What do you put on caramel arrows?

The best toppings for Caramel Arrow Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom have been the matter of increased interest among the player base. Makes sense, considering that the new cookie has just launched. People want to know what the best Caramel Arrow toppings are, so that they can optimize her as soon as they manage to obtain her. Well, that’s exactly why we’ve written this guide: to give you some build ideas.

What do you put on caramel arrows?
Caramel Arrow Cookie Toppings Cookie Run Kingdom

The best toppings for the Cookie Run Kingdom Caramel Arrow Cookie have to match her abilities and position in the team. Caramel Arrow is a ranged Cookie that stands in the very front line of the team. Although, it does seem like many of her skills actually cause her to jump to the back of the team and provide fire from there, which makes sense. So, which toppings fit best with all that we know about this cookie?

There are several combinations of toppings that should work well with Caramel Arrow. The first option is all five Solid Almond to max out her damage resistance. Option #2 is to make a full Searing Raspberry build to make her attacks as devastating as possible. A third potential avenue is to make a combo of Searing Raspberry and Solid Almond in whichever ration works best for you. The last but not least best Caramel Arrow Cookie toppings combination in Cookie Run Kingdom is to mix Solid Almond with Swift Chocolate to decrease her cooldown. Again, go for whatever ratio gels best with your team, and feel free to experiment.

Speaking of feeling free to experiment, it bears noting that the builds we’ve just suggested are our educated guesses. Since the cookie just launched, not many people have had the chance to try Caramel Arrow out yet. So, feel free to leave your build suggestions in the comments below; you might find something that works batter than anything we came up with.

The Dark Cacao Kingdom's loyal defender has finally come to Cookie Run: Kingdom, and like many others, you have also grinded out the gacha to unlock her. Now in an arena flooded with Caramel Arrows, how does one optimize their Cookie to play well with their team and gain maximum value from the gems they invested in unlocking her?

Of course, upgrading Cookies and their skills is always a good option, but that is obviously something every other player is doing as well. To stand out and optimize the Cookie for one's personal preferences, read on.

What do you put on caramel arrows?

Caramel Arrow's unique element in the game is her Ranged status being combined with a Front position. This means that she has a need for both high survivability along with the DMG rating boosts that Ranged Cookies conventionally require. Obviously, this points to two main build combinations that players can take up for the Cookie.

The Solid Almond topping, focused on increasing surviability with an emphasis on boosting DMG resist in particular, can help players sustain their Caramel Arrow longer in battle. Cookie Run: Kingdom players who want to use the character as a Tank/DPS character can consider using this topping.

Another option for fans looking to optimize their Caramel Arrow is the Searing Raspberry topping. This topping boosts the DMG rating of the Cookie it is applied to. A full Searing Raspberry build can multiply almost any Cookie's DMG rating by 5x, and Caramel Arrow is no exception.

With this DMG boost, Caramel Arrow can outgun out some of the best DPS characters in Cookie Run: Kingdom, including Sea Fairy, in both AoE and single hit damage.

What do you put on caramel arrows?

Another aspect players may consider while making their choice between the two is the availability of either toppings. Solid Almond toppings are generally more accessible given that they frequently appear in the trade spaces and as rewards for various challenges in Cookie Run: Kingdom.

In comparison, Searing Raspberry toppings are rare resources and are largely obtained via grinding out specific levels in the game.

Players who are leaning on using the Searing Raspberry should also take note of the fact that these toppings are designed to serve the main DPS characters in the team, and will have a negative effect on the Cookie's DMG resist substats. Clearly, this will take away from Caramel Arrow's ability to be a Front position Cookie, so players should be ready to make that trade-off to use this damage-focused build.

What do you put on caramel arrows?

At the end of the day, the ideal toppings for every player will be mandated by their own team composition and playing style. Players can also experiment with combos of both toppings instead of going for full builds if they want a more balanced Caramel Arrow to complete their CRK roster.

Fans can keep track of this space to learn all about the latest Cookie Run: Kingdom releases as they go live.

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14 Apr 2022 2:11 PM +00:00 UTC

What do you put on caramel arrows?

What do you put on caramel arrows?

What do you put on caramel arrows?

