Why are Colleen Hoover books sad?

Do not think most CoHo books are sad. She would be one of my top 5 authors.

I find her books to be some of the highest rated books I have listened to. Plus she has excellent consistency. The only dud that comes to mind for me was Layla.

It is similar for me with Tijan. I also really enjoy Tijan books and she has incredible consistency for me.

Some authors just write dialog in a way that speaks to you. There are books that I will start and DNF almost immediately because of the dialog. It does not feel natural.

Why are Colleen Hoover books sad?

Romance novels haven’t been the same ever since Colleen Hoover added her bestselling new adult and young adult novels to the list!

Her first novel, Slammed, launched her into the spotlight, and rightly so, as confirmed by her nominations to the Goodreads Choice Awards year after year. 

Known as Coho to many fans, her storytelling expertise caters to the young adult and new adult audience and makes for a refreshing read, no matter what your age. 

Best Colleen Hoover Books to Read Right Now

If you’re looking for an easy yet insightful look into the young adult world, check out some of these books by Colleen Hoover: 

1. It Ends With Us 

Lily has always been used to working hard to get what she wants. But what happens when she meets Ryle Kincaid, a gorgeous neurosurgeon with a touch of arrogance and a total aversion to committed relationships? 

2. Ugly Love 

Tate Collins and Miles Archer can’t deny the mutual attraction they have for each other. But since neither of them want love, it leaves them with a perfect arrangement of friends with benefits, with two conditions: no asking about the past, and no expectations for the future. 

3. Verity 

Lowen Ashleigh struggles in her writing career to the point of going broke, but Jeremy Crawford hires her to finish the books that his injured wife, a bestselling author, could not finish. Then Lowen stumbles across page after page of an autobiography not intended for the public eye.

Note: This book contains extremely mature and graphic content, and is not recommended for readers who may be triggered with descriptions of murder/death, sex, and child abuse. 

4. November 9 

One day before Fallon is scheduled to move across the country, she meets aspiring novelist Ben, with whom she shares an untimely yet undeniable attraction. She becomes Ben’s creative inspiration for his novel, and they agree to meet every year on the same date. But is Ben keeping something from her just for the sake of a plot twist? 

5. Regretting You 

Morgan Grant is determined to keep her 16-year-old daughter Clara from making the same mistakes she did when she was younger: getting pregnant at a young age forced her to put her dreams on hold. Their clashing personalities are only held at bay by Clara’s father Chris. But what happens when Chris gets involved in a tragic accident? 

6. Heart Bones 

Beyah believes she has little to thank her parents for, and can make her own way in the world. But an unexpected death puts a stop to all her plans, with Beyah ending up spending the rest of the summer in Texas with her father, whom she hardly knows. 

7. Maybe Someday 

Twenty-two-year-old Sydney has everything going for her, with a great roomie best friend and an equally fantastic boyfriend, Hunter. But when she finds out Hunter has been cheating on her, she has to make important decisions. 

8. All Your Perfects 

Graham and Quinn struggle with a perfect love but an imperfect marriage. They have memories, secrets, and mistakes built up over the years that are putting a strain on their marriage. What if the one thing that might still save them is actually the same thing that can push their marriage to destruction beyond repair? 

9. Confess

Auburn Reed is a 21-year old who has already lost all that was dear to her. As she attempts to rebuild her life, she sets goals and expects to achieve them. What she didn’t count on was getting distracted by someone she meets in an art studio in her job hunt. 

10. Layla 

Leeds is sure Layla is the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. But a sudden attack and several weeks confined in the hospital changes Layla emotionally and mentally. Leeds tries to bring back the woman he fell in love with by taking Layla back to where they first met, but it only causes Layla’s behavior to take a turn for the worst. 

Reading Colleen Hoover Books 

Some people look at young adult novels and think, “If you’ve read one, you’ve read them all.” Colleen Hoover clearly debunks that generalization, bringing us unique circumstances and unexpected twists and turns. 

If you would like to add some romance and thought-provoking decision-making into your reading list, Colleen Hoover is an author not to miss! 

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Yen Cabag is the Blog Writer of TCK Publishing. She is also a homeschooling mom, family coach, and speaker for the Charlotte Mason method, an educational philosophy that places great emphasis on classic literature and the masterpieces in art and music. She has also written several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.

What is Colleen Hoover's saddest book?

Ugly Love Is this the saddest book Colleen Hoover has ever written? Quite possibly. As one reader wryly put it, Ugly Love is about sad people being sad together, and it's one of those contemporary romance novels that would make a perfect indie film. Neither Tate Collins nor Miles Archer wants love.

What is Colleen Hoover's most romantic book?

1. "It Ends with Us" "It Ends with Us" is a gripping romance and the most popular Colleen Hoover book among Goodreads reviewers. Lily has worked hard for all her successes, so when she meets handsome, stubborn neurosurgeon Ryle Kincaid, it seems like all of the pieces of her life are finally coming together.

What are the trigger warnings for Verity?

TRIGGER WARNINGS Abortion. Child Violence. Murder. A pre-warning for those who are scared to dive in the book, Verity includes those topics.

Does it end with us have a happy ending?

Lily broke the cycle of abuse, her daughter will never experience what she experienced. Ryle will get to know his daughter and his daughter will love him. That is a happy ending for all three of them.