How do you start the special ants in ants underground kingdom?

The tutorial is mandatory for every account. It takes a new player from level 1 to level 8 over seven chapters.

(The tutorial should not be confused with the event "The Ants: Complete Walkthrough" which also gives players information about how to play the game but is optional.)


  • 1 Tutorial Summary
  • 2 Tutorial Script and Details
    • 2.1 Prologue
      • 2.1.1 Script (no tasks)
      • 2.1.2 Rewards
    • 2.2 Chapter 1: Newborn Colony
      • 2.2.1 Tasks and Script
      • 2.2.2 Chapter Rewards
      • 2.2.3 Total Rewards
    • 2.3 Chapter 2: Underground Threat
      • 2.3.1 Tasks and Script
      • 2.3.2 Chapter Rewards
      • 2.3.3 Exploration Rewards
      • 2.3.4 Total Rewards
    • 2.4 Chapter 3: Food Crisis
      • 2.4.1 Tasks and Script
      • 2.4.2 Chapter Rewards
      • 2.4.3 Exploration Rewards
      • 2.4.4 Total Rewards
    • 2.5 Chapter 4: Evolution and Mutation
      • 2.5.1 Tasks and Script
      • 2.5.2 Chapter Rewards
      • 2.5.3 Exploration Rewards
      • 2.5.4 Total Rewards
    • 2.6 Chapter 5: Prepare to Fight
      • 2.6.1 Tasks and Script
      • 2.6.2 Chapter Rewards
      • 2.6.3 Exploration Rewards
      • 2.6.4 Total Rewards
    • 2.7 Chapter 6: The Ground
      • 2.7.1 Tasks and Script
      • 2.7.2 Chapter Rewards
      • 2.7.3 Exploration Rewards
      • 2.7.4 Total Rewards
    • 2.8 Chapter 7: Rise of Kingdom
      • 2.8.1 Tasks and Script
      • 2.8.2 Chapter Rewards
      • 2.8.3 Total Rewards

Tutorial Summary

#Chapter TitleQueen LevelTasksBuildings‡RewardsLevel of ControlTiles†Prologue1n/aBuilder Ant Habitat I

1st Worker Ant Nest

noneOnly able to follow prompts231Newborn Colony251st Leafcutter

1st Plant Flora

3200 plant

1500 fungus

5 speedups (1 min, general use)

Only able to follow prompts312Underground Threat25Guardian Ant Nest

Sentinel Tree

3000 plant

4500 fungus

1 diamond resource item (50)

2 speedups (5 min, general use)

Only able to follow prompts423Food Crisis35Builder Ant Habitat II

Feeding Ground

1st Woodlouse Colony

Native Fungi

1st Spring

8,500 meat

4,300 water

13,000 plant

10,000 fungus

10 speedups (1m, building)

2 fungus resource items (2.0k)

Near complete control. Upon discovering locations for Task-related buildings, player will be limited to prompts until completing the Task.

Player gains access to chat, settings, full build menu.

1474Evolution and Mutation461st Wet Soil Pile

1st Aphid

Evolution Fungi

Toxic Fungi

16,000 meat

1,000 water

10,000 plant

10,000 fungus

9,000 wet soil

11,000 honeydew

5 speedups (5m, general use)

1 Primary Egg

Near complete control.1965Prepare to Fight561st Sand Pile

Special Nest

Shooter Ant Nest

Rally Center I

8,000 meat

1,000 water

5,000 plant

20,000 fungus

17,000 wet soil

4,200 sand

15,000 honeydew

5 Kiwi Honeydew I

Near complete control.

Player gains ability to purchase resources via the resource header or from a build/evolve window, but does not have direct access to the Pack Shop.

2456The Ground66Entrance

Alliance Center

Ladybug Habitat

Troop Camp

Troop Tunnel

10,000 meat

5,000 plant

10,000 fungus

22,200 wet soil

23,000 sand

10,000 honeydew

50 diamond

15 spores

Near complete control.

Player gains access to Mail, Tasks, Benefits, and Pack Shop. Player can join an Alliance.

2947Rise of Kingdom86Special Ant Habitat

Pro Rally Center

Class Building

15,000 meat

21,700 wet soil

16,700 sand

10,000 honeydew

Complete control.

Player gains access to preset layouts.


† Total tiles in colony, including immobile tiles such as the Queen and resource locations.

‡ Only buildings built as part of the tutorial are listed. Additional buildings are unlocked but do not have to be built.

Tutorial Script and Details


No opening quote

Script (no tasks)

<Player has only the queen>

The first colony of Worker Ants have been hatched. A larger space is needed for survival.

