How to make your skin glow naturally at home for teenage girl

Glowing Skin for Teenagers – Best Tips and Home Remedies – Teenage is not an easy time anymore. One needs to balance their studies with social life and then also need to find time for skin care. Yes, skin care is important in teenage, because that determines how our skin will behave in the coming years. Here we have brought to you an important article on tips and remedies to achieve glowing skin for teenagers. Teenage is the time when we start to face skin problems, specially acne. Blame that on the hormonal changes in our bodies during that time. This leads to the enlargement of skin pores and problems start right there! But it is not too difficult to maintain a healthy skin during teen. So, without any further delay, find out the tips to get glowing skin for teenagers.
Check – Face Pack to Get Glowing Skin for Busy Women

Below we have listed few simple beauty tips to get glowing skin for teenagers.

Tips to Achieve Glowing Skin for Teenagers

1. Face Wash

Give special attention to wash your face. Don’t forget to use a facial cleanser twice in a day. It is very important to wash your face properly in the morning, when you wake up. It helps to remove the oil and dirt that have accumulated on the skin through out the night. Following a good cleansing routine goes a long way to ensure skin stays healthy.

2. Toner

This comes next to face wash. Using facial cleansers opens up the pores. To close them, a good toner is important. Toner also helps to remove the dirt that face washes fail to pick up. Plus toners are important to maintain the moisture balance of our skin.

Those with oily skin should use astringent based toners, while people with dry skin should opt for a moisturizing toner.

3. Moisturize

Moisturization is important for all skin types. Also we must use moisturizers through out the year. During summer and monsoon, choose a light weight and matte finish moisturizer. And in winter, pick up something more moisturizing. Those troubled with acne or acne scars, must use a moisturizer that also addresses those issues.

4. Be Choosy with Makeup

Teenage is the time when we are introduce to makeup for the first time. However, be very careful while choosing your makeup. Avoid foundation and go with a BB cream instead. Try to wear light makeup as much as possible, because layers of makeup can damage our delicate skin during teenage.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is important to keep our body as well as skin hydrated from inside. This will make our skin glow on the outside. Drink plenty of water through out the day and always carry a bottle of water with you wherever you are going. Water will not only help you get glowing skin, but it will also help to stay healthy by flushing out the toxins from our body.

6. Eat Nutritious Foods

To get glowing skin for teenagers, it is very important to keep a check on our diet. Skin requires essential nutrients to stay healthy. Add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Also protein is very important for healthy skin and healthy hair.

Make sure your diet provides you with enough amount of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. Also find out if you have any intolerance towards any food item or if there is any particular type of food that is irritating your skin.

Let us now find out some of the best home remedies to get glowing skin for teenagers.

DIY Remedies to Get Glowing Skin for Teenagers

1. Aloe Vera for Glowing Skin for Teenagers

How it works?

Aloe vera has magical benefits for our skin. It is able to resolve most of our skin problems. Aloe vera is highly effective to rejuvenate dull and lifeless skin and restore healthy and glowing skin. It has great moisturizing benefits for our skin and the best part is that aloe vera suits all skin types. Aloe vera is non-comedogenic, which means it works on our skin without clogging the pores.

The anti inflammatory benefits of aloe vera is responsible for the cooling and soothing feel to our skin, which we get immediately after application. For the same reason, aloe vera is considered to be extremely beneficial to soothe sun burn. It helps to bring down the redness of the skin and also gives relief from the pain caused by sun burn.

Along with sun burn, aloe vera helps to get rid of sun tan as well. This herb is enriched with various nutrients, enzymes, and plant compounds that boost our skin health and make the complexion glowing. Aloe vera works get to repair our skin texture. It adds hydration and moisturization to improve the skin texture, leaving you with soft and smooth and glowing skin.

Aloe vera has natural astringent properties. Oily skin with acne is a major problem during teenage days. Using aloe vera on the skin helps to remove excess oil from the skin while keeping the the skin hydrated and moisturized at the same time.

