When to change baby formula to next stage

If you know that your baby is particularity sensitive to change, we recommend that you gradually introduce them to the new products over one week.Rest assured that any slight changes in digestion should be minimal and temporary.

Should your child experience any adverse symptoms at any stage of the transition, speak to a Health Care Professional on 1800 842 198, call our Careline on 1800 438 500 or contact us.

Formula Transition Guide

Start by reducing your usual volume of formula to 75%. Add 25% of the new formula. Do this on every feed for 2 days.

Then reduce your usual formula to 50% and add 50% of the new formula, again, do this on every feed for 2 days.

Reduce your old formula to 25% and the new formula to 75% for 2 days.

If your child has not experienced any adverse symptoms on day 7 you are ready to try 100% of the new formula.

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Nutricia Careline

Experts in parenting support. When you need answers to your parenting questions, the Nutricia Careline can help. With a team of experienced midwives, dietitians and nutritionists, the Nutricia Careline is here to support you every step of the way on your journey through parenthood text.

Breastfeeding is bestBreastfeeding is best for babies and provides many benefits. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast and bottle feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of your own breast milk, and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult.The social and financial implications of using infant formula should be considered. Improper use of an infant formula or inappropriate foods or feeding methods may present a health hazard. If you use infant formula, you should follow manufacturers’ instructions for correct bottle preparation – failure to follow the instructions may make your baby ill. Always consult your doctor, midwife or health care professional for advice about feeding your baby.

What is the difference between Stage 1 and Stage 2 infant formula?

First stage infant formula and second stage infant formula are nutritionally the same. The difference between them is the type of protein that is used. First stage infant milk's are predominately whey protein and second stage infant milks – marketed for hungrier babies, contain more casein protein.

How do you transition to the next stage of formula?

Formula Transition Guide Start by reducing your usual volume of formula to 75%. Add 25% of the new formula. Do this on every feed for 2 days. Then reduce your usual formula to 50% and add 50% of the new formula, again, do this on every feed for 2 days.

What is Stage 2 formula difference?

Stages 1+ and 2+ are both follow-on formulas that HiPP calls children's milk. Stage 1+ is suitable from 12 months, and stage 2+ is only suitable from 24 months. Both formulas contain the same ingredients but stage 2+ has slightly more carbohydrates and less protein.

When should I change my baby formula?

Sometimes you may need to change the formula your baby drinks. Reasons for switching baby formula include food allergies, a baby's need for more iron, extreme fussiness, or diarrhea. These and other symptoms can also be signs of something unrelated to baby's formula.


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