Where to watch kung fu hustle

Where to watch kung fu hustle


Where to watch kung fu hustle

Cartoony kung fu comedy starring writer-director Stephen Chow as a loser from the slums of 1940s Shanghai who must discover the extraordinary powers within him to overcome the gangsters that rule the town. Wanting desperately to join the ‘Axe Gang’, Sing (Chow) instead stumbles into a slum block lead by an aggressive, chain-smoking landlady. Sing’s arrival draws the gangsters’ attention towards the poor district however, exploding into a kung fu turf war that will send bodies flying.

  • 90 %Rotten
  • Directed by Stephen Chow

200495 minsHong Kong, ChinaCantonese with English subtitles

Streaming (3 Providers)

Kung Fu Hustle | Reviews

90%189 reviews

89%228210 reviews

Kung Fu Hustle | Release Details

Kung Fu Hustle is available to stream in Australia now on Netflix and Google Play and Apple TV.

Where to watch kung fu hustle

Watch Kung Fu Hustle 2004 in Australia

Released: 2004

Updated: 5th Dec, 2022

Where to watch kung fu hustle
7.7 / 10

Rated: R

Director: Stephen Chow

Cast: Stephen Chow, Xiaogang Feng, Wah Yuen, Zhihua Dong

Where to watch Kung Fu Hustle

Where to watch kung fu hustle

What is Kung Fu Hustle about?

Set in Canton, China in the 1940s, the story revolves in a town ruled by the Axe Gang, Sing who desperately wants to become a member. He stumbles into a slum ruled by eccentric landlords who turns out to be the greatest kung-fu masters in disguise. Sing's actions eventually cause the Axe Gang and the slumlords to engage in an explosive kung-fu battle. Only one side will win and only one hero will emerge as the greatest kung-fu master of all.

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Kung Fu Hustle is a great action show, we’ve selected several other show options that we think you would like to stream if you have watched Kung Fu Hustle

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Good to know

Kung Fu Hustle is available on Google Play.

Kung Fu Hustle is not available on Google Play, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Binge, Display Plus, Foxtel Now, Netflix, Stan.

Where to watch kung fu hustle

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Where to watch kung fu hustle

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Where to watch kung fu hustle

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Where to watch kung fu hustle

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Where to watch kung fu hustle

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Where to Watch

Where to watch kung fu hustle

The Holiday

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Where to Watch

Is Kung Fu Hustle in Netflix?

Sing, a mobster in 1940s China, longs to be as cool as the formally clad Axe Gang, a band of killers who rule Hong Kong, but can only pretend. Watch all you want.

Is Kung Fu Hustle on any streaming service?

Kung Fu Hustle, an action movie starring Stephen Chow, Yuen Wah, and Yuen Qiu is available to stream now. Watch it on Prime Video, Vudu, Redbox. or Apple TV on your Roku device.

Where can I watch old Kung Fu?

Streaming on Roku. Kung Fu, a drama series starring David Carradine, Keye Luke, and Philip Ahn is available to stream now. Watch it on Prime Video on your Roku device.

Is Kung Fu Hustle hit or flop?

In total, Kung Fu Hustle had a worldwide gross of US$101,104,669.