What is an example of an aerobic activity?

What are examples of the types of aerobic exercises?

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There are several ways to approach aerobic training. I'll use walking as an example of aerobic activity and go through some of the training methods. You can plug in any other aerobic activity if you prefer, such as running.

"Simple" aerobic training

The simplest method of starting is just that, simple. Select the number of minutes you'd like to walk for (let's say 20 minutes for your first walk) and head out the door or step on the treadmill and go for it. Remember that to make it aerobic you want to walk at a pace that leaves you feeling "warm and slightly out of breath" and one that you can sustain for the time that you planned. In this case, set your sights on completing 20 minutes and pace yourself to do it. If you start too quickly, then you may poop out too soon. It's not important how fast you do it; it's just important that you attempt to complete the time. If you find 20 minutes is too ambitious, then start with less. Again, the most important thing is to get started. You can always add more later on.

Five-out, five-back training plan

As discussed above, I like the simplicity of the five-minute out, five-minute back aerobic training plan. And like I said, you can increase gradually to 15 minutes out, 15 minutes back. It's aerobic and you'll get a training effect as long as you feel warm and slightly out of breath when you do it.

Interval training

Interval training is more intense than simple aerobic training. It's a very effective way to increase your fitness level (remember stroke volume and mitochondria activity!), but it's tough, and so I recommend holding off until you build up to 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise. The idea of intervals is to set up work to active-rest ratios (work:active-rest), and as you get more fit, decrease the active-rest interval and increase the work interval. The work interval of the ratio is a speed that is faster than what you usually do, and the active-rest interval is your usual speed. To do it, you start at your usual speed for five to eight minutes, then increase the speed to the work interval for one to three minutes, then slow down to your usual speed for a few minutes to catch your breath (this is the active-rest interval), and then you repeat the cycling for the duration of your workout.

Here are some examples of interval training using walking as the activity:

Training Plan #1

Try the following if you currently walk for 30 minutes at 3.5 mph on the treadmill. Interval 1: 3.5 mph for five minutes to warm up Interval 2: 3.8 mph for one minute Interval 3: 3.5 mph for three minutes to catch your breath (active rest) Interval 4: 3.8 mph for one minute

Interval 5: 3.5 mph for three more minutes, and so on until you reach 30 minutes.

After a few weeks, you can try increasing using plan #2.

Training Plan #2

The work:active-rest ratio in the above example is 1:3. over weeks and months, you increase the work interval and decrease the active rest. For example: Interval 1: 3.5 mph for five minutes to warm up Interval 2: 3.8 mph for two minutes Interval 3: 3.5 mph for two minutes (active rest) Interval 4: 3.8 mph for two minutes

Interval 5: 3.5 mph for two more minutes, and so on until you reach 30 minutes.

Training Plan #3

The work:active-rest ratio in the above example is 1:3. over weeks and months you increase the work interval and decrease the active rest. For example: Interval 1: 3.5 mph for five minutes to warm up Interval 2: 3.8 mph for three minutes Interval 3: 3.5 mph for one minute (active rest) Interval 4: 3.8 mph for three minutes

Interval 5: 3.5 mph for one more minute, and so on until you reach 30 minutes.

As you can see, the ratio changed from 1:3 to 3:1 (work to active-rest). The next step would be to do all four minutes at 3.8 mph (the new active rest) and increase the work interval for one minute to 4.0 mph.

One final note. Spin class is interval training. It's done at gyms on special spin cycles with an instructor who barks out orders to increase the intensity and then slow down to catch your breath. It's addictive, and people who do it regularly swear by it. You should already be doing some aerobic exercise and be reasonably conditioned before you try it, but I recommend it if you're looking for one of the toughest workouts around.

Heart rate training

You can get more specific with your aerobic interval training and use heart rate since it's an excellent indication of how hard you are working. Let's use jogging on a treadmill as the aerobic activity in this example. For example, if your heart rate is at 70% of your predicted maximum when you jog at 6 mph, then start at that speed and either increase the speed or elevation so that your heart rate increases to 85% or even 90% for one minute, then back to your usual jogging speed for three minutes to elicit a heart rate of 70%. Start with a 1:3 work:active-rest ratio. That's a good starting point, and as you increase the work intervals and decrease the active-rest ratios like in the examples above, you'll notice that your conditioning improves so that your heart rate will be lower at higher speeds.

It's a good idea to plan your intervals. Write them down so that you don't have to think about them while you're working out. I also suggest intervals no more than one to two times per week because they are tough workouts and you will need some time to recover. It's okay to do aerobic activity on days in between your intervals, but give your body a chance to recover from the intervals before doing them again.

Increasing duration and intensity

The general rule for increasing aerobic activity is 10% per week. Interestingly, there's no evidence to suggest that a 10% increase is the safest and most effective amount of time to increase, but that's the rule of thumb and it seems to work pretty well. So, if you're walking for 20 minutes then the next increase ought to be two minutes for the following week. The bottom line though is to listen to your body. If you find that increasing by 10% is very easy, then go ahead and try a little more. But if you find that you are tired for hours after your workout, or chronically sore or achy from your workouts, then you know you need to cut back to 10% increases. Learn how to listen to your body and everything should be OK.

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Aside from these 20 exercises, there are also other exercise videos available on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL

20 Aerobic Exercises For Weight Loss

1. Skipping

Studies show that practicing skipping for 45 minutes can burn as many as 450 calories. It works on the muscles of your shoulders, calves, glutes, and quads.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the jump rope’s handles firmly. Swing the rope atop your head and jump quickly as the rope nears the front of your feet. It might need a little practice to get going at a faster rate, which comes with regular practice.

