When does Botox start to wear off

Let's start with what Botox is. Botox is the brand name for Onobotulinumtoxin A, a neurotoxin derived from Clostridium botulinum. There are currently four different types that are FDA-approved for cosmetic facial wrinkles. These include Botox, Xeomin, Dysport and now Jeuveau.

They all work by blocking a signal from the nerve to the targeted muscle that prevents it from contracting. By preventing the contraction of these specific muscles, there is less action or pull on the skin and a decrease in the formation of wrinkles. While all of these products have the same end result, they differ slightly in their onset, duration of action and discomfort.

When to use each product is dependent on several things. Sometimes, it is the surgeon's or injector's preference. In other instances, a patient may have had experience with different products and have found that one works better than the other in them personally. In either case, all of these products are safe and effective in the right hands.

What to expect during your procedure

Finally, the real question. Oftentimes, at the time of your injection, your injector will discuss with you your goals and, after an examination, will be able to assess if those goals can be achieved with the use of neurotoxin. If it can, it's your lucky day!

Your face will be cleansed and the areas that are to be injected, possibly marked with a removable eyeliner/marker. You might have a numbing cream applied or be given ice packs to help with any discomfort. Once you are ready, the injections will be performed in various areas to target the desired muscles.

You might have a few small bumps in the skin at the actual injection site but these will be gone by the time you leave the office. You might also have some mild bruising which will resolve in 24-48 hours. Finally, you will be given instructions on what to do and what not to do in the next 24 hours. This is can vary from injector to injector.


Neurotoxins generally take effect in 3-5 days but it is common to not see your full and final results for 7-10 days. I, personally, always tell my patients to wait a full 2 weeks after their Botox injection and, at that point if they need a touch-up, we will take care of it. It takes this long because it takes time for the toxin to block off those nerve impulses to the muscles. It is not immediate.


Well, don't we wish Botox lasted forever? Unfortunately, it doesn't. Eventually, the action of the neurotoxin will wear off and the nerves will again be able to send those signals to the muscles to start working or contracting. In general, Botox lasts 3-4 months.

There will certainly be patients in which in lasts longer, in that 4-6 month range, or shorter, in that 2-month range. It is also common for first-timers to notice that it may not last as long initially but may last longer after the second treatment. Everyone has a unique experience and results may vary.

Hopefully, this helps answer any questions you have about Botox or other neurotoxins. For any further questions, consult with your local board-certified plastic surgeon or use the ASPS Ask A Surgeon tool.

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

But there is also good news – if your specific Botox treatment doesn’t go as planned, you will be happy to know that the results are only temporary, and after a few short months your skin and muscles (wrinkles) will return to their usual “wrinkly” state.

So how many days, weeks and months will my Botox treatment REALLY last?

The results will depend on YOU and your individual Botox treatment.  How it is administered, what the exact dosage is, as well as a number of other factors, typically determines your results.  The most common answer is that for most patients, your treatments will last between 3 and 4 months. Of course there are always exceptions, mainly athletes and first time users.

Athletes may see their results from their Botox injections fade faster. Athlete’s metabolism runs at a much higher rate than most people. Physically active bodies tend to heal faster and will eliminate the Botox from their body more quickly.  That’s not great news for athletes, however, by detailing your lifestyle during your initial consultation with a Botox specialist at Arsenault Dermatology, we can create a custom treatment plan to best achieve your desired long-term results.

First time users will also see less than average results. If you’re a first time user of Botox you may find that your results deteriorate very fast. It takes a while before the injections fully achieve their desired, lasting results. Through repeated Botox injections, your specific facial muscles become conditioned, and the results will start to last longer.

With Botox, repetition is a good thing and helps with your long-term desired results.  A recently conducted Botox study concluded that if you instill Botox into a specific facial area every 4 months over the next 2 years, the Botox treated muscles will weaken so much that their recovery will begin to take longer. What this means to you, is that if you become a steady Botox user you will be able to wait up to 6 months before a new treatment will be required, giving better results and saving you money.

If after you have had a Botox treatment you begin to notice that your Botox treatment is wearing off more quickly than you were expecting, it may makes sense to talk to a specialist and to truly find out why your results are less than optimal. Before contacting someone, please consider that Botox injections need 1 or 2 days before taking effect and may not reach maximum results for 1 to 2 weeks.

If you are considering investing in any type of Botox, we invite you to call us and schedule a consultation. At Arsenault Dermatology, our dedicated Botox Specialist is here will work with you to help you determine how to make your individual treatments worth the investment, both financially and psychologically, and that you get the desired results. Done properly, Botox can have a very immediate and dramatic effect on helping you become a more beautiful you.

How do you know when your Botox is wearing off?

Our recommendation is that as soon as you feel that your Botox is wearing off—when you're getting movement back and seeing those lines reappear, for most people around the 3 month mark—you should come in for another treatment if you'd like to maintain your original result.

How can I speed up Botox wearing off?

Exercising – Exercising increases the blood supply to all your muscles including your facial muscles and so this can result your Botox to wear off faster.

Can Botox wear off in 4 weeks?

For the majority of patients Botox generally lasts three to four months, however anywhere from two to six months is not uncommon. Botox wearing off at six weeks is a little earlier than expected and there may be several reasons for this.

Does Botox wear off slowly or all at once?

Botox fades gradually. While the length of time your Botox lasts will vary from patient to patient, the effects of Botox will slowly disappear over time instead of all at once.


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