How do you say cooking flour in spanish

What does Harina mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Flour is translated in Spanish by...

La harina (f)

Example Sentences in Context.


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water for every 2 lbs of flour Procedure for making mass of "plantillas": - Mix boiling water, flour, and margarine in large bowl.

3 libras de harina 3 cucharadas de sal 2 [...]

barras de margarinas � 1? barra de mantequilla 2 tazas de agua hervida por cada


dos libras de harina Procedimiento para hacer la masa de las plantillas: - Hechar agua en olla grande y hervirla.

Add flour and cook over gentle heat for two minutes stirring constantly so as to but not allow it to burn.

It was later determined the substance was .

Reduce the heat and add the flour, pimenton and salt, stirring continuously for 1 minute to and make a roux.

By the way, the two most commonly used conversational Spanish phrases for “in other words” are “O sea” and “Es decir.”

Por ejemplo (for example) . . .

Es decir, yo tengo ganas de comer helado de fresa. (In other words, I feel like
eating strawberry ice cream).

Back to my American-style breakfast of pancakes . . .

But I noticed this morning that I did not have any pancake mix. Yes, they sell pancake mix and “jarabe” (syrup) in Colombia 🙂 But very few people here in Medellin eat Pancakes. They prefer to eat “arepas” for “desayuno.” Mainly, the Colombians who have traveled to the States eat pancakes.


How To Say Batter In Spanish

So I decided to make my pancake “masa” (batter) “desde cero” (from scratch — literally “from zero”). You can also call a homemade batter “masa casera.” “Casera” coming from the Spanish word “casa” which means house.



How To Say Flour In Spanish

But when I took out a bag of “harina de trigo” (wheat flour) from the “armario de cocina” (kitchen cabinet), I noticed that the bag of “harina” (flour) had tiny little black bugs or beetles in it.
That’s when I realized that I had a very interesting Spanish word to share with you today:


Those little black “insectos” (also known as “weevils” in English) which are found in pancake mix, cornmeal, and flour are called “gorgojos” in Spanish.



“Cuando yo era pequeño,” (when I was little), I remember seeing “gorgojos” in the Jiffy cornbread mix at home.

A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


a. la harina

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).

What is the English meaning of harina?

Noun. harina f (plural harinas) flour.

Is harina flour in English?

It literally translates to “dough flour.” This naturally gluten-free flour is used to make tortillas and tamales. It's different from corn flour or cornmeal because the corn is soaked in lime water. (It's a solution made with calcium hydroxide, not the green citrus fruit.)

Is it LA or El pierna?

(the) leg — (la) pierna.


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