Who issued largest number of gold coins in India

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Who among the following issued the largest number of gold coins? 

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Answer : 2. "Guptas "

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Q. In the Gupta period, the largest numbers of coins were issued in

A. gold
B. silver
C. copper
D. iron

Answer: A. gold

In the Gupta period (early 4th to the late 6th century), the largest numbers of coins were issued in Gold coins. In this period, different Gupta rulers circulated a large number of gold coins.

Gupta dynasty was founded by Srigupta in South-East Bihar in 260 AD. He ruled from 260 AD to 280 AD.

His son and successor was Ghatotkacha who ruled from 280 AD to 300 AD.

In both the previous rule, the Gupta empire was too small and they did not issue any coin.

The Gupta Empire rose the significant in Indian history with the succession of Ghatotkacha’s son Chandragupta I. He was the real founder of the Gupta rule in Magadh (now Bihar) in the true sense. He assumed the title of ‘Maharajadhiraj’ in 320 AD. He also was the first ruler to issue Gupta coinage.

Chandragupta I died in 330 AD and he was succeeded by his son Samudragupta.

Samudragupta extended the empire beyond Magadh. He conquered North India and campaigned towards East coast in South India. In the North, he adopted the policy of “Digvijaya” which meant the conquest and annexation of all territories. In the South, his policy was “Dharma Vijaya” which meant conquest but not annexation. He ruled till 370 AD.

Gupta coins constitute the earliest indigenous coinage of India, which approximates most closely to the coins as we know them in the modern age.

Coinage, in Gupta empire, received special attention, most probably of the emperor himself.

During the Golden age of Gupta dynasty, each king—Samudragupta, Chandragupta II and Kumargupta I —  has issued dozen type of coins.

Gupta gold coins displayed superb craftsmanship and were masterpieces of design and artistic techniques. The coins depicted the ruling monarch on the obverse and carried legends with the figure of a goddess on the reverse.

Sanskrit was the language of the inscription.

The Gupta gold coin is known as dinaras.

Learn more:

  • //asi.nic.in/asi_books/6531.pdf
  • //www.coin-competition.eu/history/the-golden-age-of-indian-coinage-the-gupta-coins/
  • //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coinage_of_India#Coinage_of_the_Guptas_Empire_(320_CE_%E2%80%93_480_CE)

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  1. Who among the following issued the largest number of gold coins?

    1. Satvahanas
    2. Kushanas
    3. Chalukyas
    4. Guptas

Correct Option: D

Much is known about Samudragupta through coins issued by him and inscriptions. These were of eight different types and all made of pure gold. His conquests brought him the gold and also the coin-making expertise from his acquaintance with the Kushana. Most certainly, Samudragupta is the father of Gupta monstary system. He started minting different types of coins. They are known as the Standard Type, the Archer Type, the Battle Axe Type, the Ashvamedha Type, the Tiger Slayer Type, the King and Queen Type and the Lute Player Type.

WHO issued maximum gold coins in India?

The Guptas issued the largest number of gold coins and hence, a lot of historians regard this period as the Golden Age of Indian history.

WHO issued gold coins on large scale?

Detailed Solution. The correct answer is Vima Kadphises. Vima Kadphises, Kushana ruler was the first to issue gold coins on a large scale.

Which rulers minted large amount of gold coins?

Kadphises II was the Kushana emperor to first introduce gold coinage, in addition to the existing copper and silver coinage.

When was the largest number of coins issued in ancient history in India?

UPSC Mains Notes: Guptas issued the largest number of gold coins in ancient India. During their rule they introduced gold coins for the trade and they have issued a large amount of gold coins in their kingdom for the trade and the welfare of their people.


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