April 14, 2022: With Cherry Blossom Cookie set to launch next week, this is your final warning to get as many Caramel Arrow Cookie promotions as you can before she leaves the Rate Up banner.

The rumours, leaks, and loading screen hints were true, and a brand-new Cookie has come to Cookie Run: Kingdom. This Caramel Arrow Cookie toppings build guide won't be massively useful until we test things properly, but there's no harm in sharing some speculative info.

Caramel Arrow Cookie arrives just a few weeks after Affogato Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie made their long-awaited debuts. And with Caramel Arrow Cookie sharing a spot on the same splash screen, it makes sense for them to come along to wrap up the current chapter cycle with a big sugary bow. Here's how we think you should build her.

Looking for more Cookie Run: Kingdom goodness? Get yourself some free crystals with Cookie Run: Kingdom codes, and get a better understanding of the stat-boosting system with the Cookie Run: Kingdom toppings primer.

Best Alternative Viable
Juicy Apple Jelly x5Juicy Apple Jelly x3, Bouncy Caramel x2Searing Raspberry x5

Right now, the best Caramel Arrow Cookie build involves a mix of Attack Speed and CRIT Chance. The power of her skill scales off Attack Speed, but it's possible to hit its cap with team buffs and treasures as well. By splitting Caramel Arrow Cookie toppings between speed and power, you'll hit that cap and then deal even higher damage if you get a lucky crit.

The last few cookies have benefitted from support stats in a major way. Rangers in other games tend to benefit from hitting hard, fast, or both, and while there is something to gain from grabbing medium bonuses from both CRIT and ATK SPD Caramel Arrow Cookie toppings, we suspect a full CRIT build will likely see higher returns in the shorter fights. For that, a full set of Juicy Apple Jelly toppings is likely the way to go. For boss battles, go with ATK SPD.

What do you put on caramel arrows?

Caramel Arrow Cookie is a solid damage option in Cookie Run: Kingdom, but she's a more specific battler than some of the more recent releases. Knowing her strengths and weaknesses can stop you from being disappointed if you invest in her for the wrong reasons.

Caramel Arrow Cookie is a heavy damage-dealing character. Though she's virtually immune during her skill, if she's blocked from using it in any way, she's little more than a waste of space.

Her powerful attack hits three targets over and over, pushing them back with hit strike and finishing them off with a powerful blow based on how many arrows she shot in that time.

She works well in quite a few PVP situations right now, but going against heavy crowd-control teams (which tend to be the norm) can never be recommended. And while she's great in Guild Battles, the dragon's reflect buff can cause her to basically kill herself. Bring a revive or a shield if that's your plan.

Across the board, though Caramel Arrow Cookie is worth using if you can easily promote and level her up. Her knockback in reliable, her immunity is consistent, and her damage output is through the roof. If you've been stuck against any big bosses in the story, she'll likely get you through them.

As time goes on, Cookie Run: Kingdom abilities are getting longer and more complex. Here's a breakdown of how the Caramel Arrow Cookie attack works.

Though Caramel Arrow Cookie is classed as a Front Ranged cookie, she actually spends most of her time on the back of the team. As soon as she uses her attack, she lunges to the back of your squad and fires shots at three targets based on her attack speed. Once the ability runs its course (watch her portrait) she returns to the front and deals one final burst of damage based on how many attacks she performed on the back row.

The more attacks you can get her to use on the back row, the more she'll hit for at the end. That's why Attack Speed toppings are a good choice. Even managing one more hit within that window will be a noticeable damage boost, so do what you can to squeeze more into that short gap.

Caramel Arrow Cookie is a Ranged Cookie that sits on the front of your team - until their ability knocks them to the back for a while. Once the skill runs its course, Caramel Arrow Cookie lunges back to the front of the squad. Keep that in mind.

Taking over from the Affogato Cookie banner and squeezing in before the Ancient Dark Cacao banner ends, Caramel Arrow Cookie is an Epic rarity character. Save your crystals: this one is probably going to be good. Power creep lives on.

For more gacha goodness, though, Blue Archive codes are a good shout. And be sure to check the Cookie Run: Kingdom tier list frequently. Keeping up with those can get you a free Caramel Arrow Cookie (or two) if you're lucky.

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What do you put on caramel arrows?

What do you put on caramel arrows?

What do you put on caramel arrows?