How do you say chin in spanish

.: 205 Conserving Historic Landscape in Expectation of Revival—A Case in Taiwan Min-Chin KAY CHIANG (Netherlands) Visual integrity of historic urban landscapes

Ref.: 205 Conserving Historic Landscape in Expectation of Revival—A Case in Taiwan Min-Chin KAY CHIANG (Países Bajos) Integridad visual de los paisajes urbanos históricos

I therefore wish you all the strength and wisdom you will need to keep your chin up over the next couple of years, and I look forward to reading similar memoirs by yourself in due course.

Por lo tanto, le deseo mucha fuerza y sabiduría para mantenerse firme en su cargo y espero poder leer más adelante también unas memorias parecidas de su mano.

Chin National Front decried drastic shortage of medicines while Chin people die of malaria and dysentery.

Chin National Front denunci� la dr�stica escasez de medicinas mientras el pueblo chin muere de malaria [...]

The endoscope may also assist in the

[...] positioning of cheek and chin implants.

El endoscopio tambi�n puede asistir en la

[...] colocaci�n de implantes de ment�n y p�mulo.

[...] putting your fist under your chin.

[...] poniendo el pu�o bajo su barbilla.

There are four trophy heads by the figure's

[...] head, one at its chin and three over [...]

Junto a la cabeza de la figura hay cuatro cabezas-trofeo, una

[...] junto a la mandibula y tres sobre [...]

For extra shock protection, or protection against spills from below DC-Guard may

[...] be used with a chin protector.

Para protecci�n extra frente a impactos o salpicaduras desde m�rgenes inferiores asimismo, DC-Guard permite

[...] acoplar un protector de ment�n.

I therefore wish you all the strength and wisdom you will need to keep your chin up over the next couple of years, and I look forward to reading similar memoirs [...]

by yourself in due course.

Por lo tanto, le deseo mucha fuerza y sabidur�a para mantenerse firme en su cargo y espero poder leer m�s adelante tambi�n unas memorias parecidas de su mano.

[...] notice rhythmic movement that begins at the edge of the baby's chin and travels down her/his throat as baby sucks and swallows.

Mientras el beb� succiona y traga, tambi�n se observa un movimiento r�tmico que se inicia en el borde de la barbilla del beb� y llega [...]

Using the brush, apply the powder to the apples of cheeks, bridge

[...] of nose, forehead and chin.

Usando la brocha, aplicar el polvo suavemente a las "manzanas" de las mejillas, al caballete de la

[...] nariz, a la frente y al ment�n.

It consists in a folliculitis

[...] which compromises the chin area in men and women [...]

and the groin and legs in women and spreads


quickly due to the effects of shaving and scratching; it tends to be associated with eczema.

Consiste en una foliculitis que

[...] compromete el �rea de la barba en el hombre [...]

e ingles y piernas en las mujeres y se disemina


r�pidamente por efecto del rasurado y el rascado; suele asociarse a eczema.

Torticollis is a twisted neck in which the head is tipped to one side, while the chin is turned to the other.

Es la reducci�n de la distancia y direcci�n normales a trav�s de la cual se puede mover una articulaci�n.

Five serpentine bands issue from the chin, and two trophy bodies are suspended [...]

from the sides of the head.

De la mand�bula salen cinco tiras con formas de serpientes, y de los [...]

lados de la cabeza cuelgan dos cuerpos trofeo.

The smart VDG camera can quickly analyse a face and


break it down into a number of features, such as the shape and position of the

[...] ears, eyes, nose, mouth, chin and forehead.

La c�mara VDG inteligente analiza r�pidamente un rostro a


partir de ciertos rasgos,como la forma y la posici�n de las orejas, los ojos, la

[...] nariz, la boca, la barbilla y la frente.

Fat may be trimmed or suctioned

[...] from around the neck and chin to improve the contour.

La grasa podr� ser cortada o succionada en el

[...] �rea del cuello o del ment�n para mejorar el contorno facial.

Facial plastic surgery can accomplish everything


from refining the shape of the nose to lifting loose skin and

[...] eliminating fat beneath the chin for improved facial contour.

La cirug�a pl�stica facial puede lograr todo, desde afinar


la forma de la nariz hasta estirar piel suelta y eliminar

[...] la grasa de abajo del ment�n para mejorar el contorno facial.

Skin folds: apart from in chubby children who have a large fold

[...] of skin under the chin, the fold of the [...]

Los pliegues de la piel: excepto en ni�os llenitos que tienen un pliegue

[...] grande bajo la barbilla, el pliegue del [...]

cuello pocas veces se ve afectado.

Injections on the chin, eye area and cheeks are [...]

Las inyecciones en la barbilla, el �rea de los ojos [...]

y las mejillas son usualmente menos dolorosas.

Dr Chin proceeded to provide [...]

the meeting with more detailed information on the eleven presented projects.

A continuaci�n procedi� a [...]

ofrecer a la reuni�n informaci�n detallada sobre los once proyectos propuestos.

Begin with your forehead and

[...] slowly descend to your chin, making sure to concentrate [...]

on your temples for a rapid and lasting effect.

[...] baje suavemente hasta el ment�n insistiendo en las sienes [...]

para un efecto calmante inmediato y duradero.

This causes the head to turn and tilt

[...] to one side, and the chin to point to the opposite side.

Esto ocasiona que la cabeza se incline

[...] hacia un lado y la barbilla apunte al lado opuesto.

The areas treated included the chin and lip.

[...] tratadas inclu�an la barbilla y labio.

When applying sunscreen, don't forget to apply it

[...] under the nose and chin where those rays [...]

will hit, and wear goggles or sunglasses with UV protection.

Cuando se ponga protector solar, no olvide aplicarlo debajo de

[...] la nariz y en la barbilla, lugares que afectar�n [...]

los rayos, y use tambi�n gafas de


seguridad o de sol con protecci�n UV.

Sometimes the duty rests upon the person exercising the right; a common saying is that your right to swing your

¿Cómo estás mean in english?

¿Cómo estás? is perhaps the most common greeting question in Spanish, and after hola (hello), the most used Spanish greeting. It literally translates as “how are you?”, but it implies many other things. Sometimes it isn't even used as a proper question, but just as another way to say hi.

¿Como dice el dicho Meaning in spanish?

Como dice el dicho (translation: As the saying goes) is a Mexican anthology drama series produced by Genoveva Martínez for Televisa.


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