What element of concept paper includes the reasons why the project is worth the Group and the sponsors time effort and money?

3.PurposeThis element of concept paper includes the reasons why yourchosen project or advocacy campaign is worth all the time effort and money.You need to make a strong atmosphere of purpose. Your purpose should notonly be to prove your right, but it is more about on how you can help otherpeople in the purpose of your chosen concept paper. Remember your mainpurpose here is to bring something good and create an impact for a change.4.Description- This element of concept paper includes all the necessaryinformation, data and details about your project. This element talks about thesteps and procedure on how you will do things properly. It also expounds themethods and plans on how you will answer the problems of the concept andin revealing the efficacy of your solution to the problems.This element alsoinvolves ways on how you will process your concept into a clear technique ofthe production of concrete solution in harmonious purpose that will lead tothe creation of a successful project or advocacy.5.SupportThis element of concept paper contains your budget needed for theproject. Every project needed funds to be published and materialized theircertain cause, thus support from a sponsor/s necessary to be consider.Remember that support does not only means monetary things, but it can alsobe as moral support from your friends, relative and among others, dependingon the topic or cause who have chosen.6.Contact InformationThe element of concept paper that includesinformation on how the you can be contacted. These includes the following(but not limited to): a) name/s of the creator/s, b) address, c) phone ortelephone number, d) email address, and e) website.

TASK 2. INDIVIDUAL SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION WHAT TO DO: Conduct a simple investigation at home following the components/steps of scientific method. Sc … ientific Method OBSERVATION PROBLEM HYPOTHESIS EXPERIMENT DATA/RESULT ⇓ CONCLUSIONpasagot po​

The widespread use of the internet has made possible the availability of online resources and tools that has made using it easier and more effective, … what do you think is the implication of this to privacy and other issues?​

2. Operations done by a software.​

4. These are the parts of the computer that you can touch and feel.​

1. Should we prohibit integration of those two databases to ensure that children will go to school without fear of deportation?​

What sorts of ICTs are appropriate in the developing world? Give two examples and justify by explaining why you think it is the right technology.​

Discuss the consequences of the digital divide for people in developing countries.​

Give at least 2 example of every given SQL Queries: (Select, Update, Alter, Delete and Insert)​

How does the computer convert data into information ?​

1.Write a program that accepts an integer input from the user and display the least number of combinations of 200s, 100s, 50s, 20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s. [ … Test your solution using this samples] a.Input: 250 Output: 1x200s, 1x50s b.Input: 1127 Output: 5x200s, 1x100s, 1x20s, 1x5s, 2x1s c.Input: 1127 Output: 5x200s, 1x100s, 1x20s, 1x5s, 2x1s d.Input: 19 Output: 1x10s, 1x5s, 4x1s [Hints] oUse division to determine the number of occurrence of each element (i.e. 200, 100) in the input (e.g. Given 500 if we divide it by the largest number possible; which is 200; we will get 2. Therefore, there are 2x200s.) oUse subtraction to determine the remaining value of the input. (e.g. In the 500 example, since there are 2x200s, we still have 100 to process. The 100 came from 500 – (2*200) = 100.) Use the next largest number possible (i.e. 100) to check the number of occurrence. Continue until the remaining value of the input is zero.

TASK 2. INDIVIDUAL SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION WHAT TO DO: Conduct a simple investigation at home following the components/steps of scientific method. Sc … ientific Method OBSERVATION PROBLEM HYPOTHESIS EXPERIMENT DATA/RESULT ⇓ CONCLUSIONpasagot po​

The widespread use of the internet has made possible the availability of online resources and tools that has made using it easier and more effective, … what do you think is the implication of this to privacy and other issues?​

2. Operations done by a software.​

4. These are the parts of the computer that you can touch and feel.​

1. Should we prohibit integration of those two databases to ensure that children will go to school without fear of deportation?​

What sorts of ICTs are appropriate in the developing world? Give two examples and justify by explaining why you think it is the right technology.​

Discuss the consequences of the digital divide for people in developing countries.​

Give at least 2 example of every given SQL Queries: (Select, Update, Alter, Delete and Insert)​

How does the computer convert data into information ?​

1.Write a program that accepts an integer input from the user and display the least number of combinations of 200s, 100s, 50s, 20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s. [ … Test your solution using this samples] a.Input: 250 Output: 1x200s, 1x50s b.Input: 1127 Output: 5x200s, 1x100s, 1x20s, 1x5s, 2x1s c.Input: 1127 Output: 5x200s, 1x100s, 1x20s, 1x5s, 2x1s d.Input: 19 Output: 1x10s, 1x5s, 4x1s [Hints] oUse division to determine the number of occurrence of each element (i.e. 200, 100) in the input (e.g. Given 500 if we divide it by the largest number possible; which is 200; we will get 2. Therefore, there are 2x200s.) oUse subtraction to determine the remaining value of the input. (e.g. In the 500 example, since there are 2x200s, we still have 100 to process. The 100 came from 500 – (2*200) = 100.) Use the next largest number possible (i.e. 100) to check the number of occurrence. Continue until the remaining value of the input is zero.