What foods are highest in vitamin e


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The article was professionally consulted with Doctor Vo Ha Bang Suong - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that protects cell membranes and other fat-soluble tissues in the body against oxidative stress damage. When the body gets enough vitamin E can help protect against heart disease, cancer and age-related eye damage (macular degeneration). Conversely, too much vitamin E from supplements can lead to excessive bleeding. Foods containing vitamin E, such as those listed below, are considered safe and healthy.

Vitamin E is found in many foods, in nuts, vegetables, and fish. High concentrations are known in several varieties such as sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, avocados, squash, kiwi fruit, salmon, shrimp, olive oil, wheat germ oil and broccoli. The need for vitamin E to stay active is at least 22 IU (15.4 mg). But to prevent skin aging and diseases, a dose of 100-400 IU/day can promote a positive antioxidant effect. Thus we see vitamin E in most foods to some extent. Therefore, most people are not at risk for this vitamin deficiency. Increasing the amount of vitamin E for your body is easy, you don't even need to supplement from oral tablets. You just need to have a reasonable diet such as adding some sunflower seeds, almonds to the diet. You can also increase absorption of vitamin E from low-fat foods by eating them with fat. For example, if you like a salad with vegetables, just adding a tablespoon of oil to it can make a significant difference.

What foods are highest in vitamin e

Danh sách các loại thực phẩm tiêu biểu giàu vitamin E

So far, the benefits of Vitamin E are undeniable. However, vitamin E deficiency is rare. Vitamin E deficiency only occurs in people with digestive problems or cystic fibrosis. For people with low-fat diets also make Vitamin E low. Nowadays, more and more people are taking vitamin E supplements in the hope that its antioxidant properties will help prevent or treat disease. Studies report mixed results on the effectiveness and benefits of Vitamin E in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The most common still shows the protective effect of vitamin E on the body in this group of diseases. Getting enough vitamin E reduces the risk of heart disease - Vitamin E is thought to help prevent heart disease by inhibiting the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and helping to prevent possible blood clots lead to a heart attack.

Reduce cancer risk. With mixed and controversial evidence - Vitamin E may help reduce cancer risk by acting as an antioxidant and by preventing the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines that form in the stomach from nitrite in food. Enhance eye health (Prevention of macular degeneration). At least one study has shown that adding vitamin E to DV intake reduces the risk of age-related eye damage (macular degeneration) by 20%. Other studies on this effect of vitamin E are not many and the evidence is not convincing enough to confirm this role of vitamin E in the body. More research is needed in the future. Reduces Chronic Inflammation - Preliminary studies suggest that vitamin E may help regulate the inflammatory response and may help people with type 2 diabetes or chronic heart failure who have chronic inflammation . Reduces Risk of Dementia (Cognitive Impairment) (Controversial) - Preliminary findings suggest that increased levels of vitamin E have a protective effect on mental performance as people age. Further studies are needed to confirm this finding. Reduced risk of ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease) (Controversial) - A long-term study found that increasing Vitamin E supplementation for 5 years may reduce the risk of ALS disease. Further studies are needed because of the small sample size.

With a normal diet, it is difficult to cause an excess of vitamin E in the body. In some cases, especially the group that often takes vitamin E supplements for purposes such as skin rejuvenation... High doses of vitamin E supplements can significantly prevent blood clotting and clotting, thereby increasing the risk of excessive bleeding or bleeding. Nuts, seeds and oils are high-calorie foods and people with a high body mass index, who are trying to lose weight, should eat them in moderation. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.

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Vitamin E uống lúc nào tốt nhất? Có nên uống Vitamin E trước khi đi ngủ?

Vitamin E có trong thực phẩm nào?


  • Vegan Foods
  • Animal-Based Foods

Lots of skin-care products tout the benefits of vitamin E — but unlike the many bogus and misleading label claims out there, this one's actually backed by research.

The fat-soluble vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body's cells from the damaging effects of things like cigarette smoke, air pollution and ultraviolet light from the sun, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

In other words, while vitamin E helps with preventing UV-induced free radical damage to the skin, it also provides anti-inflammatory benefits, per the Linus Pauling Institute. So yes, the nutrient can help you maintain good skin.

