How warm is Hilton Head in April?

Perfect weather is subjective. On this map perfect weather has been defined with temperatures between 20-29ºC / 68-84ºF and not too much precipitation (less than 90mm / 3.5inch a month).

What To Do

We rated the following activities from 1 (least suitable) to 10 (best) to do in April.









Outdoor sports


Weather Forecasts for Hilton Head Island (South Carolina)

Show in Celsius

THU   Dec 08

76°F | 60°F

W 7 mph

How warm is Hilton Head in April?

Partly cloudy

Hourly Overview

FRI   Dec 09

70°F | 59°F

S 9 mph

How warm is Hilton Head in April?


Hourly Overview

SAT   Dec 10

64°F | 55°F

NE 6 mph

How warm is Hilton Head in April?


Hourly Overview

5-Day Forecast 10-Day Forecast

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You want to visit Hilton Head Island in United States in april : check the weather and seasonal norms below.

Best time to go to Hilton Head Island?

Weather in Hilton Head Island in april 2023

The weather in Hilton Head Island in the month of april comes from statistical datas on the past years. You can view the weather statistics for the whole month, but also by using the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

  • All month
  • Beginning of the month
  • Mid-month
  • End of the month

Average weather throughout april

good weather UV index: 6

Weather at 6am

How warm is Hilton Head in April?
50% of time

How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


Weather at 12pm

How warm is Hilton Head in April?
58% of time

How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


Weather at 6pm

How warm is Hilton Head in April?
57% of time

How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


Weather at 3am

How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


How warm is Hilton Head in April?


Weather in march in Hilton Head Island

Weather in may in Hilton Head Island

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Hilton Head Island in april

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Hilton Head Island in april.

The climate of Hilton Head Island in april is good

The weather in april in Hilton Head Island is rather dry (with 116mm of rainfall over 6 days). Unfortunately, the weather conditions is worsening than the previous month since in march there is an average of 94mm of rainfall over 5 days.

The climate comfortable in that locality the month of april. Temperatures are up to 23°C. On average, the recorded minimum temperature is 18°C. Thus, the mean temperature average in april in Hilton Head Island is 20°C. Note that seasonal normals in contrast with those observed in Hilton Head Island in april with a maximum record of 29°C in 2016 and a minimum record of 5°C in 2021.

Day length in Hilton Head Island in april is 12:59. The sun rises at 05:54 and sunset is at 18:53.

With good weather conditions, this month is advisable to go in this locality in United States.

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How warm is Hilton Head in April?

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How warm is Hilton Head in April?
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Seasonal average climate and temperature of Hilton Head Island in april

Check below seasonal norms These statistics are set from the weather statements of the past years of april.

MarchAprilMayOutside temperatureAverage temperature16°C20°C24°CHighest temperature19°C23°C27°CLowest temperature13°C18°C22°CHighest record temperature26°C
(2019)Lowest record temperature0°C
(2021)Number of days at +30°C0 day(s)
(0%)0 day(s)
(0%)2 day(s)
(6%)Number of days at +18°C21 day(s)
(68%)28 day(s)
(93%)31 day(s)
(100%)Sea temperatureAverage sea temperature14.6°C18.7°C22.6°CLowest sea temperature12.3°C15°C18.9°CHighest sea temperature16.8°C22.3°C26.2°CWindWind speed20km/h21km/h19km/hWind temperature12°C17°C22°CPrecipitation (rainfall)Rainfall94mm116mm142mmNumber of days with rainfall5 day(s)
(15%)6 day(s)
(20%)9 day(s)
(29%)Record daily rainfall82.9mm
(2009)Snowfall0.1cm0cm0cmOther climate dataHumidity82%82%81%Visibility9.53km9.55km9.52kmCloud cover33%25%25%UV index567Daily sunshine hours111314Sunrise and sunsetTime of sunrise06:3305:5405:25Time of sunset18:3118:5319:14Length of day11:5812:5913:49Our opinion about the weather in aprilOur opinion at whereandwhen.netgoodgoodgood

How was the weather last april?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Hilton Head Island in april 2022:


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

16°C to 22°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

14°C to 21°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

14°C to 25°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

16°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

20°C to 22°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

18°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

20°C to 25°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

12°C to 20°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

9°C to 15°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

8°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

14°C to 22°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

17°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

19°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

20°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

19°C to 21°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

19°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

18°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

19°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

11°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

15°C to 20°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

16°C to 21°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

17°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

19°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

19°C to 24°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

20°C to 25°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

20°C to 25°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

16°C to 23°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

15°C to 22°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

19°C to 22°C


How warm is Hilton Head in April?

20°C to 24°C

Map: other cities in the United States (USA) in april

Cities near Hilton Head Island:

Tybee Island (Georgia) in aprilgood weatherSavannah in aprilgood weatherEdisto Beach in aprilperfect weatherCharleston in aprilgood weatherSouth Carolina in aprilgood weatherMyrtle Beach in aprilgood weatherCarolina Beach in aprilperfect weatherAtlanta in aprilgood weatherNorth Carolina in aprilgood weatherLake Martin (Alabama) in aprilgood weatherVirginia in aprilgood weatherNags Head in aprilgood weatherUnited States in april: See full list of cities

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in april.


How warm is Hilton Head in April?
Hilton Head Island
How warm is Hilton Head in April?
perfect weather
How warm is Hilton Head in April?
How warm is Hilton Head in April?
How warm is Hilton Head in April?
How warm is Hilton Head in April?
very bad

Weather data for Hilton Head Island for april are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Hilton Head Island. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Hilton Head Island can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Hilton Head Island.

Is it warm enough to swim in Hilton Head in April?

The water temperature in Hilton Head Island in april is cool. Swimming in april on the beaches of Hilton Head Island is possible but the sea water is cool. So even though the sea temperature sometimes climbs to 73°F, it can also be as low as 59°F! Note that the average is 66°F.

Is Hilton Head crowded in April?

April and May in Hilton Head offer a taste of summer for visitors. During this time, crowds are sparse and temperatures are still warm enough to enjoy a day at the beach.

Is Hilton Head warm enough for spring break?

If you are looking for a pleasantly mild and quiet place to enjoy Spring Break - look no further - Hilton Head Island in March is the ideal destination. Highs of 69°F might even allow you to enjoy some of the 8 daily sunshine hours while relaxing on the stunning beaches.

What is the best time of year to go to Hilton Head?

Visiting Hilton Head Island in the summer is the prime season. Many seasonal activities reopen and all kinds of events pop up on the calendar. The water is warm enough to swim in and the sun sets a little later each day. Feel the summer excitement rush to the area as villas and hotels book up fast!