How to get wheat seeds in Minecraft

Wheat seeds (in Java Edition) or seeds (in Bedrock Edition) are items used in farming.



Harvesting fully-grown wheat crops yields from 0 to 3 seeds per crop harvested (about 2.5 seeds/crop harvested on average).

Wheat seeds can be obtained from breaking all variants of grass, which yields 0 to 1 seed. If harvested with a Fortune enchanted tool the drop rate from grass is increased.

The looting is calculated by a binomial distribution: a drop is attempted three times with a success rate of around 57% to yield the 0–3 drops. Each level of Fortune enchantment increases the number of attempts by one.

Resource locationSource Drops Wheat Wheat Seeds Default tool With Fortune I With Fortune II With Fortune III
blocks/wheat Wheat (age 0–6) 0 1 1 1 1
Wheat (age 7) 1 0 (~7.87%) or
1 (~31.49%) or
2 (~41.98%) or
3 (~18.66%)
0 (~3.37%) or
1 (~17.99%) or
2 (~35.98%) or
3 (~31.99%) or
4 (~10.66%)
0 (~1.44%) or
1 (~9.64%) or
2 (~25.70%) or
3 (~34.27%) or
4 (~22.85%) or
5 (~6.09%)
0 (~0.62%) or
1 (~4.96%) or
2 (~16.52%) or
3 (~29.38%) or
4 (~29.38%) or
5 (~15.67%) or
6 (~3.48%)

Natural generation[]

Village farm plots have a 50% chance of being wheat crops.

Chest loot[]

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance Java EditionBedrock Edition
Wheat Seeds Village Fisherman's chest 1–3 57.5%
Savanna house chest 1–5 71.7%
Wheat Seeds Village Savanna house chest 1–5 71.7%


Wandering traders sell wheat seeds for an emerald.

Villager gifts[]

Nitwit and unemployed villagers throw wheat seeds at players under the Hero of the Village effect.



Different stages of crop growth.

Wheat seeds can be placed on farmland by right-clicking, where they grow through eight stages. When left alone, wheat seeds planted on farmland grow to become wheat crops, which can be harvested by the player. Planted seeds require a light level of 9 or greater to continue growing. If the light level is 7 or below, the crops un-plant themselves ("pop off"). It is not possible to plant seeds if the light level is too low.

Crops grow faster if the farmland they are planted in is hydrated. Using bone meal on crops also increases the speed of growth by randomly increasing their growth stage by 2 to 5.

Breaking the final stage produces 1 to 4 wheat seeds and 1 wheat. If they are harvested early, they drop 1 seed without any wheat.

Farmland can be trampled (reverted to a dirt block) if the player or any mob (passive or hostile) falls onto the farmland from 1 block or more (i.e. jumping or walking off a ledge). If trampled, the crops have the same drop rates they would normally have.

If falling sand or gravel falls on wheat or any other crop, the falling sand/gravel is destroyed because crops are a non-solid block.


Wheat seeds can be used to breed chickens and reduce the remaining growth duration of baby chickens by 10%. Chickens also follow a player holding wheat seeds.


Like other seeds, wheat seeds can be used to tame parrots.


Placing wheat seeds into a composter has a 30% chance of raising the compost level by 1. A stack of wheat seeds yields an average of 2.74 bonemeal.


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
// Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.crop.break subtitles.block.generic.break 0.9 ? 16
// None[sound 1] Entity-Dependent Falling on the block with fall damage block.grass.fall None[sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
// Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.grass.hit subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
// Footsteps Blocks When the block is placed block.grass.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16
// Block placed Entity-Dependent Placing the block item.crop.plant[sound 2] 0.45 ?, 1.2 16

  1. ↑ a b MC-177082
  2. Unlike all other block placement sound events, these are listed under items. Confirmed to be intentional by Mojang, see MC-177459

