What is a scrunchy mom

I recently learned about the mom styles and titles ‘silky’, ‘crunchy’ and ‘scrunchy’. We don’t have to have titles, but since I wasn’t sure what this all meant. Silky, crunchy or scrunchy mom, what’s the difference? I’m sharing a non-judgement view of what I’ve learned.

The best thing about us is that we are all very different mothers. We love, learn, and parent differently.  And our kids are better because of these differences. This makes sense because, we’re all different people. What would make us think we would be or should be the same kind of mother?

What is a silky mom?

Silky moms are modern moms. A more science-based parenting method that is anti-pseudoscience. Breast fed or bottle fed these moms believe fed is best. Silky moms prefer hospital births and still advocate for skin to skin and the golden hour.

Many moms who are silky use advances in science, medicine, and technology to aid her parenting. She follows the findings of the experts (pediatricians). Keeps her kids up to date on their vaccines, and is pro-circumcision.

Silky mothers are unapologetic in giving rice cereal, using disposable diapers, and prefer their child sleeps in a crib. They get McDonald’s kids meals, use the cry-it-out method and definitely use a stroller.

Co-sleeping and using alternative medicine and essential oils are not for silky moms. If their child has a cold they go to the doctor for treatment.

Silky moms don’t believe that they have all the answers, but do find crunchy moms a bit annoying.

What is a crunchy mom?

Crunchy moms are granola moms. You know, the moms that people consider to be hippies and do everything with nature in mind. Many crunchy moms want a natural unmedicated home birth with placenta encapsulation.

Image By Neslinlibrary

Breastfeeding and baby led weaning is the only way to go for crunchy moms. Since being eco-friendly cloth diapers and baby wearing are a must. Once their toddlers are ready, crubuys buy all organic foods and make her baby food. Crunchy moms are anti-vacination, anti-circumcision and pro attachment parenting including co-sleeping/bed sharing.

These natural mamas are all about being eco-friendly, and holistic living. They are big advocates for attachment parenting and raise their children to be the same way.  Crunchy moms use holistic medication and essential oils for sickness and rashes. Crunchy moms like to allow their kids to have experiences and learn naturally, and that’s awesome!

If she is extremely crunchy, she might be completely against any sort of schedule for her kids. Free range parenting is definitely something crunchy moms love. They allow their children to go about their day as they choose. This type of un-schedule allows kids to decide. They go to bed when they’re tired, have unscheduled meals, and do homeschooling or unschooling.

There’s definitely nothing wrong with being a “crunchy” mom. I’m certainly not knocking these moms or what they feel is best for their kids. Hell, I have a little “crunchy” in my parenting style.

What is a scrunchy mom?

Scrunchy mom also known as “sort-of-crunchy is a mom that is a mixture of both a silky and crunchy mom.  A combining of the two words, not a reference to your choice of hair tie! Most of us are scrunchy moms these days. I know I’m a scrunchy mom, but it’s taken me 18 years to figure that out, thanks to the internet.

Image By rebaoleachy

Most moms who are scrunchy feel it’s a flexible way to parent. How many children you have, whether you work, and how much time you have impacts the methods you choose. Scrunchy moms may bottle feed, and vaccinate as well as have a hospital birth. But make their own baby food and use chiropractic before visiting the pediatrician.

A great example of a scrunchy moms parenting style is positive parenting. If you’ve never heard of this style of parenting and discipline, check out these two articles I wrote.

What Is Positive Parenting Does It Really Work?

Do You Use Gentle Discipline?

I definitely didn’t do cloth diapers. I followed the pediatrician’s advice on vaccination schedules. But these days I am more aware of chemicals and toxins in foods and everyday products.

Because scrunchy moms are a mixture between silky and crunchy you get to choose how crunchy you want to be. I research ingredients and make choices that are the safest and most affordable.

Silky, crunchy Or Scrunchy Mom, What’s The Difference?

With or without a title you are a loving mom. A mom dedicated to giving her child the absolute best of everything. Moms are judged no matter what choices they make. Mothers fight with each other because each believes their way is best. But guess what? There is no one true way to parent. And we are all just winging it.

Enough with the mom shame and mom guilt we have enough to think about! Whether you are a silky mom, a crunchy mom, a dang scrunchy mom, a decaffeinated mama, or a tiger mama, you are a loving mom. You are doing what you think is best for your child.