Aloe vera is very effective to fight off acne and pimples. The natural anti bacterial properties of aloe vera destroy the acne causing bacteria, while its anti inflammatory properties give relief from the pain and inflammation caused by acne.

Being a natural astringent, aloe vera helps to close open pores and also controls oil secretion, both of which help to control breakouts. Furthermore, the anti oxidant benefits of aloe vera help keeping the skin healthy and glowing.

How to use aloe vera to get glowing skin for teenagers?

Simple Aloe Vera Gel –

Get hold of fresh aloe vera gel and simply massage it all over the face as well as neck. Preferably do this at night before going to bed. Let the aloe vera gel sit on the skin overnight and then wash off with cool water the next morning. Repeat this daily.

Aloe Vera and Raw Honey –

Take a tbsp aloe vera gel and mix it with a tsp of raw honey. Apply the resultant mixture all over the face and massage gently with your finger tips. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with fresh water and reapply thrice in a week.

Aloe Vera and Vitamin E –

Take 3-4 vitamin E capsules and prick them with a needle. Squeeze out the oil from inside and collect in a bowl. Mix together a tbsp each of vitamin E oil and fresh aloe vera gel. Apply the resultant mixture all over the face and gently massage for couple of minutes. Wait for another 20-30 minutes before washing off with plain water. Reapply twice or thrice in a week for glowing skin for teenagers.

Aloe Vera and Rose Water –

Take aloe vera gel and pure rose water in 1:1 ratio and mix together. Apply the resultant mixture on the face, massaging gently for couple of minutes. Let it stay on the face for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with plain water. Repeat every alternate day to get glowing skin for teenagers.

Aloe Vera and Oatmeal –

Take some fresh aloe vera gel and add two tbsp uncooked oatmeal powder to it. Mix together and apply it on the face. Massage gently with your fingertips for few minutes. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before washing off with fresh water. Repeat twice in a week.

2. Use Sandalwood to Get Glowing Skin for Teenagers

How it works?

Sandalwood powder is very effective for glowing skin for teenagers. The anti oxidant benefits of sandalwood powder block the free radicals and help us get healthy and glowing skin. The slightly coarse texture of sandalwood powder makes it a great natural exfoliator. It helps to remove impurities from the skin pores and unclogs the pores. This helps preventing breakouts.

Also, sandalwood powder is known for its absorbing properties. When used on the skin, it absorbs the excess oil from the skin and keep the skin oil free, clean and glowing. Furthermore, the anti septic as well as anti bacterial benefits of sandalwood powder make it a great remedy to fight off acne and pimples.

Along with these, the anti inflammatory properties of sandalwood powder reduce the pain and inflammation of acne and also help in healing the skin.

Sandalwood powder is a time tested remedy for glowing complexion. The natural oils present in sandalwood powder have moisturizing properties and they help to heal skin dryness. Regular application of sandalwood powder can also lighten and brighten our skin tone as well as minimize the appearance of blemishes and acne scars.

Furthermore, sandalwood powder is very effective in treating sun burn. The anti inflammatory properties of sandalwood powder help soothing the discomfort caused by sun burn. Also, the natural oils in sandalwood moisturizes the skin and prevent dryness and peeling of skin.

How to use sandalwood for glowing skin for teenagers?

Sandalwood and Multani Mitti –

Take a tsp each of sandalwood powder, gram flour and multani mitti in a bowl. Mix together and then add enough rose water to it. Mix everything together to form a smooth paste. Apply it all over the face and neck. Leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with fresh cold water. Repeat twice in a week for glowing skin for teenagers.

Sandalwood and Tomato Juice –

Take a tbsp of sandalwood powder in a bowl. Add some tomato juice as well as some rose water to that. Mix together and apply it evenly all over the face and neck. Wait till it gets dry naturally and then wash off with plain water. Repeat twice in a week for best results.

