurely. Seeing to this, you’re not recommended to use hairstyling products to tame your hair into a shape and style.

Recommended Read: 15 Best Heat Protectant Hair Sprays For Every Girl Who Loves Styling Hair

20. Do Not fix Your Kinks Using a Brush:

To keep your hair tidy and settled, don’t rely on your regular hair brushes. You’re suggested to rather use a boar bristle brush in the morning and at the bedtime. The natural bristles of ot would help detangle your hair gently, stimulating your scalp in the meantime. Also, it won’t create friction or cause any damage to the hair.

Now that you’ve learned the post-keratin care tips, we’re sure you wouldn’t end up with keratin treatment disaster. If this article was to your help, do not forget to leave your feedback in the comment box below.

Do and don'ts after keratin?

After Keratin Treatment.
Use Prescribed Shampoo..
Apply Conditioner..
Install a Shower Filter..
Don't Tie or Twist your Hair..
Don't Undergo Other Hair Treatments..
Don't Over Wash Your Hair..

How do you make keratin last longer?

Applying a moisture-rich conditioner on dry hair will reduce swelling during hair wash and prolonging the Keratin Treatment results. After cleansing, follow up with the prescribed conditioner or masque.

What can ruin a keratin treatment?

Swimming in chlorinated water or salt water (such as a pool or the ocean) can cause the results of a keratin treatment to wear off sooner. You should use shampoos and conditioners that are free of sodium chloride and sulfates because these chemicals can strip away the effects of the treatments.

How long does keratin hair treatment last?

Upkeep: After you get a keratin hair treatment, and after the don't-wash waiting period, you should use sodium-sulfate-free shampoo to help maintain the treatment. How Long It Lasts: Expect the results to last two to 2 1/2 months.