What are the three stages of a root canal?

Has your dentist or endodontist told you that you need root canal? If so, you're not alone. More than 15 million teeth are treated and saved each year with the root canal, or endodontic, treatment. This page explains root canal treatment in detail and how it can relieve your tooth pain and save your smile.

Endodontists' advanced training, specialized techniques and superior technologies mean you get the highest quality care with the best results.

October 1, 2022

What is Endodontic Treatment?

Endodontic therapy is a treatment for the tooth’s pulp to save your tooth. The nerve inside your tooth is destroyed by this procedure and replaced with an artificial one. 

What causes Root Canal Infection?

The most common cause is when the tooth’s pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected. The infection can occur because of decay, a crack in the tooth, or an injury. Sometimes, a root canal infection can also be caused by bacteria from a gum infection spreading to the tooth. 

A root canal infection can lead to other problems like; abscesses, bone loss, and even death if left untreated. 

Endodontic therapy is the only way to save a tooth with a root canal infection.

What Are the Root Canal Infection Signs and Symptoms?

You need Zebulon root canal therapy if you have:

  • A toothache or pain associated with eating, drinking, and brushing indicates something isn’t right with your mouth.
  • Gum swelling. An infection can also cause swelling around your teeth and gums, which may make them tender or even painful when touched by a cold object (such as water).
  • Darkening and tender of the gums
  • Lingering tooth sensitivity

Stages of Root Canal Treatment

The primary function of the root canal procedure is to remove the infected pulp, stop the infection from spreading, and prevent extraction. The procedure is done in three steps:

  • Examination

The dentist will do a radiograph to determine the root canals’ position and the infected pulp’s location. He will number the gums. The dentist will numb the area and surrounding tissues. 

A dental dam separates the infected teeth from the rest and keeps them clean and dry. The dental dam also protects the teeth from the instruments used.

  • Removal of the infected pulp

The dentist cuts through the tooth to access the pulp chamber. He will remove the infected tissues and clean the area. The dentist may apply antiseptic or antibiotics to ensure no infected pulp is left.

  • Filling and restoration

The dentist will then use a rubber-like material to fill the canals. Adhesive cement is used to seal the chamber to keep the bacteria away. A temporary filling can also protect the teeth while waiting for the permanent crowns.

The final step involves fixing the porcelain crowns to restore the strength and function of the teeth.

What Can You Expect After Endodontic Treatment?

You will experience some discomfort after the root canal treatment. You should not chew on your tooth for a few days and avoid biting hard objects until it heals completely. 

You may also feel soreness around the treatment area. This is a normal reaction to an endodontic procedure called pain injection. It helps reduce swelling caused by nerve damage from root canal filling material injected into damaged pulp chambers where bacteria live within them (pulp).

What are Aftercare Instructions?

It is crucial to care for the teeth to promote healing and avoid complications. These instructions may include taking over-the-counter pain medication, avoiding hard, spicy, or chewy foods, and gently brushing and flossing the teeth. Also, don’t smoke or use tobacco products for at least 48 hours after the procedure. It is also important to see a dentist for a follow-up appointment to ensure that the root canal treatment was successful.

How Can You Prevent Root Canal Infection?

The best way to prevent root canal infection is to clean your teeth. This includes removing any food or plaque from around the teeth, avoiding smoking, using tobacco products and regularly visiting a dentist in Zebulon, GA, for an assessment and cleaning.


You’re not alone in your fear of root canal, as many people are afraid of the procedure, and it’s important to remember that it is a very successful treatment for many people.

Visit Palmetto Family Dental for more information about root canal infection, how it is done and how you can prevent it. 

Why might you need root canal treatment Fremantle? In certain situations, the nerve of the tooth starts dying or getting infected. This may or may not lead to pain depending on the onset of infection when root canal treatment may be required.
The causes which can lead to a dead nerve can be:

  1. Decay reaching the nerve
  2. Deep fillings
  3. Fractured or cracked teeth
  4. Mechanical or thermal trauma to the tooth

In such cases, root canal treatment is indicated to save the tooth. It basically involves removing the infected nerve from the tooth, disinfecting the canals and filling it with an inert material.

Root canal treatment is done in 3 stages:

  1. Stage 1: involves removal of the dead nerve and the gross infection. An antibiotic medicament is left in the canal to help reduce the bacteria. The symptoms usually subside after this. However, it is important to continue with the treatment lest the infection recur.
  2. Stage 2: this involves further cleaning and shaping of the canals. Certain medicaments are used to flush out the debris and create a sterile environment to receive the inert filling.
  3. Stage 3: this is the last stage in the completion of treatment which involves filling the canals with an inert filling material. A permanent filling is done to restore the tooth and then it is ready to receive a crown.

Do You Need Root Canal Treatment Fremantle?

Contact Fremantle Smiles for an appointment!

What are the 3 stages of root canal?

Here are the three stages your root canal treatment will involve:.
Root Canal Treatment Stage 1: Assessment and initial clean. ... .
Root Canal Treatment Stage 2: Follow-up clean and medication. ... .
Root Canal Treatment Stage 3: Filling the root canal..

What happens 3rd stage of root canal?

Stage 3: A new Root Canal Filling is Placed. The endodontist will fill the chamber that once hosted the infected pulp with a new root filler. An adhesive is used to seal off the area, protecting the new root filler from any bacteria or saliva.

How many stages are there to a root canal?

A root canal treatment is simply a four-step process that also involves the removal of the temporary filling. Your endodontist can perform the procedure successfully over two appointments.

Why is there 3 appointments for root canal?

How many visits does a root canal take? Most root canals can be done in one to two appointments. The first appointment is the procedure itself when the infected pulp is removed. The second (and maybe third) appointment is when the root canal gets cleaned and filled with a crown or other filling to prevent infections.


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