Sandalwood and Papaya to Get Glowing Skin for Teenagers –

Cut few slices from a ripe papaya and put them in a blender. Blend them nicely to prepare papaya pulp. Take it out and mix it with a tbsp of sandalwood powder. Apply the resultant mixture on the face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Once the time is up, wash off with fresh water and repeat twice in a week to get glowing skin for teenagers.

Raw Milk and Sandalwood –

Take 1-2 tsp red sandalwood powder and mix that with some raw milk to make a paste. Apply that all over the face and gently massage in circular motions. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with fresh water. Repeat twice in a week.

Raw Honey and Sandalwood –

Take a tbsp of sandalwood powder in a bowl and add enough amount of raw honey to it. Mix together and prepare a paste. Apply it evenly all over the face and neck, massaging gently with fingertips. Wait for 15-20 minutes before washing off using fresh, cool water. Repeat twice in a week to get glowing skin for teenagers.

3. Get Glowing Skin for Teenagers using Honey

How it works?

Honey is a great remedy for glowing skin. It comes packed with several vitamins as well as essential minerals which help to nourish the skin and make it healthy and radiant. Also honey is a source of multiple anti oxidants, which contribute to beautiful skin.

Along with these, honey contains amino acids as well as alpha hydroxy acids that boost the health of our skin. Honey helps with exfoliating the skin and removes the dirt, dead skin cells and other impurities to unveil brighter, healthier skin. It also works as a great natural remedy to treat acne and pimples.

It helps in unclogging pores through exfoliation and thus, keeps acne at bay. Plus its anti oxidant benefits also control breakouts. In addition, honey has anti bacterial as well as anti inflammatory benefits that help with acne treatment. It has the ability to release hydrogen peroxide that help disinfecting the pores and get rid of acne.

Along with acne, honey is beneficial to lighten acne scars and other pigmentation, thanks to its nutritional properties, exfoliating benefits and anti oxidant benefits.

Honey works great for both dry skin and oily skin. It is a natural humectant, which means honey draws moisture from the environment and locks it into the skin, thus providing a boost hydration and moisturization. For dry skin, this helps to heal the dryness and makes skin soft and supple.

The main reason why our skin gets oily is because of the excess oil production by sebaceous glands, and they do so when the skin suffers from lack of moisturization and hydration. Since honey helps to moisturize skin, the sebaceous glands don’t have to produce extra oil and this helps to prevent oiliness of the skin naturally.

How to use honey to get glowing skin for teenagers?

Simple Raw Honey –

Take some raw honey and gently massage it all over the face as well as neck with your fingertips. Keep on massaging for few minutes and then allow it sit on the skin for another 15-20 minutes. After that, wash it off with fresh water. Repeat every alternate day.

Honey and Lemon –

Mix together a tbsp of raw honey and some lemon juice. With a face pack brush, apply the resultant mixture all over the face, avoiding the eye area. Leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes before washing off with fresh, cool water. Repeat once in every three days for best results.

Raw Milk and Honey for Glowing Skin for Teenagers –

Take raw milk as well as honey in a bowl i 1:1 ratio. Mix them nicely and apply it all over the face and neck, massaging gently with the fingertips. Let it sit on the skin for 15-20 minutes and after that, wash off with fresh water. Repeat every alternate day to get glowing skin.

Honey and Olive Oil –

Take a tbsp honey and mix it with a tsp of olive oil to it. Massage your face with the resultant mixture. Leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes and after that wipe off the excess with a wet towel. Splash some fresh water on to the face. Repeat twice or thrice in a week to get glowing skin.

Honey and Banana –

Mash half of a banana and mix with half tsp of honey and some yogurt. Once the face pack is ready, apply it all over the face, gently massaging with the fingertips. Allow it to sit on the skin for 15-20 minutes before washing off with fresh water. Repeat twice or thrice every week for best results.

Also read

How to Treat Teenage Acne Effectively – Tips and Remedies

Homemade Facial Bleach Recipes for Beautiful Skin

Simple Ways to Use Gram Flour for Oily Skin Care

4. Apply Lemon Juice to Get Glowing Skin for Teenagers

How it works?