<Player is prompted to dig several tiles to the left, and the [[Builder Ant Habitat]] is uncovered.>

It's a great place for a Builder Ant Habitat

<Player is prompted to finish building the Builder Ant Habitat.

With a builder available, Worker Ant Nest can be built to hatch more Ants.

<Player is prompted step-by-step to build a Worker Ant Nest.>



Chapter 1: Newborn Colony

Vitae non estendunt vel festum, Arto sitos adflictus est

(Life is not a spectacle or feast, It is a predicament)

Tasks and Script

#TitleRequirementsRewardScriptCan be done out of order?Chapter lead-inTo help the larvae grow faster, a special resource, Fungus, is needed.1Expand the HillFollow prompts, dig two tiles200 plantnoneNo2LeafcutterFollow prompts, build level 1 Leafcutter200 plantLeafcutter Ants requires plants to produce fungi. Continue to dig and see if plants can be found.No3Plant FloraFollow prompts, build level 1 Plant Flora400 plantFound Hawthoria here. Start to gather now.

Plant: Plants are an essential resource for the Anthill. Ants cultivate the cut plants to produce fungi needed by the larvae, thus promote Anthill development.

No4Supply Leafcutter with PlantFollow prompts, supply Leafcutter with Plant400 plantLeafcutter Ant can cultivate fungi now with plants.

Fungus: Cultivated Fungi are essential to Anthill development. Leafcutter Ant can cultivate plants into fungi.

No5Upgrade the Queen to lvl 2Follow prompts, upgrade Queen to level 2. You must use a diamond to instantly complete the Queen's upgrade; you cannot start it normally.500 plantWith enough food, larvae start to grow. The Queen and the ant colony also become stronger and stronger.No

Note: Except Task 1, you cannot claim Task rewards in this Chapter until all tasks are done.

Chapter Rewards

  • 1500 plant
  • 1500 fungus
  • 5 speedups (1 min, general use)

Total Rewards

  • 3200 plant
  • 1500 fungus
  • 5 speedups (1 min, general use)

Chapter 2: Underground Threat

Afronte praecipitium a tergo lupi

(A precipice in front, wolves behind)

Tasks and Script

#TitleRequirementsRewardScriptCan be done out of order?Chapter lead-inThe colony is on the right track, and more space is required for development.1Woodlouse ColonyFollow prompts, dig tiles until you find the spider. The spider will kill your ants digging.400 fungusFound some scattered plants. Who left them here?

A threat may bring an end to the colony. Handle it in time.

No2Build a Guardian Ant NestBuild level 1 Guardian Ant Nest.400 plant<The screen flashes red until this task is complete.>

Time is running out. Speed up the hatch.

No3Hatch 20 Guardian AntsFollow prompts to hatch 20 (the maximum number) of tier I Guardian Ants. The game will prompt you to use a 5m speedup to hatch them instantly, but you can just wait for the timer.500 fungusNo4Eliminate the ThreatJust watch.500 plantNo5Sentinel TreeFollow prompts to dig one more hex, then build level 1 Sentinel Tree.600 fungusThe colony knows nothing about their new nest. Send some to probe.

Sentinel Ant marks the tiles of opportunities and risks


Note: Except Task 1, you cannot claim Task rewards in this Chapter until all tasks are done.

Chapter Rewards

  • 3000 plant
  • 3000 fungus
  • 2 speedups (5 min, general use)

Exploration Rewards

  • unspecified amount of plant (actual inventory does not change)
  • 1 diamond resource item (50)

Total Rewards

  • 3000 plant
  • 4500 fungus
  • 1 diamond resource item (50)
  • 2 speedups (5 min, general use)

Chapter 3: Food Crisis

Erat autem fames duxil nos ad explorandum

(It was hunger that drove us to exploration)

This chapter opens with guided prompts to attempt to build a building with no place to build it. The player then gets near-full control, including access to chat and settings.

Tasks and Script

#TitleRequirementsRewardScriptCan be done out of order?Chapter lead-inThreat eliminated. But the soldiers feed on forage. Find food and water for them.1Woodlouse ColonyBuild level 1 Woodlouse Colony400 meatNeed to dig a suitable place for this building.

Breeding woodlice in captivity can provide the ant colony with Meat constantly. Worker Ants can start to gather now!

Meat: Meat is the essential protein for ants' survival in the Anthill. The supply of meat directly determines the scale of Anthill development.

Yes2SpringBuild level 1 Spring500 waterThis little spring provides the ant colony with water constantly. Worker Ants can start to gather now!

Water: Water is essential to all living creatures. Ants are not an exception. Proper humidity also makes the living condition more comfortable for ants.