Vitamin E, also called alpha-tocopherol, supports a healthy immune system, too.

How Much Vitamin E Do You Need Per Day?

Keep reading for a list of foods high in vitamin E, ranked by their Daily Value (DV) percentages. Note that the FDA's DV percentages are based on eating 15 milligrams of vitamin E per day.

Vegan Foods High in Vitamin E

1. Wheat Germ Oil: 20.3 mg, 135% Daily Value (DV)

What foods are highest in vitamin e

The best way to use wheat germ oil is in a homemade salad dressing or sauce.

Image Credit: Viktoriya Kraynyuk/iStock/GettyImages

Wheat germ oil is extracted from the germ, which is part of the wheat plant. It's the best vegan food high in vitamin E, with an impressive 20.3 mg or 135 percent DV of the nutrient in one tablespoon. It also contains a healthy amount of anti-inflammatory omega-3s.

You can find wheat germ oil in health-food stores or online ($12.62 on Amazon.com).

2. Sunflower Seeds: 7.4 mg, 49% DV

If you've seen the movie ​Ace Ventura: Pet Detective​, you know chewing sunflower seed shells and spitting them out onto a desk is a disgusting habit. But eating sunflower seeds is an excellent habit: Just 1 ounce contains 49 percent of the DV for vitamin E.

Like other nuts and seeds, sunflower seeds deliver plant-based protein, fiber and healthy unsaturated fat. Choose the shelled variety to slow down your snacking speed for a more mindful eating experience.

3. Almonds: 7.3 mg, 49% DV

Out of all the nuts, almonds boast the highest levels of vitamin E, with 49 percent of the DV per 1-ounce serving. Almonds are filling, too, with 14 grams of healthy fat and 6 grams of protein per serving, making them the perfect snack or yogurt topper.

Eating almonds is linked to a decreased risk of heart disease because they help lower bad LDL cholesterol, per the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

4. Hazelnuts: 4.3 mg, 28% DV

What foods are highest in vitamin e

Hazelnuts are often used in dessert, adding a little extra vitamin E to your sweet treat.

Image Credit: Andrelix/iStock/GettyImages

We know what you're thinking, and no, hazelnut-based Nutella is not a healthy snack. But hazelnuts are a tasty nut that provides 28 percent of the DV for vitamin E per ounce plus healthy fat, fiber and magnesium.

Toss this top food high in alpha-tocopherol with your favorite seeds and dried fruit for a nutrient-packed trail mix snack.

5. Avocado: 4.2 mg, 28% DV

Here's your friendly reminder that avocados are a fruit, and it's a fruit rich in vitamin E. One avocado contains 28 percent of the DV for vitamin E.

Your favorite toast topper is also high in heart-healthy fat, fiber, vitamin K and potassium. The fat in avocado will also help your body absorb vitamins E and K, which are fat-soluble. Try it in these creative avocado recipes.

6. Spinach: 3.7 mg, 25% DV

Various leafy greens, including cooked spinach, are your best bets for vegetables that are high in vitamin E. A 1-cup serving of Popeye's favorite meal contains 25 percent of the DV for vitamin E when cooked, while kale and Swiss chard are also rich sources of vitamin E.

Spinach also offers fiber, non-heme (plant-based) iron and magnesium.

7. Red Bell Pepper: 3.3 mg, 22% DV

Red bell peppers pack astronomical levels of vitamin C — 192 percent per 1-cup serving — but cooked red bell peppers are also high in vitamin E, with 22 percent of the DV per cup.

While all bell peppers contain antioxidants, the red variety has the most, per a March 2007 study in the ​Journal of Food Science​.

8. Butternut Squash: 2.6 mg, 18% DV

What foods are highest in vitamin e

Butternut squash, known for its beta-carotene content, is also a good source of vitamin E.

