Which hole to put it in


Posted by11 years ago


Which hole to put it in

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Which hole to put it in

level 1

There are three holes there. The Vaginal opening, the anus, and the urethra. The Urethra (the small one at the top) is where urine comes out. You put it in the other one (the middle hole between the Urethra and the anus).

level 2

is it common to make a mistake in the heat of the moment? the diagram makes it look simple

level 2

why? no-one's born knowing this stuff - you've got to find it out somehow. why not from random strangers over the internet?

level 1

a vagina is a hole. i don't think you get it

level 1

If you can fit it in the other hole, pencil dick would be a complement

level 1

The vagina is only the actual hole that the penis goes into. Everything that is visible on the outside is the vulva, not the vagina.

level 2

I'm more bothered that the OP didn't learn this in Sex ED than that they were willing to ask. They probably got screwed by abstinence only education or something.