How often do sheep have 3 lambs?

Polypay breeding group

Romanov ram

Laparoscopic AI

Pregnant ewe

Newborn lambs

Licking her lambs

10 year old ewe with quads

May lambs

Yearling Katahdin mom

    Mary had a little lamb . . . or two Spring lambing
    Mother Nature meant for sheep to mate in the fall so that lambs would be born in the spring when the weather is mild and the grass is plentiful. This scenario offers the best chance for lambs to survive and thrive. Of course, it also creates a food supply for young predators that are born in the spring.

    Ewes are mostly "short-day "breeders. When day length becomes shorter (in the fall), this triggers the ewe's brain to release hormones that jump start her reproductive system. The further away from the equator the sheep breed originated, the more likely it is to exhibit these seasonal breeding patterns.

    Conversely, sheep breeds developed in the tropics or nearer to the equator are less likely to display seasonal breeding patterns. Breeds in the U.S. that have less seasonal breeding patterns include the Dorset, Rambouillet, Polypay, Karakul, Merino, Finn, and hair sheep.

    Ewes are also called "seasonally, polyestrus" because their reproductive cycle is controlled by the photoperiod (season) and they come into heat (estrus) every ~17 days (until they become pregnant), but only during their fertile period. Photoperiod is the relationship between light and dark in a 24-hour period. In fact, it is possible to manipulate the photo period and "fool" ewes into thinking it's fall and time to breed.

    During their fertile period, ewes will come into estrus (heat) every approximately 17 days until they are bred or their fertile period is over. Only during estrus will a ewe allow a ram to mate her. The duration of estrus is 24 to 36 hours. A ewe in heat will seek out the male. She may sniff, lick, or nuzzle him. She may fan her tail. The classic behavior response of the ram when he detects a ewe in heat is to lift his nose in the air and curl his upper lip. This is called the Flehmen response. Many mammals exhibit the Flehman response.

    First-time moms
    Though it depends upon breed, nutrition, and management, ewes can become mothers by the time they reach their first birthday. This is okay if the ewe lamb has achieved approximately two-thirds of her mature size (weight) before being bredand is fed and managed separately from the mature ewes. Thus, for some producers, it is commonplace to breed well-grown ewe lambs when they are 7 to 9 months of age. Other producers wait until their ewes are 18 months old before breeding them to lamb as 2 year olds. Different breeds of sheep reach puberty (sexually maturity) at different ages.

    A healthy, mature ram can probably mate 100 (or more) ewes during a breeding season, though a ratio of 1 mature ram to 35 to 50 ewes is more common to make sure lambing is not too spread out. Seven to 8 month old ram lambs that have achieved approximately 50 percent of their mature size can be used for breeding. Ram lambs are usually put in with fewer ewes, 15 to 25. It's best not to mix young rams with mature rams. Some rams may show a preference for ewes of their own breed or kind and vice versa.

    Artificial insemination
    Artificial insemination (AI) is less common and much more difficult in sheep than other livestock for several reasons. The ewe has a more complicated cervix than other animals, making it difficult to pass a standard insemination rod through her many cervical rings. Ewes show fewer visible signs of estrus, making heat detection more difficult. A teaser ram is often used to detect heat or timed insemations are done, after the ewes have been prepped with artificial hormones. However, good conception rates are possible when ewes are inseminated with fresh semen deep into the vagina. Good results can also be achieved if frozen semen is injected into the uterine horns via a surgical procedure called laparascopy. Trans-cervical AI requires special equipment and is still being perfected for sheep.

    A ewe is pregnant for 142 to 152 days, approximately five months or slighter shorter. Pregnancy is also called gestation. Since ewes gestate for only five months, it is possible for them to lamb more often than once per year. While annual lambing is most common, lambing intervals of 8 months are also realistic, especially in the tropics and with breeds that are less seasonal in their breeding habits. Cornell University has developed the STAR lambing season, in which ewes have the opportunity to produce lambs five times during a three year period.

    Extra food
    During her last month of pregnancy, a ewe needs extra nutrition because her lambs are growing rapidly inside of her and her mammary (udder) tissue is developing. Approximately 70 percent of fetal growth occurs during the last month of pregnancy. The growth of the fetus(es) also reduces the ewe's rumen capacity, making her require a more-nutrient dense diet, especially if she is carrying multiple fetuses.

    If a ewe doesn't get enough feed during late pregnancy, she may get sick because her unborn lambs are taking most of her nutrients. Thin and fat ewes and ewes carrying multiple fetuses are most prone to a metabolic disorder called pregnancy toxemia (or ketosis), caused by an inadequate intake of energy (calories) during late pregnancy. For this reason, it is common to feed some grain during late gestation. On the other hand, if a ewe eats too much feed, especially grain, during late pregnancy, she may have trouble delivering her lambs because they may get too big to fit through her pelvic cavity. Fat ewes are also more prone to having problems at lambing time.