Image Credit: bhofack2/iStock/GettyImages

Butternut squash, a fall favorite, is known for its high levels of beta-carotene, or provitamin A, for healthy vision. The Thanksgiving staple is also a good source of vitamin E, with 18 percent of the DV per 1 cup cooked.

Because vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, cook it in olive oil to make sure your body soaks up the squash's nutrition. Try one of these protein-packed butternut squash meals.

9. Asparagus: 2.7 mg, 18% DV

A summer grilling favorite, asparagus provides 18 percent of the DV for vitamin E per 1 cup cooked. And while, yes, it might make your pee smell funny thanks to its asparagusic acid, the veggie is highly nutritious (and the smell isn't harmful at all).

Asparagus is also high in vitamin K and provides some vitamin A.

Kiwi is a sweet snack that gives you 18 percent of the DV for vitamin E and nearly 200 percent (!) of the DV for vitamin C in 1cup or about two whole fruits.

The green-fleshed fruit also contains fiber, vitamin K and potassium.

11. Broccoli: 2.3 mg, 15% DV

Of course, broccoli is on this list; it pretty much makes every good-for-you food list. A 1-cup serving of cooked broccoli has 15 percent of the DV for vitamin E, plus 183 percent of the DV for vitamin K and more than 100 percent of the DV for vitamin C.

12. Peanuts and Peanut Butter: 2 mg, 13% DV

Everyone's favorite snack, sandwich spread and dip, peanut butter has 13 percent of your DV for vitamin E in 2 tablespoons plus unsaturated fat, magnesium and protein. Similarly, an ounce of roaster peanuts has 9 percent of your DV.

Try one of these healthy peanut butter snacks to reap the benefits.

13. Olive Oil: 1.9 mg, 13% DV

What foods are highest in vitamin e

Olive oil is known for its heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

Image Credit: fcafotodigital/E+/GettyImages

There's a reason olive oil is widely used in skin-care products: It contains the antioxidant vitamin E. But don't eat hand lotion — instead, cook with olive oil, or use it for dipping or a salad dressing. A 1-tablespoon serving has 13 percent of the DV for vitamin E.

Olive oil is also an excellent source of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, which is why it's the star ingredient in the Mediterranean Diet.

Animal-Based Foods High in Vitamin E

14. Trout: 4.7 mg, 32% DV

What foods are highest in vitamin e

Trout looks similar to salmon, but it's a bit leaner and lighter in taste.

Image Credit: Anna Kurzaeva/Moment/GettyImages

A 6-ounce filet of cooked rainbow trout provides 32 percent of your vitamin E DV. Pair your trout with a side of charred broccoli and a quinoa salad for a balanced meal.

15. Shrimp: 3.7 mg, 25% DV

Shrimp, like many shellfish, is a popular low-calorie, nutrient-dense food. A 6-ounce serving provides 25 percent of the DV for vitamin E, plus 38 grams of lean protein.

Seafood is also known for its high levels of vitamin B12, a key nutrient in maintaining healthy cell function. A 6-ounce serving provides more than 100 percent of the DV.

16. Salmon: 3.6 mg, 24% DV

A 6-ounce serving of canned salmon contains 24 percent of the DV for vitamin E, 195 percent of the DV for vitamin B12 and 89 percent of the DV for vitamin D, which is hard to find in foods.

Bonus: Canned salmon is lower in mercury than canned tuna and is sustainably caught in Alaska, per the Environmental Defense Fund.

17. Goose: 2.9 mg, 20% DV

Roasted goose meat is a good source of vitamin E — a 6-ounce cooked portion has 20 percent of your DV. Goose is a game bird and has way more flavor than chicken, so you might want to try adding it to your dinner rotation.

Eggs aren't necessarily high in vitamin E — one large egg contains just 4 percent of your DV — but they do contribute a fair amount of the nutrient when you scramble two eggs for breakfast. The yolk contains all of the nutrient, so if your goal is to increase your vitamin E intake, skip the egg white omelets.

What foods are highest in vitamin e

What foods are highest in vitamin e

What foods are highest in vitamin e

What foods are highest in vitamin e