How long does it take to skydive by yourself

Are you ready to become a skydiver? Skydiving in Australia might look daunting at first glance, but it’s not as big a (spiritual) leap as you might imagine. In your heart, you know if solo skydiving is for you. So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this! Your license for solo skydiving is much closer than you think. From there, ad astra: The AFF course with Ramblers is recognised worldwide, so you’ll be able to continue your skydiving career at other Australian and plenty of overseas dropzones.

How Many Jumps Until I Get to Jump Alone?

If you’re defining “solo skydiving” as the act of getting out of a plane wearing your very own parachute, then congratulations! You’ll be starting with a Tandem (it’s called the “TAF Stage 1” jump in Australian skydiving terms) and then you’ll be “solo skydiving” on your second AFF jump.  When you do yours, you’ll be accompanied by two instructors holding onto you (but you won’t be clipped to anybody else). 

How long does it take to skydive by yourself

From the first jump, you’ll be on the way to completing the full AFF course. The AFF (“Accelerated Freefall”) course has been meticulously designed to bring absolute beginners with no experience and none of their own equipment to the point of self-sufficiency in solo skydiving (as defined by the regulations of the Australian Parachute Federation). You’ll learn all the necessary freefall skydiving and parachuting techniques with a hefty side helping of safety.

How Many Jumps Does it Take to Graduate AFF?

The easy answer: A minimum of 9 formal training jumps. Each of these will see you leaving the plane at 14,000 feet over the ground, so you’ll rack up about a minute of freefall on each one before you pull your parachute.

How Long Will it Take to Learn How to Skydive?

Well, gosh: that depends on you. The most efficient (as far as cash and time) is to commit to an AFF package. That’ll make sure you’re on target to do at least 3 jumps a day — which is super-helpful especially in the beginning, when your brain will be highly saturated with information and you’ll be grateful for the full immersion. Many of our packages include accommodation, as well, for an extra focus boost. The full course — a 10-jump package — takes just 4 days to complete.

How long does it take to skydive by yourself

What’s the Most Fun, Most Efficient, Best Way to Learn How to Skydive?

So glad you asked. At Ramblers, we’ve created a 7-10 day package that will not only get you skydiving solo, it’ll be the holiday of a lifetime to boot! It’s aptly named the “Addiction’ package, and it not only includes all 9 formal jumps of the AFF course (and 11 extra skydives!), it wraps in full video coverage of the whole shebang, all gear hire (including discounted cheaper gear hire for 12 months after the package is completed), membership to the Australian Parachute Federation, your very own logbook, on-dropzone accommodation in a private room, skydiving goggles and a dandy T-shirt.

Ready to make this your year to skydive solo? Heck yes! We conduct student training seven days a week at our beautiful Toogoolawah dropzone in Queensland. Advanced booking is essential, so please contact Skydive Ramblers for details.

How long does it take to do solo skydiving?

In our Accelerated Freefall program (AFF), you will begin with an extensive 4-6 hour class and begin your solo 'category' jumps. Once you complete each category, you will be cleared to solo status. However, you will need 25 total jumps before you earn your A License and become a certified skydiver.

Can you skydive for the first time by yourself?

The short answer is no. Skydiving alone requires a license, and it's also a crucial part of becoming a skydiving instructor. If you're not licensed — especially if you're jumping for the first time — you'll have to jump as part of a tandem skydive with an instructor.

How many times do you have to skydive before you can do it solo?

After you've logged 25 jumps and shown the required skills, you'll be eligible to apply and test for your USPA 'A' license. This means you are a qualified skydiver and are clear to jump solo without supervision.