Lemon juice has wonderful benefits for our skin. It has natural anti bacterial and anti microbial properties, which help with acne and pimple treatment. Along with that, the presence of phytoncides and vitamin P also help to get acne free, healthy skin.

Lemon juice contains a high amount of citric acid. It exfoliates the skin and remove the impurities and dead skin cells from the skin surface. This helps to get naturally glowing skin. Through exfoliation, citric acid unclogs the blocked pores and prevents breakouts to a good extent.

In addition, lemon juice has natural astringent benefits and it can dry out existing acne, pimples, while also help to shrink pore size and reduce the oil on the face.

Furthermore, lemon juice contains high amount of vitamin C. It has anti oxidant benefits that fight off the free radicals and help to maintain a healthy skin. These free radicals can cause acne, dry skin as well as dull skin. Vitamin C also helps with skin lightening as well. It eliminates the impurities from the skin and boosts new cell growth, which leads to brighter and glowing complexion. It has hydrating benefits for our skin as well.

Not only oily and acne prone skin, but lemon juice works on dry skin as well. Topical application of lemon juice exfoliates the skin and helps smoothening out the rough texture of dry skin. Also lemon contains potassium, a vital mineral for our skin that helps to moisturize and revive dry and flaky skin.

How to use lemon juice to get glowing skin for teenagers?

Lemon juice and Rose Water –

Mix together one tsp each of lemon juice and rose water and apply the resultant mixture all over the face, massaging gently with fingertips. Once the skin absorbs most of it, wash off with fresh, cool water. Alternatively, if you wish, you can use this as an overnight skin treatment, and wash off the face the next morning. Repeat twice or thrice in a week.

Lemon Juice and Sugar –

Mix together 2 tsp of sugar granules and 2 tsp of lemon juice. Make a coarse paste and then apply it onto the face. Gently massage the skin for few minutes to exfoliate. Leave it on for another 10 minutes and then wash off with fresh water. Do this twice a week to reveal glowing skin.

Lemon Juice and Aloe Vera –

Take one tsp each of aloe vera gel and honey and mix it with tsp of lemon juice. Massage the resultant mixture on to your face, with the help of your fingertips. Let it stay on the face for 15-20 minutes and then, wash off with fresh water. Repeat 2-3 times in a week.

Lemon Juice and Turmeric –

Take a generous pinch of turmeric and add enough amount of lemon juice to that. Make a paste. If it appears too thick, add some rose water and bring it to desired consistency. If you have dry skin, add a tsp of glycerin. Apply the face pack all over the face and let it be there for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water and repeat twice or thrice daily.

I hope you liked these simple tips and home remedies for glowing skin for teenagers. Do let us know what you think of this article, in the comments below.

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Teenage Skin Care Tips.
Cleansing. The beauty routine should always start with cleansing. ... .
Toning. Once your face is clean, follow it up with toning. ... .
Moisturizing. After toning, apply a moisturizer. ... .
Scrubbing. ... .
Scrub Your Body. ... .
Shave In The Shower. ... .
Take Care Of Your Fingernails. ... .
Sleep Well..

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Dermatologist-Recommended Skin Care Tips for Teens and Young....
Keep your skincare routine simple. ... .
Use oil-free and non-comedogenic products. ... .
Wear sunscreen, even in the winter. ... .
Tackle acne head-on, early on. ... .
Don't sleep in your makeup. ... .
Wash your pillowcase and sheets..

What should girls do for glowing skin?

10 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin.
Coconut oil..
Aloe vera..
Avoid smoke..
Healthy diet..

How can girls get clear skin?

This article will help answer those questions by providing 11 evidence-based tips on what you can do to get the glowing complexion you want..
Wash your face twice a day. ... .
Use a mild cleanser. ... .
Apply an acne-fighting agent. ... .
Apply a moisturizer. ... .
Exfoliate. ... .
Get plenty of sleep. ... .
Choose makeup that won't clog your pores..


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