How to move to another city

Few things are as difficult as moving to a new city alone. From packing your boxes and finding a place to live to meeting new people and learning your way around, there are plenty of challenges that await you when moving by yourself. Fortunately, there’s also plenty to look forward to. For advice on what to do before and after a move to a new city, read our tips below. Best of luck and happy moving!

Before the move

  1. Do your research (and read local blogs!)

    Make sure to do your homework prior to moving to a new city alone. This means visiting the community, reading local media sources and conducting a bit of online research. We also recommend checking out’s helpful Neighborhood Guides and City Reports. For real estate information, take a look at’s listings in various parts of the city as well. 

  2. Determine your budget

    Before moving to a new city alone, be sure to consider both your moving budget and day-to-day budget. Keep in mind that full-service moving companies aren’t cheap – especially for long distance moves. If you can’t afford movers, consider a less expensive moving option, such as moving yourself with a truck rental. Also, be sure to factor in your new housing and living costs when calculating a moving budget.

  3. Connect with contacts

    Be sure to reach out to any and all contacts you have in the new city before moving. Even if it’s just a friend-of-a-friend, these acquaintances could help with everything from tips on where to live to advice on what to do for fun. Who knows – you may even find a few new friends to hang with after the move.

  4. Find a place to live

    Finding a new place to live isn’t an easy task – especially if you aren’t familiar with the city. Our advice is to first figure out your budget and what you can reasonably afford. Once you’ve budgeted for monthly rental payments or for a home purchase, find a reputable Realtor to help narrow down your options. Need roommates? Try these 10 online roommate finders to find potential matches. 

  5. Plan your move

    In addition to researching the area, we recommend looking into various moving options as well. Consider hiring a moving company, renting a moving truck or renting a moving a container. For help planning your move, check out’s Move Planner We provide you with customizable moving checklists, personal tasks lists, email reminders and coupons so you can stay organized while you move. 

  6. Pack your boxes

    A few rules of thumb for packing for a move: 1) Pack heavy items in smaller boxes and light items in larger boxes; 2) Pack room-by-room starting with non-essentials, such as books in the library or decor in the living room; 3) Label boxes and keep items as organized as possible. For more tips on packing properly, check here.

  7. Forward your mail

    Fortunately, you don’t have to wait until you move to forward your mail. In fact, you can schedule the forwarding date ahead of time, so that you don’t miss out on any of those important letters (or bills!). To schedule mail forwarding, simply go to com, select the “Quick Tools” tab and click “Change My Address.” You’ll then be redirected to the USPS Official Change of Address form.

  8. Say goodbye to neighbors and friends

    Now for the hard part: saying goodbye to friends and neighbors. With all of the to-dos that moving to a new city requires, it’s easy to get caught up in the hoopla of moving and forget about your loved ones. Our advice: be sure to carve out time to say proper goodbyes, in-person, to friends and neighbors. If it’s too hard to say goodbye to everyone individually, try planning an official goodbye party so that you see everyone at one time. 

After the move 

  1. Make your new home a happy place

    Moving to a new city alone is a lot easier when you have a comfortable place to land. To ensure that your first few weeks aren’t a miserable experience, we recommend unpacking immediately. Once you’ve finished putting all of your belongings away, go ahead and hang artwork, set up furniture and mix in a few potted plants. Creating a safe, cozy space to call home should go a long way in making you feel happy and content in your new city.

  2. Set realistic expectations

    Rome wasn’t built in a day. From learning your way around to meeting new people, it’s hard work getting settled in a new city. Don’t expect everything to be easy at first. In fact, expect it to be hard (and even a little lonely) the first few months. Take it easy on yourself and hang in there. With persistence and a little patience, life in your new city will get easier.

  3. Get outside as much as possible

    Whatever you do, don’t spent all your time sitting inside talking to your dog. Get out as much as possible and explore what your new city has to offer. Whether it’s going for walks in the park, sitting by your community pool or eating lunch on a nearby patio, spending time outdoors will lift your spirits and give you some much-needed Vitamin D. It’s also a great way to get to know neighbors and meet potential friends.

  4. Get to know your new city

    The sooner you learn your way around, the more at home you’ll feel. Get to know your new city by reading a map, taking public transportation and driving around various neighborhoods. Start with your own neighborhood and work your way outward. Explore nearby restaurants and shops. Find local services, such as a reputable dry-cleaning business, doctor’s office and grocery store. Read local blogs and keep up with events happening in and around the city. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to join community groups and get involved in social events. For advice on how to find groups in your new community, check

  5. Meet the neighbors

    You never know when you’ll need a neighbor to water the plants or pick up the mail when you’re out of town. For these reasons (and more), we recommend getting to know your new neighbors as quickly as possible. Even if they aren’t the friendliest bunch, it’s still a good idea to get to know the people living around you. While several might eventually become good friends, others may end up as nothing more than acquaintances – and that’s okay. Be sure to exchange phone numbers with at least one reliable neighbor for future emergencies.

  6. Start a morning routine

    When moving to a city where everything is new, it’s helpful to establish a predictable routine. We recommend starting each day off on the right foot by creating a morning routine you can stick with. Whether it’s walking your dog at the same time each morning or heading to an exercise class, establishing a morning routine adds a bit of predictability and comfort to your everyday life. 

  7. Keep in touch with old friends

    Just because you’re in a new city doesn’t mean you have to give up your old friends. Keeping in touch with friends and former neighbors will prevent you from feeling sad and lonely. Fortunately, in today’s ever-connected world, friends and family members are just a phone call or email away.

Moving to a new city alone?

To learn more about various U.S. cities, check out’s City Profile Report feature. Our reports include city demographics, real estate information, quality of life factors and more. Simply enter the zip code or the state and city of your potential move to get a free report at the click of a button. If you decide to move, you may also need a professional moving company to assist with the heavy lifting and transportation. Fortunately, we have you covered. To find the right moving company for you, check out’s extensive network of reputable and reliable movers – all licensed and insured.

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Author: Marian White

If anyone knows how to move, it’s Marian White. The South Carolina native spent the last decade living and working in Washington, DC, New York City, Boston and Palm Beach. With every move, she mastered the art of folding bankers boxes, repurposing bubble wrap and unabashedly asking for directions. Before writing for, Marian authored “Moving to Palm Beach County: The Un-Tourist Guide,” a relocation guide for moving to the Palm Beaches. Marian has an M.A. in Global Marketing Communications from Emerson College and a B.A. from Furman University.View all posts by Marian White

Is it hard to move to another city?

Moving to a new city alone can be a bit intimidating sometimes. Finding your way around, making new friends, and learning the ins and outs of life there can throw a huge learning curve your way. It can be even more challenging when you are moving to a new city alone.

Is it worth it to move to a different city?

So, to put it in a nutshell – moving to another city will give you the chance to start afresh, meet new people, experience new things, grow as a person, and create a better life for yourself.

How can I move to a new city with no money?

How to Move with No Money.
1 Relocate to a town with a low cost of living..
2 Apply for a driveaway company..
3 Move to a place with a relocation initiative..
4 Borrow a friend's car..
5 Move with a friend..
6 Lease a sublet..
7 Couch surf at someone else's place..
8 Stay at a hostel temporarily..

How do I establish myself in a new city?

Here's how I start to build a life for myself when I have to start over in a new place..
Start with your coworkers. ... .
Start new hobbies. ... .
Do what you like to do. ... .
Find housing and roommates on Craigslist. ... .
Frequent local businesses. ... .
Yes, dating apps. ... .
Attend events in the area. ... .
If someone asks you to do something, say yes..


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