How do you say i love you aunt in Spanish

Te quiero, tía Mel, pero si nos hubiéramos ido juntas a la secundaria, no creo que nos hubiéramos soportado.

I love you, aunt Mel, but if we'd gone to high school together, I don't think we would have hung out.

Auntie Noy vowed to stop buying lottery tickets and helped her husband to get rid of his drinking habits.

Ella se hizo el prop�sito de dejar de comprar billetes de loter�a y ayud� a su esposo a librarse de su alcoholismo.

The next day, Auntie put money in [...]

Non's hands and ordered a taxi to take him to the Lao Embassy in Bangkok.

Al d�a siguiente, la t�a le dio dinero [...]

y pidi� un taxi para que lo llevara a la Embajada de Laos en Bangkok.

[...] in the slightest bit interested in the Christmas card to auntie Maria who lives up the mountains.

Las tarjetas de Navidad a personas que viven en zonas alejadas no les interesan en lo m�s m�nimo.

If parents are working, the auntie or grandparent who brings the child takes over the job.

Si los padres est�n trabajando, la t�a, o el abuelo que lleve al ni�o a la escuela se ocupa de hacerlo.

[...] movie-scope device in Aunt Nell?s closet reveals something very special about great Auntie!

El encuentro de un viejo cinemascopio en el armario de la T�a Nell revela algo muy especial!

Her "Auntie" and partner [...]

overheard her telephone conversation, and that marked the beginning of her disclosure.

Su t�a y su pareja escucharon [...]

su conversaci�n telef�nica y eso marc� el inicio de su proceso de revelaci�n.

She hid with her auntie, but she saw it all.

Aunque estaba escondida junto a su t�a, vio todo lo sucedido".

Her Auntie and mother both [...]

supported her immediately, but the rest of her family has turned their back.

Su t�a y su madre la apoyaron [...]

de inmediato, pero el resto de su familia le volvi� la espalda.

She decides not to and explains to the educator: "I am going out to give

[...] the drawing to Auntie Ana, and will [...]

Decide no hacerlo y explica al educador: "Voy fuera a dar

[...] un dibujo a la t�a Ana y volver� en [...]

She hid with her auntie, but she saw it all.

Se ocult� con su t�a, pero lo vio todo".

Lebrijano is not only Dorantes's

[...] uncle, or his "auntie" as he jokes, [...]

but also his number one fan.

Lebrijano no s�lo es t�o de

[...] Dorantes, o su "tita" como el mismo [...]

bromea, tambi�n es su mayor admirador.

Meanwhile, the entire village

[...] was inspired by Auntie Noy's determination [...]

and followed her example in keeping account of their spending.

Mientras tanto, la determinaci�n

[...] demostrada por Auntie Noy sirvi� de [...]

inspiraci�n para los habitantes de toda la aldea, que


siguieron su ejemplo de llevar la cuenta de los gastos.

[...] that even an auntie in a shack is [...]

[...] que incluso una t�a en una caba�a es [...]

importante para los ni�os; s�lo necesitan orientaci�n sobre c�mo proceder mejor".

[...] start to say 'auntie, auntie'.

Cuando entras, empiezan a decir "T�a, t�a".

I came to live with my grandparents because the auntie I was living with couldn't take care of me," [...]

Yo vine a vivir con mis abuelos porque la t�a con la viv�a no pod�a cuidarme", dijo Arisara.

[...] numerous verses about love and beauty.

[...] versos acerca del amor y la belleza.

This is like a good love story - it is always [...]

[...] buena historia de amor - siempre vale [...]

Auntie Noy went on to learn computer skills through which she became aware of the fluctuating prices of vegetables in the different markets and learned of new varieties of cash crops, new production, marketing, and management techniques.

M�s tarde Auntie Noy decidi� adquirir conocimientos de inform�tica, gracias a los cuales se enter� de las fluctuaciones de los precios de las verduras en distintos mercados y se inform� acerca de las nuevas variedades de cultivos comerciales, como asimismo de las nuevas t�cnicas de producci�n, comercializaci�n y gesti�n.

Will love finally prevail despite this setback?

�Prevalecer� el amor a pesar de este traspi�?

Then sometimes if your friend come to you at home, if the baby see your friend after one or two years, he will tell the baby 'say hello to aunt', say good afternoon to uncle, say good afternoon to auntie.

Despu�s, si a veces un amigo viene a verte a tu casa, si el beb� ve a tu amigo al cabo de uno o dos a�os, le dir� al beb� "Dile hola a la t�a", "Dile buenas tardes al t�o", "Dile buenas tardes a la t�a".

Their debut EP showcases two original


tracks, including the one

[...] featured in the charts of Groovalizacion this month 'Chicha Love' and a version of a song by the late, great Juaneco y Su Combo.

Su estreno en EP llega con dos

[...] [...] incluyendo �'Chicha love', entre los charts del mes en Groovalizacion, adem�s de una versi�n de un tema del gran Juaneco y Su Combo.

I like sport, reading, fixing computers and, like

[...] a good Colombian, I love dancing.

Me gusta hacer deporte, leer, arreglar computadores y, como

[...] buen colombiano, me encanta bailar.

I just introduce myself," says Love, who has testified [...]

at many legislative hearings, "and tell them how the cuts will impact my family.

S�lo me presento", dice Love-quien ya ha testificado [...]

en varias audiencias legislativas-"y les digo c�mo esos recortes van a impactar a mi familia".

Suksapattana Foundation was the first to help with

[...] agriculture activities, Auntie Noy, a lower primary [...]

school graduate, learned to keep a family account.

La Fundaci�n Suksapattana fue la primera en colaborar

[...] con actividades agr�colas. Auntie Noy, graduada [...]

de ense�anza primaria de ciclo b�sico,


aprendi� a administrar las cuentas familiares.

When he was six, he asked her, "Auntie, what is the revolution?

A la edad de seis a�os, le pregunt�: �T�a, �qu� es la [...]

And my auntie said that this [...]

is a good place for me to start.

Y mi t�a dijo que este era un [...]

buen lugar para comenzar.

I can even hear the foods and savory dishes as my Auntie Zeinab prepares them, but I cannot consume them.

Incluso escucho el sonido de los alimentos y de los platos que prepara la t�a Zeinab, pero no puedo consumirlos.

You'll love how quickly this elegant and rich dessert sandwich can be made. Usually, it's important to press grilled cheese sandwiches with a spatula to flatten them, but with this one, it's important [...] [...]

not to press it, or the filling can squirt out.

Normalmente, es importante prensar los s�ndwiches de queso a la plancha con una esp�tula para achatarlos; pero, en este caso particular, es importante no hacerlo, para evitar que se derrame el relleno.