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
// Blocks Once the block has broken dig.grass 0.7 0.8-1.0
// Players Falling on the block with fall damage fall.grass 0.4 1.0
// Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hit.grass 0.3 0.5
// Players Jumping from the block jump.grass 0.11 1.0
// Players Falling on the block without fall damage land.grass 0.21 1.0
// Players Walking on the block step.grass 0.3 1.0
// Blocks When the block is placed dig.grass 0.8 0.8-1.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormBlock tagsTranslation key
Wheat Crops wheat Block bee_growables
Wheat Seeds wheat_seeds Item item.minecraft.wheat_seeds

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1] Translation key
Wheat wheat 59 Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2] item.wheat
Seeds wheat_seeds 291 Item

  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Unavailable with /give command

Block states[]

Java Edition:

NameDefault valueAllowed valuesDescriptionage
0 0
7 Fully grown.

Bedrock Edition:

NameMetadata BitsDefault valueAllowed valuesValues for
Metadata BitsDescriptiongrowth
0 0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7 Fully grown.


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
A Seedy Place
Plant a seed and watch it grow Husbandry Plant one of these 5 crops:

  • Beetroot
  • Melon
  • Nether Wart
  • Pumpkin
  • Wheat

Other crops and plants, if any, can be planted, but are ignored for this advancement.


For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to wheat textures and models, including a set of renders for each state, see /Asset history

Java Edition ClassicMay 21, 2009Java Edition IndevMinecraft Indev20100206Java Edition Beta1.51.6Test Build 31.8Pre-releaseJava Edition1.4.212w36a1.814w02a14w06a14w10a14w10b14w25a14w27a1.915w38a1.1116w39a1.12pre31.1317w47a18w14a18w20a1.1418w43a18w44a18w47a18w48a18w49a19w03a19w05a19w13a1.1519w34a1.1721w13aPocket Edition Alphav0.4.0v0.9.0build 1build 2v0.12.1build 1build 2build 8v0.16.2Pocket Edition1.1.0alpha Edition1.2.0beta Console EditionTU1CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1 1.90 New Nintendo 3DS Edition0.1.0
Notch shows interest in adding crops on farmland.
Added seeds.
Added crops.
Seeds can be planted on farmland.
Seeds have a chance of dropping while using a hoe on a grass block.
Crops destroyed by water now drop both seeds and wheat. Prior to this update, they dropped only wheat when destroyed by water.
Seeds can no longer be tilled from a grass block.
Seeds are now found by destroying tall grass or by harvesting fully-grown crops.
Crops can now be found in village farms.
Chickens now use seeds instead of wheat to breed.
Villagers can now harvest and plant seeds to grow crops.
Crops are now a pixel higher - previously they were offset one pixel down as to match farmland. This is likely an accidental result of model conversion.
Crops of all stages no longer have a model.
Crops now have models again.[1] In addition, they are now offset downwards by one pixel once more.[2]
Crops model are now shaded.
Crops are no longer shaded.
The drop chances of crops has been slightly improved from an average of 1 3⁄5 per crop harvested to 1 5⁄7.
Crops now generate inside woodland mansions.
Seeds are now used to tame parrots.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 59, and the item's was 295.
Seeds no longer become destroyed when an entity jumps on them if they have the Slow Falling status effect.
"Seeds" have been renamed to "Wheat Seeds".
"Crops" have been renamed to "Wheat Crops".
The textures of wheat crops have been changed.
The drop rate of fully grown wheat seeds has been changed from 0-3 to 1-4.
The textures of wheat crops of age 6 and 7 have been changed again.
The textures of wheat crops have been changed, once again.
Wheat seeds can now be found in chests in village fisher cottages.
Wheat seeds can now be found in chests in savanna village houses.
Placement and breaking sounds have been added to wheat crops.
Placing wheat seeds into the new composter has a 10% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
Wheat seeds now have a 30% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
Added wandering traders, which sell wheat seeds.
Nitwit and unemployed villagers now give wheat seeds to players under the Hero of the Village effect.
Bees can now pollinate wheat crops.
The "crop" template model has changed such that pixels appear in the same physical positions on opposite sides of texture planes.[3]
Added seeds.
Added crops.
Seeds can be obtained by tilling grass blocks.
File:Wheat Age 0 BE2.png File:Wheat Age 1 BE2.png File:Wheat Age 2 BE2.png File:Wheat Age 3 BE2.png File:Wheat Age 4 BE2.png File:Wheat Age 5 BE2.png File:Wheat Age 6 BE2.png File:Wheat Age 7 BE2.png Faces now renders from both sides, resulting in z-fighting.
Seeds can now be used to breed chicken.
Crops can now be found in village farms.
File:Wheat Age 0 BE3.png File:Wheat Age 1 BE3.png File:Wheat Age 2 BE3.png File:Wheat Age 3 BE3.png File:Wheat Age 4 BE3.png File:Wheat Age 5 BE3.png File:Wheat Age 6 BE3.png File:Wheat Age 7 BE3.png Removed some faces to fix z-fighting.
Farmer villagers can now pick up, harvest and plant seeds to grow wheat.
Crops now always drop seeds when mined, regardless of growth stage.
Seeds can no longer be obtained by tilling grass blocks.
Seeds can now be found in chests inside the large house of snowy tundra and snowy taiga villages.
Crops now generate inside woodland mansions.
Seeds are now used to tame parrots.
Seeds no longer become destroyed when an entity jumps on them if they have the Slow Falling status effect.
Seeds can now be bought from wandering traders.
Placement and breaking sounds have been added to crops.
The textures of crops have been changed.
Seeds can now be found in savanna village house chests.
Seeds can now be used to fill up composters.
Bees can now pollinate crops.
Added seeds.
Added crops.
The textures of crops have been changed.
Added seeds.
Added crops.

