Java compare two ints

tl;dr my opinion is to use a unary + to trigger the unboxing on one of the operands when checking for value equality, and simply use the maths operators otherwise. Rationale follows:

It has been mentioned already that == comparison for Integer is identity comparison, which is usually not what a programmer want, and that the aim is to do value comparison; still, I've done a little science about how to do that comparison most efficiently, both in term of code compactness, correctness and speed.

I used the usual bunch of methods:

public boolean method1() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1.equals( i2 );

public boolean method2() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1.intValue() == i2.intValue();

public boolean method3() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1.intValue() == i2;

public boolean method4() {
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1 == +i2;

public boolean method5() { // obviously not what we want..
    Integer i1 = 7, i2 = 5;
    return i1 == i2;

and got this code after compilation and decompilation:

public boolean method1() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    return var1.equals( var2 );

public boolean method2() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2.intValue() == var1.intValue() ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

public boolean method3() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2.intValue() == var1.intValue() ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

public boolean method4() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2.intValue() == var1.intValue() ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

public boolean method5() {
    Integer var1 = Integer.valueOf( 7 );
    Integer var2 = Integer.valueOf( 5 );

    if ( var2 == var1 ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

As you can easily see, method 1 calls Integer.equals() (obviously), methods 2-4 result in exactly the same code, unwrapping the values by means of .intValue() and then comparing them directly, and method 5 just triggers an identity comparison, being the incorrect way to compare values.

Since (as already mentioned by e.g. JS) equals() incurs an overhead (it has to do instanceof and an unchecked cast), methods 2-4 will work with exactly the same speed, noticingly better than method 1 when used in tight loops, since HotSpot is not likely to optimize out the casts & instanceof.

It's quite similar with other comparison operators (e.g. </>) - they will trigger unboxing, while using compareTo() won't - but this time, the operation is highly optimizable by HS since intValue() is just a getter method (prime candidate to being optimized out).

In my opinion, the seldom used version 4 is the most concise way - every seasoned C/Java developer knows that unary plus is in most cases equal to cast to int/.intValue() - while it may be a little WTF moment for some (mostly those who didn't use unary plus in their lifetime), it arguably shows the intent most clearly and most tersely - it shows that we want an int value of one of the operands, forcing the other value to unbox as well. It is also unarguably most similar to the regular i1 == i2 comparison used for primitive int values.

My vote goes for i1 == +i2 & i1 > i2 style for Integer objects, both for performance & consistency reasons. It also makes the code portable to primitives without changing anything other than the type declaration. Using named methods seems like introducing semantic noise to me, similar to the much-criticized bigInt.add(10).multiply(-3) style.

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    The compare() method of Integer class of java.lang package compares two integer values (x, y) given
    as a parameter and returns the value zero if (x==y), if (x < y) then it returns a value less than zero and
    if (x > y) then it returns a value greater than zero.

    Syntax :

    public static int compare(int x, int y)
    Parameter :
    x : the first int to compare
    y : the second int to compare
    Return :
    This method returns the value zero if (x==y), 
    if (x < y) then it returns a value less than zero 
    and if (x > y) then it returns a value greater than zero.

    Example :To show working of method.

    import java.lang.Integer;

    class Gfg {

        public static void main(String args[])


            int a = 10;

            int b = 20;

            System.out.println(, b));

            int x = 30;

            int y = 30;

            System.out.println(, y));

            int w = 15;

            int z = 8;

            System.out.println(, z));





    Can we compare two integers in Java?

    Syntax : public static int compare(int x, int y) Parameter : x : the first int to compare y : the second int to compare Return : This method returns the value zero if (x==y), if (x < y) then it returns a value less than zero and if (x > y) then it returns a value greater than zero. Example :To show working of java.

    How do you compare two integers equal in Java?

    To check two numbers for equality in Java, we can use the Equals() method as well as the == operator. Firstly, let us set Integers. Integer val1 = new Integer(5); Integer val2 = new Integer(5); Now, to check whether they are equal or not, let us use the == operator.

    How do you compare two variables in Java?

    In Java, the == operator compares that two references are identical or not. Whereas the equals() method compares two objects. Objects are equal when they have the same state (usually comparing variables). Objects are identical when they share the class identity.

    Can you compare integer == integer?

    Now when you compare two Integer objects using a == operator, Java doesn't compare them by value, but it does reference comparison. When means even if the two integers have the same value, == can return false because they are two different objects in the heap.