What is the mod limit on Fallout 4?

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  2. Fallout 4
  3. Any word on a Mod limit increase?

TennVols73 5 years ago#1

Everything was all right until Sim Settlements and it's various addons started dropping. Now 2GB just isn't going to cut it.

KojoJojo 5 years ago#2

Ran out of space just when Sim Settlements got ported.

VasDeferens 5 years ago#3

That's why I'm using the Lite version for now. I hope the one good thing about Creation Club, is that they increase the mod size limit.


TennVols73 (Topic Creator)5 years ago#4

Hoping that with the XBox One X they might up the limit. I was using a few radio stations, but had to delete them for Sim Settlements.

Spacefrisian 5 years ago#5

Ask Microsoft, they have the documents.

Shema Yggdrasil, Odinai elohenu Odinai ehda....Master of IKEA

Kroganwarlord34 5 years ago#6

Micro$oft will never increase the mod space there's nothing for them to gain financially. It's really not fair though that skyrim gets like more than twice as much space.

DYuck 5 years ago#7

Skyrim is an old game which is why it has a much larger mod size limit. The limit is arbitrary since 2 gb of environment mods would slow your xbox to a crawl while 5gb of costumes would have no measurable effect. The Xbox One X could handle a lot more but don't expect an exception for it. What they should do is allow over 2gb but warn players it could crash the game and they assume all risks, blah, blah, blah.

0UT0FTH3G4M3R 5 years ago#8

This game is too buggy as it is, adding more mod space just makes it worse (depending on what mods you use, obviously). Even before mods, this game would crash all the time.

Skyrim SE is an xbox 360 game ported to xbox one with the intent to have it be modded, of course its going to perform well, hence the higher mod limit.

The petty squabbles of lesser men and the common rabble are of no greater concern to my grand design.

LandfillAO 5 years ago#9

Yeah, I can't imagine Fallout with Skyrim's mod limit tbh. I used one grass mod and one tree mod and my framerate has plummeted into the teens in certain areas. Meanwhile, I have a ton of environmental and character overhauls, with AI overhauls and a ton of other stuff in Skyrim and it runs fine.

  1. Boards
  2. Fallout 4
  3. Any word on a Mod limit increase?

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You’re now limited to 150 mods on Xbox One, 100 on PS4

The issue of mod support in the console versions of Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Special Edition has always been a little strange.

Back in 2015, it was announced that the then-upcoming Fallout 4 would support user-created mods on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. While the game did get post-launch mod support within about seven months after its launch on the Xbox One side of things, the situation significantly more complex for PS4 users.

Firstly, the patch that would enable mod support for Fallout 4 on the PS4 was hit with numerous delays, before eventually being cancelled outright. Bethesda then confirmed at a later date that yes, both it and the port of Skyrim for the PS4 would include the feature, albeit with some heavy restrictions. Notably, Fallout 4 and Skyrim were unable to dedicate as much disk space to mods on the PS4 as they could on Microsoft’s home console. Alongside that, mods weren’t able to utilise any form of external assets.

Well, it seems as if this entire ordeal is not yet over, as Bethesda has now placed even more restrictions on mods for both the Xbox One and PS4 versions of Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

As of the most recent updates for the console versions of both Fallout 4 and the current-gen port of Skyrim, a new limit has been imposed on the number of mods that a player can have active at any one time. This is to go alongside the storage constraints that were previously thrust upon console mods for Bethesda’s open-world sandboxes, and the various limitations to this feature that were mandated by Sony for it to be compatible with the PS4 in the first place.

Essentially, on the Xbox One, players of either Fallout 4 or Skyrim are now only able to run the games with up to 150 mods active at any time. You will be able to install more mods, however, and you can enable or disable them at your leisure. This number is even smaller on the PS4, which only allows for 100 mods to be active at any given moment.

While these figures may seem somewhat restrictive, a representative from Bethesda has pointed out on the company’s forums that this mod cap may change in the future, and was added due to concerns about the overall stability of these titles.

“The mod limits implemented this week to Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition has been put in place based on our internal testing for stability to the game. With the new caps, some players will not be able to reach the full storage limit for mods, but the additional storage capacity will allow for you to have larger mods within the 150/100 cap. This is a starting point, and it may be adjusted.”

Of course, this does further increase the disparity between the Xbox One and PS4 versions of Bethesda’s games as far as mod support is concerned. After all, not only do the games have fewer installable mods on Sony’s home console, but due to their inability to utilise external assets, they also lack ones that should be deemed as absolute necessities, such as the brilliant “Macho Dragon Mod” for Skyrim.

Considering that a recent Best Buy listing for the Nintendo Switch port of Skyrim has indicated that this version of the game will also feature mod support, I do have to wonder what kind of restrictions will be imposed on the feature in the event that it does make it to the upcoming handheld/home console hybrid. This is provided that the listing itself is accurate, however.

Either way, if you hold the opinion that mod support is a significant selling point for these games, you may just want to stick to the PC ports, as they lack these the arbitrary restrictions placed upon the console versions of Bethesda’s titles. Then again, it’s always possible that Bethesda and Valve may attempt to monetise them on PC again.

Recent Fallout 4, Skyrim Updates Put A New Cap On PS4/Xbox One Mods [GameSpot]

Does Fallout 4 have a plugin limit?

About this mod. This is a utility that will automatically detect plugins that are suitable to be flagged as ESL (allowing you to surpass the 256 plugin limit).

How many ESP can Fallout 4 handle?

It's also important to remember that many mods utilize ESP files, of which there's a maximum Fallout 4 can handle. Once the player reaches 255 ESPs in their mod list, they've hit a roadblock. Going beyond this limit will break the game in one form or another.

Does ESL count towards mod limit?

ESL's do not count toward the plugin limit but i would still reduce your ESP's. If you use Vortex it will tell you which ESP's could be marked as "Light" (i.e. treated as an ESL by the game). Marking those ESP's as Light is very useful.


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