What does a blue bird sound like

  • Overview
  • ID info
  • Life History
  • Maps
  • Sounds

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    Colorado, May 12, 2012Recorded by Andrew Spencer | Macaulay Library
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    Oregon, June 23, 1991Recorded by Dave Herr | Macaulay Library
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    California, May 28, 1961Recorded by Robert C. Stein | Macaulay Library
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    Alberta, May 28, 1961Recorded by William W. H. Gunn | Macaulay Library
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    California, June 16, 1991Recorded by Geoffrey A. Keller | Macaulay Library
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    Colorado, April 28, 2011Recorded by Nathan Pieplow
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    South Dakota, July 08, 2015Recorded by Bob McGuire | Macaulay Library

Do blue birds talk?

At the crack of dawn, especially in areas where bluebirds are concentrated, males sing an excited song series that includes lots of sharp, staccato chit calls given before songs, and often delivered in a chattering group of two or three. Males may even sing in flight as they move from perch to perch.

How do I identify a bluebird?

Male Eastern Bluebirds are vivid, deep blue above and rusty or brick-red on the throat and breast. Blue in birds always depends on the light, and males often look plain gray-brown from a distance. Females are grayish above with bluish wings and tail, and a subdued orange-brown breast.

How rare is a blue bird?

Bluebirds are considered fairly common, but their numbers have declined substantially during the last century. Populations have been given a boost by the birdhouse boxes that have become popular in many parks and backyards.

What is special about a blue bird?

Some believe the bluebird is a symbol of joy and hope; others, that good news will be arriving soon. Others still think that bluebirds represent a connection between the living and those who have passed away.