To all you moms out there, give yourself a pat on the back. Let’s celebrate, love, and support all kinds of mothers. If you buy your baby food or purée it yourself, use cloth or disposable, your babies are going to be loved, fed and clothed. So stop judging and shaming moms for doing their best for their kids.

To all my wonderful mama readers, Go Babe!

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We are a society obsessed with labels — and thanks to social media and its many hashtags, labeling ourselves is now easier than ever.

The latest label taking over parenting TikTok is one that actually combines two other parenting labels: “silky” and “crunchy.” Mix together those two terminologies — and their philosophies — and you have “scrunchy.”

But what does each of these labels mean, and why are TikTok moms breaking them down with a Louis Prima song from 1972? While the latter part of the trend might always remain a mystery (TikTok is always ebbing and flowing with quirky soundbites and catchy tunes), the differences between each style are pretty clear-cut.

To better understand each label — without casting judgement or showing preference for any one particular style — In The Know by Yahoo spoke to Donna Whittaker, an early childhood education expert from Big Blue Marble Academy.

What is silky parenting?

“Silky parents are typically considered modern parents,” explained Whittaker. “They embrace modern conveniences in raising their children and do not feel guilty for their choices.”

For silky parents, it’s all about making the most practical choice for their family, from mealtime to bedtime.

“A silky mom will choose to breast- or bottle-feed, depending on what she feels works best for her, her baby and her family,” said Whittaker. “They believe that dinner from a drive-through on a busy night is an acceptable meal choice. After all, the children are being fed, right?”

And when it comes to their kids’ medical well-being, silky parents embrace modernity all the way. “Silky parents will not take the wait-and-see or ‘let nature take its course’ approach when their child is not feeling well,” said Whittaker. “They will use what modern medicine has to offer to help their child feel better.”

As for bedtime, silky parents prefer for their child to sleep in their own bed and not with them, said Whittaker.  

What is crunchy parenting? 

“People who are sometimes called tree huggers or hippies might be considered crunchy parents,” explained Whittaker. “They are connected to the Earth and all things natural and want their child to be as well.”

Mealtime and medicinal choices also tend to be all-natural for crunchy parents. “Their child will be breastfed, wear cloth diapers, be introduced to herbs and essential oils when not feeling well and will eat home-grown or organic food,” said Whittaker.

As for playtime, children raised in crunchy homes are encouraged to play outdoors. “Crunchy parents have their child playing in a stream rather than using a device to learn about a stream,” said Whittaker.

And when bedtime rolls around, crunchy parents tend to welcome their child into their bed and will let the child decide when they are ready to sleep alone, said Whittaker.

What is scrunchy parenting? 

“Scrunchy parents have found their own special place between silky and crunchy parenting,” Whittaker explained. “Their personal preferences, lifestyles, number of children and other factors have helped them to happily and unapologetically land in a place we now call scrunchy parenting.”

For scrunchy parents, raising kids is all about balance and gray areas. While they do make healthy, organic choices for their kids — and for the planet — they also embrace modernity and convenience when they need to.

“A scrunchy parent may pick vegetables out of the backyard garden to make dinner on an uneventful Monday night, and then roll through a drive-through on a super-busy and stressful Thursday night — and be at peace with both,” said Whittaker.

Medical choices are also balanced in scrunchy households. “A scrunchy parent will feel that sometimes their child may need a trip to the pediatrician, while other times a natural approach might be the best course of action,” said Whittaker.

Bedtime is also a compromise for scrunchy parents. “They may decide that it’s OK for their child to come and sleep in their bed when they have a bad dream or when thunder rumbles outside their window, but not every night,” Whittaker explained.

“Scrunchy parents have found what works best for their family and are OK with their choices. These parents are flexible and realize that in life everything is not black and white; there is a lot of gray, especially in parenting.” 

Which style should parents choose for their families?

Only you will know which style, if any, best fits your family’s needs.

No two families are alike, just as no two kids within each family is alike. So, when it comes to parenting styles, it’s best to remain flexible and open-minded while putting your kids’ best interests first.

“Parenting, like life, is a balancing act,” said Whittaker.

So whether you choose to follow one of these styles, or create a whole new label of your own, all that matters is that your kids are healthy and happy — and that you try to make sustainable, earth-friendly choices as often as you can.

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