What happens to your body when you walk 20000 steps a day?

Walking is a great way to stay fit as it’s something that anyone can do, regardless of their fitness level.

What’s more, with the rise of step counters and step-tracking apps, tracking your daily steps is fast becoming the new craze.

The CDC recommends that you walk 10,000 steps per day to stay in good health.

However, many health enthusiasts are taking it a step further (pun intended!) by walking an astonishing 20,000 steps a day.

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Why Walk 20,000 Steps A Day?

How Far Is 20000 Steps?

How To Get 20,000 Steps A Day

Build It Up Gradually

Break It Up Into Multiple Short Walks

Schedule Your Walking Time

Walk In Scenic Locations

Opt For The Stairs

Walk To Work (Or Park Further Away)

Take Up Dog Walking

Go To The Gym

Use A Detailed Step Tracker

Final Thoughts On Walking 20000 Steps A Day

Why Walk 20,000 Steps A Day?

Why would anyone want to walk 20000 steps a day, you may ask. Well, firstly, walking is a gentle form of exercise that is enjoyable and doesn’t leave you covered in sweat.

Therefore, anyone looking to get fit or lose weight will significantly benefit from setting the goal to walk 20,000 steps a day. 

Secondly, going for a walk has the additional benefit of spending time in nature, something else that is essential for our health and wellbeing.

Therefore it’s a fun challenge for avid hikers and backpackers, allowing you to explore more great outdoor destinations. 

How Far Is 20000 Steps?

As you can imagine, the downside of walking 20000 steps a day is that it will take up a large chunk of your day.

If you’re wondering ‘how far are 20000 steps?’ it roughly equates to 15 km or 9.2 miles.

So, how long does it take to walk 20000 steps? It will depend on many factors. Your fitness level, walking speed, stride, weight, and height can all determine this.

However, for most people, it takes around 4 hours a day to walk 20,000 steps. Read on to find ways to increase your step count, and eventually, manage to walk 20000 steps a day.

Now, you may be wondering how many calories you will burn from walking 20000 steps a day.

Of course, the faster you walk, the more calories you will burn, but your weight and height also play a role. 

For example, a 155-pound person will burn:

  • 298 calories an hour walking at 3.5 miles per hour or 5.6 kilometers per hour
  • 334 calories an hour walking at 4 miles per hour or 6.4 kilometers per hour
  • 372 calories an hour walking at 4.5 miles per hour or 7.2 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, on average, this person could burn between 1100 and 1200 calories a day, walking 20,000 steps. 

How To Get 20,000 Steps A Day

Increasing your steps doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many small changes you can make to fit more walking into your life.

As you’ve read above, many people don’t have 4 hours a day to walk 20,000 steps, but there are ways to get your steps in without going for a long 4-hour walk.

Below, you’ll find our tips to help you increase your steps every day.

Build It Up Gradually

20,000 steps is a lot of ground to cover, so if you are not already walking every day, start slow and gradually work your way up.

If you set yourself the goal of 20,000 steps a day straight away, you are more likely to feel overwhelmed and exhausted and give up.

So instead, start at 5000 steps a day and slowly increase it over a few weeks. Once you can easily get 10,000 steps, increase to 15,000 steps, and so on.

Break It Up Into Multiple Short Walks

Walking 4 hours at once will quickly take its toll on your body and feet.

What’s more, you will likely find it challenging to juggle this among your work life and other commitments.

Therefore, I recommend breaking the 4 hours of walking into multiple short walks throughout the day.

For example, take an hour walk in the morning, another one around lunchtime, and then a long walk in the evening to reach your target. 

As this is not realistic for everyone, there are other ways to get your steps in. Keep reading to find more ways to get to 20,000 steps a day.

Schedule Your Walking Time

Planning your walks every day is essential to avoid running out of time and falling short on your target.

By ‘time blocking’ your hikes, you won’t feel stressed or rushed to get in your steps. 

You can also allocate yourself short movement breaks throughout the day, where you stretch your legs by walking for five minutes up and down the stairs or in the garden.

If you schedule in lots of these mini-walks, you’ll find you will reach your target without such an effort.

Walk In Scenic Locations

I’m not going to lie, walking can get boring.

Therefore, use this as an opportunity to travel and explore more. Research hiking trails near you as well as forests and fields that are suitable for walking.

If you live close to the ocean, you’re bound to find plenty of scenic coastal walks too.

Create a list of all the places you want to walk, and start working your way through them. During the week, when you have less time, you can visit the nearest ones.

Then, you can take a trip to a different town and enjoy a hiking adventure there on the weekend. 

Opt For The Stairs

There are also some easy changes you can make to increase your step count. The most simple swap is to take the stairs instead of the lift wherever you go.

For example, if you work on a high floor of an office building, taking the stairs every time will significantly increase your daily steps.

What’s more, climbing stairs is one of the best ways to improve your cardio and stamina!