Yes3Feeding GroundBuild level 1 Feeding Ground and supply it with Meat and Water500 meatFound some husks here. Can be used for building a Dining Area.

Ant Pop.: Dining Area is where the ant colony feeds, which will constantly consumes stored Meat and Water.

Yes4Marked TilesDig to all 15 gold pings.

Three of them correspond to locations for Tasks 1-3. One also corresponds to Builder Ant Habitat II, and one to Native Fungi. You will be prompted (required) to build both both of these.

800 waterIt's a great place for a Builder Ant Habitat.


An edible Fungus Flora is found. In can be further cultivated to provide more fungi.

The Native Fungus Flora growing underground provides necessary fungi for the ant colony.

Yes5Upgrade the Queen to lvl 3Upgrade Queen to level 3.800 meatYes (requires Feeding Ground)

Chapter Rewards

  • 3,000 meat
  • 3,000 water
  • 5,000 plant
  • 2 fungus resource items (2.0k)

Exploration Rewards

  • 4,000 meat
  • 8,000 plant
  • 10,000 fungus
  • 10 speedups (1m, building)

Total Rewards

  • 8,500 meat
  • 4,300 water
  • 13,000 plant
  • 10,000 fungus
  • 10 speedups (1m, building)
  • 2 fungus resource items (2.0k)

Chapter 4: Evolution and Mutation

Evolutio lumen illuminat res omnes lineae curvae, quae sequatur

(Evolution is a light illuminating all facts, and a curve that all lines must follow)

Tasks and Script

#TitleRequirementsRewardScriptCan be done out of order?1Breed an AphidBuild level 1 Aphid800 wet soilFound an aphid larva here. It can provide precious honeydew for the ant colony after growing up.

Honeydew: Aphids provide a constant supply of Honeydew, an important strategic reserve for the ant colony.

No†Chapter lead-inA strange cocoon is found, which requires extensive preparation to be hatched.2Wet Soil PileBuild level 1 Wet Soil Pile800 honeydewThe wetland provides a constant supply of Wet Soil. Worker Ants can start to work now!Yes3Evolution FungiBuild a level 1 Evolution Fungi1000 wet soilFound an extremely strange fungus here. Something magical may happen when ants eat ripe fungi. Cultivate it carefully.

Evolve: The spherical fungus growing underground offers unexpected evolution effects.

Yes4EvolutionStart the evolution of Rapid Butchering1000 honeydewNo‡5Upgrade the Queen to lvl 4Upgrade Queen to level 41200 wet soilYes6Marked TilesDig to all 11 gold pings.

Three of them correspond to locations for Tasks 1-3. One also corresponds to Toxic Fungi. You will be prompted (required) to build this.

1200 honeydewFound a seedling of toxic fungi here. When it ripens, it entices enemies to eat so as to protect the Anthill.Yes

†Task 1 is completed prior to the chapter lead-in.

‡Task 4 is completed with Task 3 in the same prompt sequence.

Chapter Rewards

  • 6,000 meat
  • 6,000 wet soil
  • 8,000 honeydew
  • 5 speedups (5m, general use)

Exploration Rewards

  • 10,000 meat
  • 1,000 water
  • 10,000 plant
  • 10,000 fungus
  • 1 Primary Egg

Total Rewards

  • 16,000 meat
  • 1,000 water
  • 10,000 plant
  • 10,000 fungus
  • 9,000 wet soil
  • 11,000 honeydew
  • 5 speedups (5m, general use)
  • 1 Primary Egg

Chapter 5: Prepare to Fight

Alea iacta est

(We fight! It's now or never!)

Tasks and Script

#TitleRequirementsRewardScriptCan be done out of order?Chapter lead-inAll preparations are done. The cocoon can now be hatched.

<Player is prompted to build the Special Nest and perform one Normal Hatch before continuing to the chapter title screen. This hatch guarantees a Black Ponerine.>

No1Unlock New AreaPlace Entrance. (You will not be able to complete the building at this time.)1200 wet soilA natural crevice connecting the Anthill and the World. Just a little change can turn it into an entrance to the World.

The ants are not ready to explore the outside world.

No2Sand PileBuild level 1 Sand Pile1200 sandSands are flowing down from the top constantly. Worker Ants can start to gather now!

Sand: Sand is an excellent construction material to maintain Anthill structure. It can provide a dry environment for ants.

Yes3Build a Shooter Ant NestBuild level 1 Shooter Ant Nest

Start hatching 80 (the maximum) tier I Shooter Ants

1400 wet soilFound a place suitable for a Shooter Ant Nest, which can be used to hatch Shooter Ants for ranged combat.

