What is meant a collateral give two examples?

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[ kuh-lat-er-uhl ]

/ kəˈlæt ər əl /

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Finance. property or other assets pledged by a borrower as security for the repayment of a loan: He gave the bank stocks and bonds as collateral for the money he borrowed.


  1. a subordinate or accessory part.
  2. a side branch, as of a blood vessel or nerve.
  3. collateral circulation.

a relative descended from the same stock, but in a different line.


accompanying; auxiliary: He received a scholarship and collateral aid.

additional; confirming: collateral evidence;collateral security.

secured by collateral: a collateral loan.

aside from the main subject, course, etc.; secondary: These accomplishments are merely collateral to his primary goal.

descended from the same stock, but in a different line; not lineal: A cousin is a collateral relative.

pertaining to those so descended.

situated at the side: a collateral wing of a house.

situated or running side by side; parallel: collateral ridges of mountains.

Botany. standing side by side.



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Question 1 of 6

Which form is commonly used with other verbs to express intention?

Origin of collateral

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Medieval Latin collaterālis, equivalent to col- a variant of com- + Latin laterālis “on the side of the body”; see col-1 lateral


col·lat·er·al·i·ty [koh-lat-uh-ral-i-tee], /koʊˌlæt əˈræl ɪ ti/, col·lat·er·al·ness, nouncol·lat·er·al·ly, adverb

Words nearby collateral

collarette, collar rot, collat., collate, collated, collateral, collateral circulation, collateral damage, collateralize, collateralized debt obligation, collation

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022


What does collateral mean in loans?

Collateral is an asset, such as a home or a car, pledged by a borrower that a lender accepts as security against a loan in case the borrower for any reason cannot pay back the loan.

If a borrower fails to pay back a loan, the lender can seize the collateral and sell it in order to recover the loan amount.

Examples of collateral in a sentence

“A secured loan gets backed by some type of collateral, such as your vehicle or a savings account.”
—”What Is A Personal Loan?” Rocket Loans. Retrieved March 15, 2020.

“Since they don’t tend to have collateral attached, personal loans tend to come with higher interest rates than car and mortgage loans.”
—”The Best Ways To Finance Your Budding Business” Rocket Loans. Retrieved March 15, 2020.

“By contrast, an unsecured personal loan isn’t backed by collateral, which means that a lender will decide whether you qualify based on factors like your credit history and income.”
—”What Is A Personal Loan?” Rocket Loans. Retrieved March 15, 2020.

ancillary, accessory, adjuvant, attendant, auxiliary, complementary, concomitant, coordinate, dependent, incident, lateral, parallel, roundabout, satellite, side, sub, subordinate, subsidiary, supporting, tributary

How to use collateral in a sentence

  • For the medical community, in particular, the war on drugs produced widespread collateral damage in the form of treatments undiscovered, in the form of human suffering unalleviated, in the form of scientific knowledge unattained.

  • Soon, even their dream home was at risk as collateral for a line of credit from AvidBank.

  • Most of these sites—notably Compound and Maker—rely on a decentralized network of lenders and borrowers, who use smart contracts to arrange collateral and payment terms.

  • Sid Coelho-Prabhu, who is leading the Coinbase wallet initiative, says any loans consumers make on the platform are secure, since they are backed by borrowers’ collateral.

  • The move comes in the wake of mounting concern about the scale of predatory lending given the proliferation of startups offering online, collateral-free loans in Kenya.

  • Horace had been playing poker with a mortician, who had put the car up as collateral.

  • In 2008, it was looking at a death spiral: cut credit ratings, claims on the policies, and collateral calls.

  • The euphemism of “collateral damage” comes with that package.

  • This can cause women to end up as collateral, even when they themselves have committed no wrong.

  • That night Gasol hobbled off his home court with a torn medial collateral ligament in his left knee.

  • From one of these, which may be considered as collateral primary meanings, it must therefore be deduced.

  • The commentary is not very helpful, and discusses collateral questions rather than the dream itself.

  • The direct and collateral hereditary tendency appears to indicate a diathetic origin.

  • At the front it has a one-sided irregular look; and this is owing to the non-completion of a collateral spire.

  • If the horse is the source, or principal trunk, the zebra and the ass will be collateral branches.

British Dictionary definitions for collateral


  1. security pledged for the repayment of a loan
  2. (as modifier)a collateral loan

a person, animal, or plant descended from the same ancestor as another but through a different line


situated or running side by side

descended from a common ancestor but through different lines

serving to support or corroborate

aside from the main issue

Derived forms of collateral

collaterally, adverb

Word Origin for collateral

C14: from Medieval Latin collaterālis, from Latin com- together + laterālis of the side, from latus side

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for collateral

Property or its equivalent that a debtor deposits with a creditor to guarantee repayment of a debt.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

What is collateral and give an example?

Put simply, collateral is an item of value that a lender can seize from a borrower if he or she fails to repay a loan according to the agreed terms. One common example is when you take out a mortgage. Normally, the bank will ask you to provide your home as collateral.

What is an example of a collateral Class 10?

Collateral is an asset or form of physical wealth that the borrower owns like house, livestock, vehicle etc. It is against these assets that the banks provide loans to the borrower.

What is collateral security example?

Collateral security is any other security offered for the said credit facility. For example, hypothecation of jewellery, mortgage of house, etc. Example: Land, Plant & Machinery or any other business property in the name of a proprietor or unit, if unencumbered, can be taken as primary security.

What are collateral assets give 4 examples?

Examples of collateral.
Residential mortgage. This is a type of loan where your house is used as secured collateral. ... .
Home equity loans. Similar to a home loan, equity loans convert the property's equity into cash. ... .
Loan against property (LAP) ... .
Automobile loans. ... .
Loan against securities. ... .
Business loans. ... .
Property. ... .