Wheat "item"[]

The following content is transcluded from Technical blocks/Crops.

This section is missing information about Test placement sound and replacement capabilities.

Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition Indev20100206Java Edition Beta1.6Test Build 3release1.8Pre-release 2 ;)Java Edition1.2.5pre1.3.112w16a1.7.213w37aPocket Edition Alpha?
Wheat crops have an extra, unobtainable item form corresponding to its block ID. It can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 59.
Wheat crop items can be obtained from the newly added debug chests, mainly from the 1st slot of the 3rd chest from the left, and the 12th slot of the 6th chest from the left.
Debug chests no longer spawn, preventing wheat items from being obtained this way.
Added pick block functionality. This changes the currently selected slot to any containing this otherwise-unobtainable crops item, but does not allow it to be obtained if not already in the hotbar.
Crops can now be obtained via Pick Block in creative.
Crop items can now be obtained in singleplayer worlds via the /give command using the respective numeric ID.
The direct item form of wheat crops has been removed from the game. It can no longer exist as an item in any way, only as a placed block.
Crops exist as an item.


Java Edition Indev20100206Java Edition Alpha?Java Edition1.4.212w34a
The crops item uses this texture in inventories, when held in first person view or as a dropped item.
The crops item uses the aforementioned texture when held in third person.
The crops item uses the aforementioned texture when in an item frame.


Java Edition

Item names did not exist prior to Beta 1.0.

  • Beta 1.0 - 13w36b: Crops


Issues relating to "Wheat Seeds" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • All the seeds that exist.

  • Wheat crops in Pocket Edition.

  • Wheat generated in a village.


  1. MC-50232
  2. MC-50155
  3. MC-199242

How do you get wheat seeds in Minecraft without grass?

They can be obtained by breaking all variants of grass (which yield 0–1 seeds) or by harvesting fully-grown wheat (yielding 1–4 seeds per crop harvested). Wheat seeds can also sometimes be found in NPC villages where the villagers grow them as crops.

What is the easiest way to get seeds in Minecraft?

i will teach you how to get lots of grass seeds in minecraft really easily and fast..
Step 1: Find a Nice Flat Plain Covered in Grass. ... .
Step 2: Place a Water Bucket in the Middle of the Plain. ... .
Step 3: Use the Empty Bucket to Pick the Water Up Again. ... .
Step 4: Collect the Seeds That Came From the Plants Destroyed by the Water..


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