Shooter Ant: The place to hatch Shooters. They attack with their bodies and spray corrosive formic acid with toxicity, so it's better not to mess with them.

These Shooter Ants spray formic acid to kill enemies at a longer range. Feel more secured when exploring the World.

Yes4March Rally CenterBuild level 1 Rally Center I

Place level 1 Guardian Ants in first Troop slot

Place Black Ponerine in first Special Ant slot

1600 sandA flat open place with many creatures' skeletons. Just a little change can turn it into a place for rallying troops.

March Unit 1: Ant Troop needs to be prepared in the Rally Center before exploring the dangerous wild. March Unit is unlocked when a Rally Center is built.

Ant Troops can be rallied in the Rally Center. Go to set units to explore the World.

Echelon has been set. Only under the comand of Special Ants can soldiers fight.

Yes5Upgrade the Queen to lvl 5Upgrade Queen to level 51600 wet soilYes6Marked TilesDig to all 10 gold pings.

Three of them correspond to locations for Tasks 2-4. One also corresponds to 5 Kiwi Honeydew I. You will be prompted (required) to use one of them to upgrade Black Ponerine to level 3.

1600 sandKiwi Honeydew is Special Ants' favorite food!

The ant grows stronger with Kiwi Honeydew


Chapter Rewards

    • 8,000 meat
    • 10,000 fungus
    • 8,000 wet soil
    • 10,000 honeydew

    Exploration Rewards

    • 00 meat
    • 1,000 water
    • 5,000 plant
    • 10,000 fungus
    • 4,800 wet soil
    • 5,000 honeydew
    • 0 diamond
    • 0 speedups (
    • 5 Kiwi Honeydew I

    Total Rewards

    • 8,000 meat
    • 1,000 water
    • 5,000 plant
    • 20,000 fungus
    • 17,000 wet soil
    • 4,200 sand
    • 15,000 honeydew
    • 5 Kiwi Honeydew I

      Chapter 6: The Ground

      Vita est iter ignotus ad explorandum

      (Life is a voyage of discovery)

      Tasks and Script

      #TitleRequirementsRewardScriptCan be done out of order?Chapter lead-inAll preparations done. Time to go out.

      <Player is prompted to build Entrance, then to view the surface.>

      The outside world is full of treasure and danger. "Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre."†

      No1Hunt lvl 1 Wild CreaturesFollow prompts to hunt level 1 Ladybug.1600 wet soilAnt Troop has marched. Go back to develop your Anthill first, and check the result later in the email.No2Unlock New AreaClick the lock icon just north of the Entrance(or its original location).1600 sandAlly with other colonies to survive. But first, Alliance Center has to be built.No‡3Alliance CenterBuild level 1 Alliance Center

      This will be prompted immediately following Task 2

      1800 wet soilAlliance: You can receive Alliance Help and claim Alliance Salary after joining an alliance. Helping each other and developing together are the key to success.

      Build Alliance Center to join an alliance.

      No4Join or Create an AllianceJoin or create an alliance.

      This will be prompted immediately after Task 3, but the player can exit out and come back to this task later.

      1800 sandYes5Upgrade the Queen to lvl 6Upgrade Queen to level 62000 wet soilYes6Marked TilesDig to all 13 gold pings.

      Three of them correspond to the Ladybug Habitat, Troop Camp, and Troop Tunnel. You will be prompted (required) to build these.

      2000 sandExcept for Nests, Habitats are also needed. This is a suitable place.

      Mutation and Enhancement: Preview Ant Troop detailed info, and they can be mutated and enhanced here.

      Habitats can show all of the hatched Soldier Ants and promote Soldier Ants.


      Found a ladybug larva here. It might bring some unexpected benefits when raised up.

      Resource Exchange: Bred by ants, the ladybug carries numerous resources for trade. Excess resources can be traded into Honeydew or other resources.

      The Ladybug is leaving now, but it will return with resources to give thanks.


      To attack Wild Creatures by rallying with allies, a Troop Tunnel is needed.


      †This line, translated as "The wind is rising! . . . We must try to live!" is from the French poem Le Cimetière marin by Paul Valéry.

      How do you start up a special ant?

      Players can build Special Ant Nest after the Queen reaches Lv. 4. Use different levels of Mutant Egg in Special Ant Nest to randomly hatch Special Ant or receive Superior Honeydew.

      What are the codes in the ants underground kingdom?

      All The Ants Underground Kingdom Codes.

      Is the ants underground kingdom pay to win?

      Kinda. The Ants: Underground Kingdom takes the basics of a city builder and gives it a very original flare. This creates an entertaining and time consuming game. However, pay-to-win options and an overabundance of tutorials takes a toll.