Walk To Work (Or Park Further Away)

Another lifestyle change you can make is to walk to and from work instead of driving or taking public transport.

Of course, if you commute into a city from a suburb, this may not be practical.

However, if this is the case, you can choose to park further away and walk the last kilometer. Or if you take a bus or train, you could get off at the stop before.

Walking to work doesn’t just help you get your steps in, but it will also save you money.

Moreover, suppose you usually find yourself in traffic jams or experiencing delays. In that case, you may even find it doesn’t add much time to your journey. 

Take Up Dog Walking

If you find walking on your own boring and none of your friends are interested in joining, walk the dog.

If you don’t have a pup yourself, ask family or friends who have one if you can take it out. I’m sure they will gratefully take you up on that offer.

You could also contact local rescue centers and animal shelters to see if they need any dog walkers.

Unfortunately, most shelter dogs get minimal walking time due to not enough volunteers. Therefore, by taking some out, you’ll be doing an incredible good deed while getting fit.

Go To The Gym

Going to the gym can help you achieve your daily step goal. Whether you’re opting for a cardio machine like the treadmill or doing weight lighting, you’ll be able to increase your daily steps.

Add a warm-up to your workout routine to increase your steps. For example, jog or run for 5-10 minutes a the beginning of your workout.

Alternatively, finish your gym session with a LISS session (low-intensity steady-state). To do so, you could walk on the treadmill with an incline to reach the fat burn zone. This will help you increase your daily steps.

Use A Detailed Step Tracker

Having an effective step counter is crucial for reaching your walking goal. There are many free apps that you can download on your phone.

However, with these, you will probably miss many steps unless you carry your phone everywhere, including to the bathroom.

Wearable devices like smartwatches are much more accurate. You can put it on in the morning, and it will track every step you take until you go to bed.

Here are my two favorite wearable step trackers that will help you reach your 20000 steps a day target.

1. Fitbit Versa 2 Health & Fitness Smartwatch

Fitbit is the most famous brand of fitness trackers, with many different models to choose from, spanning different price ranges.

Although the Fitbit Versa 2 is one of the more expensive ones, I love it because it offers many unique features. 

What makes the Versa 2 stand out is the built-in Amazon Alexa.

This allows you to quickly check the weather forecast before heading out on a walk, set a timer for how long you want to walk or ask Alexa to schedule walks and remind you.

In this way, Alexa acts as an accountability buddy to help you get your steps in.

I also like the large screen display on the Versa 2. You can easily see how many steps you’ve taken just from a glance.

This Fitbit tracks so much more, too, such as your heart rate, sleep quality, water intake, distance, calories burned, and active minutes.

Plus, it tracks the number of floors climbed so you can see how many extra daily steps you’re getting by choosing to take the stairs.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a more affordable Fitbit, consider getting the Fitbit Luxe – which helps you track all the essential things. (I have the Fitbit Luxe at the moment.)

See On Amazon

2. Amazfit Band 5 Fitness Tracker

If you’re not prepared to splash out on a Fitbit, the Amazfit Band 5 Fitness Tracker is a brilliant affordable alternative.

It has many of the same fantastic features as Fitbit, such as built-in Alexa and heart rate and sleep tracking. 

One of the USPs of the Amazfit Band 5 is its long battery life.

The tracker lasts up to 15 days before needing a recharge, making it super convenient, as you can keep it on your wrist and let it do its thing.

It’s also one of the best fitness trackers for women because of its unique period tracking system. Band 5 records and predicts your menstrual cycle.

Therefore, you can plan and reduce your daily steps during your period days if needed.

See On Amazon

Final Thoughts On Walking 20000 Steps A Day

There are many physical and mental health benefits to increasing your number of daily steps.

Whether you choose to walk 10,000, 15,000, or 20,000 steps a day, you will significantly improve your cardiovascular health and metabolism and boost your mood too!

As a traveler, your health and fitness can dramatically improve your travel experiences as you discover a new country, hike a mountain to enjoy the views, and more!

Can I lose weight walking 20000 steps a day?

As stated, walking is an exercise like any other, and thus depending on how much you weigh and how fast you walk, you can burn anywhere between 670 to 1000 calories a day by just taking 20000 steps. Doing this constantly for several months can help you lose and keep off more than 100 pounds.

Is 20000 steps a day considered very active?

Is 20,000 steps a day considered active? If you were to walk 20,000 steps a day, you are going to find that this is going to be considered an active lifestyle. In fact, it is often considered to be a very active lifestyle since a lot of people struggle to get to 10,000 steps a day.

Does walking 20000 steps build muscle?

You will feel it Contrary to the belief that you need to run or workout in the gym to feel the muscle burn, walking 20,000 steps regularly will give the muscles in your legs and behind a good workout.

How much calories does 20k steps burn?

Height 6 Feet and Above.


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