What is the best candy to eat when dieting?

We're just days away from Easter, and if you're anything like me, that means you're also just days away from popping a button off your pants from all that Easter candy. Oops. Health-conscious folks might suggest you shy away from all the candy goodness around this time of year if you're dieting, but it doesn't have to be that way! These low-cal candies are good news for those of us celebrating the holiday while cutting calories.

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Twizzlers Easter Grass Candy

They don't call it a low-fat snack for nothing! The festive, grass-colored candy is diet-friendly anyway you pull it, with a single piece claiming a just 8 calories. 

Six entire rolls carry a meager 150 calories. Although they might not be your first choice for Easter candy, they're a nice alternative if you're looking to snack (somewhat) sensibly.

The pastel-colored candies are ubiquitous when it comes to Easter basket prep, and for good reason: Kisses are delicious, bite-sized, and totally justifiable at 25 calories each.

One serving (25 pieces) is just 100 calories, so if you're looking for something to snack on for a while, beans are probably your best bet. Grab a multi-pack for some variety, or keep it classic with these beloved favorites. 

If you've ever felt that Peeps are a bit … insubstantial … that's because they are. A single Peep clocks in at a cool 28 calories — pretty low by most candy standards. Not so fast, though, if you're thinking that makes them healthy — they're made mostly of sugar.

In the world of Easter candies, few are more beloved than Reese's Eggs. The candies come individually wrapped, meaning you're less likely to go hog-wild and eat a handful. And although one egg will cost you 85 calories, they're substantial enough to justify the splurge.

Candies and weight loss don't usually go together. Candy is almost entirely sugar, which is high in calories and lacking in nutrients — also known as empty calories. Since weight loss requires lowering your calorie intake below the calories you expend each day, eating a lot of empty calories makes it easy to miss this target. While choosing naturally sweet and nutrient-rich foods like fruit is the best choice to satisfy a sweet tooth, there are low-calorie candies you can consider when your willpower fades.

Sugar Calories and Weight Loss

Consider the calorie content of some popular candies: butterscotch candies contain 111 calories per ounce, jelly beans have 109 calories per ounce and just four Twizzlers have 157 calories. This small amount of candy can make up more than 12 percent of the 1,200- to 1,500-calorie diet that the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute says can help most women lose weight. If you're getting more than 10 percent of your calories from sugar each day, it will be hard to meet your nutrient needs without going over your calorie goals.

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Sugar Hampers Weight Loss

Candy may temporarily satisfy a craving, but it's not going to provide long-lasting satiety. In fact, eating sugar can actually make you want more sugar, because it activates the pleasure and reward centers in the brain. This reduces the ability of the executive center — in charge of resisting cravings and urges — to do its job, according to a 2016 review in Diabetes.

And yet another effect of sugar that will interfere with your weight loss goals is its impact on blood sugar. Straight sugar is immediately absorbed into your bloodstream, causing an immediate rush of energy — a "sugar high." Your blood sugar quickly drops, which can lead to a craving for more sugar. It's not just a simple candy; it's part of a vicious cycle that can lead to more and more sugar consumption, weight gain and even diabetes.

Read more: Increased Blood Sugar & Weight Gain

Low Calorie and Sugar Free

The best "candy" to eat on a diet is all-natural fruit — aka nature's candy. But everyone wants to indulge occasionally. When you do indulge, choosing sugar-free candies will help you stay on track with your weight-loss goals. Candies made with sugar alcohols, such as xylitol, mannitol and sorbitol, contain no calories and have negligible effects on blood sugar. They're not without their downsides, though; Cleveland Clinic reports that sugar alcohols can cause bloating, gas, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Sugar free doesn't mean healthy. Even sugar-free candies may contain other sources of simple carbohydrates that affect blood sugar, and they may be high in unhealthy fats such as trans fats. Read the labels and pay attention to the serving size. Sugar free doesn't mean it's OK to eat unlimited amounts.

Some research also shows that nonnutritive synthetic sugars, such as sucralose, may cause cravings and stimulate appetite the same way regular sugar does. A 2016 study in Cell Metabolism concluded that chronic consumption of sucralose increases the motivation to eat, leading to a potential calorie imbalance and weight gain.

Read more: Negative Effects of Artificial Sweeteners

Better Sweets Options

Whenever possible, it's a good idea to just avoid candies altogether. The less sugar you eat, the less sugar you'll crave. Fresh berries are sweet, and although they still contain sugar, its effects are mitigated by their fiber content, which slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. They're also a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Dark chocolate is another option for satisfying your sweet tooth. It's still high in calories, with 150 to 170 calories per ounce, but it contains antioxidant flavanols and minerals that boost your health. Its fat content can dampen the effects of sugar on blood sugar and provide longer-lasting satiety than jelly beans, licorice twists or even milk chocolate, which is higher in sugar than dark chocolate. Look for varieties with at least 70 percent cocoa content and stick to a 1-ounce serving once a day.

What kind of candy is good for weight loss?

There are a number of low calorie candy options that can satisfy your sweet tooth and help you achieve your weight loss goals..
Sugar-Free Gum. ... .
Sugar-Free Jelly Beans. ... .
Peppermint Patties. ... .
Licorice. ... .
Sugar-Free Hard Candy. ... .
Sugar-Free Mints. ... .
100 Calorie Packs. ... .
Fruit Roll-ups..

Can you have candy while dieting?

Consume candy in moderation You can fully enjoy any candy you love, including weight loss candy, as long as you consume them in moderation. Most healthy weight loss plans offer less stress about eating and more freedom in food choices.

What is the healthiest candy to snack on?

Healthier Candy Options.
Wholesome Cinnamon Organic Bears..
Cocomels Coconut Milk Caramels..
Haribo Starmix..
Peanut M&M's..
Unreal Milk Chocolate Gems..
Manuka Honey Pops..
Dr. John's Healthy Sweets Hard Candy..
Lindt Excellence 90% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Bar..

What are the top 10 healthiest candy?

The Healthiest Candy Bars, Ranked By Nutritionists.
Kit Kat..
3 Musketeers..
Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme..
Reese's Sticks..
Almond Joy..
Milky Way..
Hershey's Gold..


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