The way i used to be age rating

In this tough but worthwhile read, a teen girl's life spirals into self-destruction after she is raped in her own bed. The pain and loneliness Eden experiences after being raped by her brother's best friend is palpable. However, it's frustrating to watch a character make terrible decision after terrible decision, even if you feel for her. The overall message and story show that even kids from loving families find it hard to speak out and get help after a trauma. Hopefully teens reading this will get the lesson that the longer you hold a secret in, the more damage it does to you. The trauma of rape leads Eden to self-loathing and an inability to trust her instincts, and she begins to behave completely opposite of the shy, geeky girl she's always been. She loves the rush of power that comes with playing with guys' emotions and uses sex and alcohol as ways to escape her unhappiness. Her partying and frequent sexual hookups snowball until she gets to the point where she has no idea who the real Eden is anymore. Her rage is not only directed inward but also at everyone close to her, causing her to ruin her relationships with her friends and family. While not all rape victims react in this way, author Amber Smith paints a believable picture.

The book is on the long side, as it covers all four years of high school, and it would have been more compelling had it been tighter and had the side characters been better developed. Also, in her senior year, Eden begins referring to her parents by their first names. This reads like an editing mistake because their names have never been mentioned before that point. The author adds no explanation as to whom Eden is referring, so it could be confusing for some readers.

February 27, 2022

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

Too much sex

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

August 19, 2021

For more Mature Audiences

Personally, I wouldn't describe 'The Way I Used To Be' as one of my favourite books but I do think it brings up an important and much needed discussion. It deals with mature/sensitive subject matter and likewise, requires a mature audience. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone under the age of 13 at all due to the heavy topics. Anyone in high school would be an appropriate reader in my opinion. If you are a parent, try having a discussion with your child (if they are younger and decide to take on this book) about the themes. (ex. r*pe/sexual shaming/bullying/adult minor relationships/underage drug and alcohol use) happy reading :)

This title has:

Educational value

Too much sex

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

June 17, 2021

amazing read!

this book is an amazing book, and i could not put it down. i read all of the book in under 24 hours. it kept me entertained, however i probably should not have read it because of the content. the story is about a girl who got raped, and how her life fell apart after it. after the incident her life falls apart and she turns to one night stands and drugs and alcohol. but the book is beautifully written. you will cry, laugh, and enjoy this book!

This title has:

Too much sex

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

January 21, 2021

Good read for Teens

Ok so some teens might not be able to handle this book and I completely understand that. It depends how mature you are and how much you think you can handle the complex concept of r*pe. Nevertheless, if you can handle that it's an incredible read. Dynamic and really took me on a journey.

November 2, 2018


Such an incredible story, more people should take away not only the trauma that occurs with rape but also the bullying and giving into gossip, etc slut-shaming.

October 6, 2018


I reall love this book. It's about a young girl ( like me ) that got raped. She coped it with it in a way that most people that have been raped cope with the trauma. I recommend this book because if you know anybody who has been raped or you you your self have been raped this book will give you hope that one day everything will be okay on day

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

April 30, 2018

Not exactly the age, more of maturity

I have had this book for about a week now, and read it three times so far. Through the times I've read it, I understand why it could be for ages 15+, but I believe it isn't the age. It's if the reader understands the plot and series of events that occur in the book. You must have a certain maturity to read books like these, and I have read many like this for being 13 years old. Always keep in mind what could happen throughout the book.

This title has:

Great messages

Too much sex

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

February 27, 2017

Good read, not for everyone

It touches on sensitive topics that not everyone is comfortable with reading, I for one am someone who will only read books like this. You can really relate to it as a teenager and it gives such an important lesson to kids that if someone bad has happened, you need to tell someone. You can't let people get away with stuff.

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

Great role models

July 25, 2016


I read the book in 4 days, which is insanely fast for me. The story is written in such a way that you are able to relate Eden (the main character), and understand how she feels and what she is going through even if you yourself have never experienced her scenario. As a new author, Amber Smith hit it out of the ballpark. Her writing style is creative and new, it is fantastic. An absolutely genius work of fiction that has rendered me speechless. It is my absolute favorite novel that I have ever read, and I plan to read it again in the future. I do however recommend this book to more mature audiences. It contains many sexual scenes, many scenes with explicit language, drugs, and violence.

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

Great role models

May 2, 2016

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

Too much sex

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

Is The Way I Used to Be inappropriate?

The depiction of the rape is intense and may be too much for younger or sensitive readers. The other violence mostly is bullying and sexual harassment.

Is the book it appropriate for a 12 year old?

But I think that teenagers and also kids (obviusly of 12 and 13 year old) should read this book because the lessons that they can carry carry off of this book and how the book results inspirational.

What age group is The Way I Used to Be?

And she buries the way she used to be. Told in four parts—freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year—this provocative debut reveals the deep cuts of trauma. ... Product Details..

Is the movie it appropriate for a 14 year old?

Great film, but not for kids under 13 I recommend this film to everyone who loves slightly disturbing films and TV shows like me but for anyone under the age of 13 you really should not watch it. It's very gory and contains adult language.


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