    It is usually recommended that ewes be vaccinated during late pregnancy for the clostridial diseases that most commonly affect lambs: Clostridium perfringens type C & D (overeating disease) and tetanus. Clostridial diseases are caused by gram positive bacteria that are commonly present in the environment and/or the gut of the sheep.

    By vaccinating the pregnant ewe, the lambs acquire temporary, passive immunity when they drink the colostrum, the first milk produced by the ewe after lambing. In fact, a pre-lambing vaccination is the only way to protect lambs against type C enterotoxemia and to provide protection for early docking and castration, though anti-toxins can be administered to provide immediate, short-term immunity.

    Periparturient egg rise
    A ewe's natural-acquired immunity to internal parasites (worms + coccidia) is weakened around the time of lambing. Scientists call this phenomenon the "periparturient egg rise." The periparturient egg rise often occurs at the same time hypobiotic (inactive) worm larvae are resuming their life cycles in the spring. Thus, it is a common practice to deworm ewes during their last month of pregnancy. A dewormer that is effective against hypobiotic larvae should be used.

    Due to the widespread emergence of drug-resistant worms, another strategy is to increase the protein content of the late-gestation ration, as the primary parasite that affects sheep is a blood sucking worm (barber pole) that causes blood and protein loss. Higher protein rations have been shown to reduce fecal egg counts in periparturient ewes. If deworming is done, it is recommended that treatment be applied selectively to ewes that need treatment or would benefit from it. For example, if ewes are scanned for fetal numbers, those carrying multiple births can be selected for deworming, while those with single births can be left untreated.

    Ewes usually give birth to 1 to 3 lambs at each birthing event. Birthing is called lambing. The technical term for all species is parturition. Twin births (two babies) is most common in well-managed flocks and with many breeds of sheep. First-time moms, especially yearlings, are more likely to have single births, though twins are not uncommon in some breeds. Ewes produce their largest litters of lambs when they are between the ages of 3 and 6.

    There are some breeds of sheep that average more than two lambs per litter. In the U.S., the most prolific sheep breeds are Finnsheep and Romanov. The hair sheep breeds (Katahdin, St. Croix, and Barbados Blackbelly) also tend to be quite prolific, with mature ewes averaging more than two lambs per lambing. The East Friesian, a dairy breed, is also known for its high lambing rate.

    The more lambs a ewe has the more feed she needs to produce milk for them. Oftentimes, extra lambs need to be cross-fostered onto other ewes or artificially reared. Prolific breeds are not recommended for novice shepherds or in situations where nutrition or management are limiting factors.

    Because some sheep are raised in more difficult environments, sometimes it's more desirable for a ewe to have just one lamb. This is because there may not be enough food for the ewe to support the growth of two lambs. If the flock has to travel far for food and water, it's usually better to have one strong lamb than two or three smaller lambs that may struggle to keep up. Smaller, weaker lambs that lag behind the flock are more likely to starve, die from exposure, or be killed by predators.

    Birth weights
    The weight of newborn lambs varies by breed, sex of lamb, litter size, and ewe nutrition. The lambs from medium to small breeds are similar in size to human babies, usually between 5 and 12 pounds, with an average of 8 to 10 pounds. When birth weights get too large (relative to the size of the breed or cross), difficult births can be encountered. In fact, there is a quadratic relationship between birth weight and survival. Medium-size babies (for the breed or cross) tend to have the highest survival rate.

    Learn more about lambing=>


Last updated 19-Apr-2021
Copyright© 2021. Sheep 101


Can a ewe raise 3 lambs?

Studies have shown that ewes are capable of rearing three lambs if suitably fed. However, if this is to be successful ewes need to be in a good Body Condition Score and lambs ideally need to be evenly sized. These ewes will need to be offered concentrate for 4 – 6 weeks post lambing along with high quality grazing.

What happens if a sheep has 3 lambs?

Triplet lambs receive less colostrum and milk which combined results in lower survival rates and weaning rates. Total litter weaning weight is greatest when all three lambs are weaned. Ensure triplet-bearing ewes have the most shelter and the highest quality feed for optimal survival and growth.

How common are triplets in lambs?

The frequency of litters of 3 or more lambs was 43.2%; 56.0% of lambs were born in litters of 3 or more lambs. Ewes that had singles weaned fewer lambs and less body weight (BW) of lambs (P < 0.001; 0.94 lambs and 40.4 kg, respectively) than ewes that had twins or triplets.

Can sheep have 2 lambs a year?

The most intensive form of accelerated lambing is twice a year lambing whereby a ewe would produce two lamb crops per year. Twice a year lambing has the potential to maximize lamb production, but may not be practical under most commercial situations. Twice a year lambing is probably most common near the equator.


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