How old are pop and Nan?

I've been a fan of Joe Mack Roy also known as Pop from 'Pop Watch' all over social media. He is the loveable old man who isn't afraid to tell you the truth on any situation. Everyone knows he loved tacos and booties, but beside every great man is an even better woman. Which is why it was fantastic to see Jason Roy the grandson to Pop spend more time with Nan so we get to know her even more.

Pop and Nan met when he was 21 and she was 18, he was stationed at Ramey Air Force Base in Puerto Rico and she was working on the base too. They quickly fell in love, got married, and created a home together in Longview. While you hear them cracking jokes, they truly are a fantastic example for all of us on how to be in a successful marriage.

Beyond Being a Fantastic Wife Nan Was a Professor at Kilgore College

We all know that keeping Pop out of trouble is difficult enough but for a long time Nan was also looking after students at Kilgore College. Nan was a professor who taught ESL and Adult education. She has always been a sweet person looking out for others and a tremendous cook too.

Last Week Nan Did a Q&A Session That is Now Online

It's not uncommon for Nan to make an appearance on the Pop Watch social media channels, but last week she was on more than normal. The reason she got so much camera time is because Jason was taking her to the doctor which gave her plenty of time to do a Q&A session. Watch her videos below:

Pictures From Our Friends at Pop Watch

Here are some photos of our favorite Longview celebrity Joe Mack Roy also known as Pop from Pop Watch and his family.

Longview Residents Sound Off on What They Love About Their City

This week a woman, who judging from her comments seems to be a most pleasant soon-to-be-former Californian, will be moving to Longview and reached out to her future neighbors to find out what they love about the town. And, boy, were there some great responses. From easy navigation -- thanks to the Loop -- and Friday night football, residents have got so much that they absolutely love about living here.

The City of Longview Answers Dozens of Residents on 'Ask a Stupid Question Day'

The City of Longview took to social media to answer questions from its citizens, something they have done for the past two years. They've answered dozens of questions so far. All well thought out too, Longview has some good-question-askers.

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Nan and Pop are becoming a very popular couple with approximately 4.9 million fans on social media.

LONGVIEW, Texas — EDITOR'S NOTE: The above video is from POP WATCH story in February 2019.

The best advice comes from experience.

With more than six decades of marriage under their belts, Joe and Maria Roy, better known as Pop and Nan, of Longview, have plenty of advice to share.

On Wednesday, the Roys will celebrate 65 years together, filled with love and laughter.

You may recognize the couple from the world famous Facebook page POP WATCH, which as of February 14, 2020, has approximately 4.9 million fans.

Over Father's Day weekend in 2019, the Roys had some visitors from Arkansas who stopped by just to meet the famous grandparents.

Inside Edition even shared the sensation that is POP WATCH as part of their 2019 Father's Day stories collection.


Joe, a proud alum of Spring Hill High School, joined the United States Air Force right out of college. 

"I was stationed at Ramey Air Force base in Puerto Rico," Joe said.

Meanwhile, Maria was working on the base at the same time. 

"I was 18 and he was 21," Maria said. "My girlfriend Gina introduced us because he was kinda shy for an airman."

Their feelings for each other were instant. Three days after they met, Joe was scheduled to return to Texas. The new couple decided to marry and settled in Longview as husband and wife.

POP WATCH: Nan and Pop through the years

"I got discharged, I asked her if she wanted to go back to Puerto Rico or stay here," Joe remembered. "So, we stayed here."

Six decades later, the couple has two children, three grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

Joe and Maria are just weeks away from their 65th wedding anniversary, a testament to their devotion to one another. Both say they continue to share that love they developed so many years ago.

In 2017, Pop became an internet star by simply sharing the experiences he had learned after so many years. His simple, yet profound advice on POP WATCH transcended generations, making him easily relatable.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Some of the language in the videos below may be inappropriate for some viewers.

The fame hasn't changed their relationship, though. In fact, they embrace the fun.

With so much experience, they have their own secrets on how they've kept the spark alive for so long.

 Alone time helps clear the mind:

Compliments are key:

Laughs are good for the heart:

What race is Nan on pop watch?

This is Maria... aka Nan! She is 81 and about 4'8 and she was born in Puerto Rico and moved to the states in the early 50's where she found Pop and as you can see they are living happily ever after!

How old is Pops on pop watch?

Pop Watch - Conner at age 4 and Pop at age 10.

What does Jason from pop watch do for a living?

You may have seen this internet sensation, the one and only Joe Mack Roy, is the beloved Grandfather of our Road Sales Manager, Jason Roy.

Where is Pop and Nan from?

With more than six decades of marriage under their belts, Joe and Maria Roy, better known as Pop and Nan, of Longview, have plenty of advice to share.


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