What are some reasons for moving out of home?

Moving house can be a stressful, time consuming and costly process, which begs the question why do so many people choose to do it? From lack of space to a new job, this article will serve to explain the top 10 reasons why people decide relocation is the best option…

1. Need more space

First time home buyers positioning themselves on the property ladder often outgrow their starter home and need to upsize to a larger house with plans to start a family.

2. Upgrade

Deciding whether to improve your property or move house entirely can be difficult. Becoming restless at home is a common problem, with many people getting itchy feet to upgrade to a bigger, more desirable home.

3. New job    

A new job can mean relocating to a different area if the commuting distance is simply too long or travelling from your current home to your new job is completely unfeasible.

4. Empty nest

When the kids are all grown up and have moved out of the family home, many choose to downsize to a smaller home as they no longer need all the extra space.

5. Relationships

Choosing to move in with a partner is typically a significant stage in any relationship and is one of the main reasons people relocate. It can often mean that one will need to sell their house if both owned homes prior to the decision. On the other hand, break ups can also result in moving house, as one person’s income may not be able to support the price of the home or one individual may need to buy the other out.

6. Visit family more often

For many people, living closer to their family is very important and can be one of the key reasons people choose to move house. As the family unit extends to several generations, parents want to be nearer their children, and grandparents prefer to live nearer their children and grandchildren.

7. Catchment area for schools

More and more people are moving house to catchment areas where their children will be a higher priority for admission to their school of choice. Parents who are keen to send their child to a particular school may not fall within the specific catchment area in their current home, meaning many decide to relocate.

8. Change of scenery/lifestyle

Those feeling unsettled in their current home or searching for a fresh start are most likely to uproot and move to a different location. Whether you want to move from the bright lights of the city to the peaceful countryside or vice versa, many decide that a change of scenery is the ideal option for them.

9. Cost of running a house

A change of income or need to save money means many choose to relocate to an area where the running costs of a house are much lower. From the price of the house itself to rent or bills, the expense of owning and running a house can cause many to move to a different area.

10. Changes in the surrounding area

Since originally moving into your current home, the neighbourhood might have significantly deteriorated for economic, social or physical reasons. This might mean that you choose to relocate to an area where you feel much happier and more comfortable in your surroundings.

Moving house can be a challenging task but in most cases it is extremely beneficial for your lifestyle and peace of mind. Changing factors in your life or personal preference can result in relocation which may initially be rather costly but will be a positive decision in the long run.

Here at Harradines Removals, we understand that moving house can be a stressful experience, which is why we offer top quality domestic and commercial removal services to ensure a quick and trouble-free move. No matter what your reason for relocating, our comprehensive list of services will cater to any of your removal needs. Simply give us a call or get in touch online today for further information – our friendly team are always happy to help with any enquiry.

Moving out for the first time is one of the most exciting experiences of your life. If you are considering leaving home for the first time, this article might just give you the push to make the move. If you desperately want to move out, then you’ll know these things to be true!

1. Location

The first and arguably best step to moving out is choosing where you want to live. This is one of the ideal parts of leaving home; moving to a place that matches your lifestyle and interests. Do you want to live closer to the city? Do you want to live in a hip area? Do you want to be near the beach? Whatever it is, it’s completely in your hands.

2. Freedom

There is nothing better than having the freedom to live the way you want to. Moving out of home means experiencing a new lifestyle, just the way you like it. This means you can do what you want, when you want and how you want to do it.

3. Housemates

Living with friends or a partner is one of the most exhilarating, and challenging, things you’ll do in life. There’s nothing like living with people you love and enjoy spending time with. There’s no denying that living in close quarters with others can also create some tensions – but that’s all part of the experience and, in the future, you’ll look back and smile!

4. Design

One of the best parts of furnishing your own home is the chance to completely design your own space. Little decorative design touches really make a home, and shouldn’t be overlooked. Big-ticket items like furniture and electronics are important for functionality and liveability, but it’s the little things that transform a house into a home.

Personal style is everything here, and the only limitation is your imagination! Decorative touches needn’t be expensive art – there are plenty of terrific DIY design ideas, from hand-painted murals to upcycled jars, which look great and won’t break the bank account.

5. Growing Up & Taking Ownership

One terrific reason to move out is simply because you feel you’re at the right stage in your life, and you are ready to make the change. It might be to prove to yourself that you can do it, or to show your family that you can be independent. Taking this leap is an important step in the maturing process, and can have some pretty positive benefits. Ultimately, everything’s your choice - want a recliner? Want a cat? The path is yours to shape.

6. Responsibility

With moving out comes responsibility; not only looking after the place, but also paying for rent, Internet, utilities and groceries. Although this might seem like a less exciting element, taking responsibility for these items gives you the satisfaction of being in control of your new lifestyle.

Remember you only get to move out for the first time once, and while you’re young you want to take advantage of living with friends or partners in a place that has what you need and best suits the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

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