2. Jumping Jacks

The Jumping jack is a total body exercise that primarily focuses on your quads. In lesser degrees, it also impacts your shoulders, abs, groin, calves, lower and upper back, hamstrings, and outer thighs.

Stand straight with your feet together and hands alongside your thighs. Now, jump with your feet spread sideways and arms above your head simultaneously. Jump back to the normal position. 30 minutes of jumping jacks can help you shed 200 calories. However, doing it continuously could be a challenge and monotonous. Thus, break them into three sessions of 10 minutes each and get a 5-minute rest in between.

3. Stair Training

This aerobic exercise primarily targets your calves, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. Apart from toning your lower body, it boosts the stamina of your cardiovascular system. Walk up and down the stairs for 15–20 minutes at a steady pace. Gradually increase the time to 30 minutes and your speed to a faster rate.

4. Butt Kicks

This exercise works on your hamstrings and glutes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your arms towards the sides. Bend your right knee like you are jogging and touch your butt with the right ankle. Repeat with the other leg. Keep the pace slow until you have perfected it. Complete 2 or 3, 30 second to 1-minute sets.

5. Mountain Climber

The primary muscles this exercise works upon are the abs, glutes, hips, and legs. Get into a high plank position with your core tight. Now, bring your right knee up towards the center of your stomach and quickly switch to the left leg. Begin with a slower pace and increase it gradually. Do 1–2 sets of 8–10 repetitions. It is necessary to align your body properly during this exercise.

6. Bear Crawls

This exercise strengthens your whole body and increases muscle power. It boosts your metabolism and improves cardiovascular health. Get down on your legs and hands, with knees slightly bent, but with your back flat. Walk in this position with your right foot and left hand forward, followed by the left foot and right hand forward. This completes one repetition. Practice 2–3 sets of 15–20 repetitions each.

7. Burpees

Burpees are intense full-body exercises that increase your blood circulation, heart rate, strength, and flexibility. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and get into a squat position. Bend forward to place your palms in front of your feet and stretch your feet behind to get into a plank position. Immediately, return to the squat position and jump. Practice 3–5 sets of 8–15 repetitions each.

8. Squat Jacks

This exercise works great on your lower body and improves posture and stability. Stand with your feet together and hands alongside your thighs. Jump up and spread your feet while you settle into a squat position. Push through the heels and jump back up and return to the starting position. Do 1–2 sets of 8–15 repetitions each.

9. Inchworm

This exercise gives a complete warm-up to your body. It strengthens your arms, chest, upper and lower back, and abs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at your waist and let your hands touch the floor. Walk your hands forward to attain a plank position. Once you are in the plank position, walk your feet towards your hand and stand. Practice 2–3 sets of 10–15 repetitions each.

10. High Knees

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your knees up to the waist level and drop your feet slowly down. Repeat with the other leg. This completes one cycle. Practicing high knees burns more calories and increases the metabolism. Practicing sets of 30 seconds each as long as you can comfortably manage helps.

11. Donkey Kicks

This exercise mainly works on glutes and hips. Get down on all fours such that your hands are below your shoulders and your knees are aligned along your hips. Kick your right leg in the air and bring it back gently. Repeat with left leg. Complete 3 sets of 15–20 repetitions each.

12. Corkscrew

Corkscrew primarily works on abs and obliques. Lie on your back and tuck your hands below your butt for support (if required). Lift your legs up perpendicular to the ground, while sucking in your navel. Keeping your legs together, make a complete rotation with your legs. Make sure your abs are tight throughout the exercise.

13. Flutter Kicks

This exercise mainly concentrates on your abdominal muscles and helps you reduce your waistline. Lie straight on your back with your hands tucked below your lower back for support. Lift your legs up in the air, perpendicular to the ground. Kick your feet up and down repeatedly. Do 2–3 sets of 18–20 repetitions each.

14. Skaters

This exercise enhances coordination and balance while strengthening the cardiovascular system. Lean forward and jump to the right. Bring your left foot behind your right and left arm in front of you. Repeat the same by jumping towards your left and bringing your right foot behind and right arm in the front. This completes one repetition. Practice for a set of 30 seconds about 4 times.

15. Plank Jacks

This exercise develops your core strength and reduces lower back pain. Come into the push-up position with your feet together. Hop your feet sideways as much as you comfortably can and rest on toes gently. Hop back to normal position by bringing your feet together. Practice plank jacks for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

16. Box Jumps

You would need a bench or a sturdy box to do this exercise. Choose a box with the height equivalent to your mid-calf, if you are doing it for the first time. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the box. Now, bend your knees, swing your arms, and land on the box lightly. To return, just step back one foot at a time.

17. Invisible Jump Rope

This is similar to skipping except that you do not use a rope. Jump not more than 2 inches above the ground, like you are using the rope, and land on your toes and balls of the feet. Keep your wrists moving like you are holding the handle of the rope and swinging it. This exercise works on your calves, hamstrings, and glutes.

18. Jumping Lunges

This exercise helps you tone your butt and thighs and boosts your cardiac health. Take a large step backward and lower your hips. Place the knee of the leg placed behind on the floor and the front thigh parallel to the ground. Jump and switch your leg positions. Jump again and return to the normal position.

19. Jump Forward Jogs

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees. Swing your arms behind and then forward, and take a giant leap landing gently on your toes. Jog backward to the position where you started.

20. Sprinters Sit-Ups

Begin with a seated position with your arms bent at a right angle and your legs extended in front of you. Now, engaging your obliques, lift your left leg with your left knee and bring your right elbow towards the left knee. Get back to starting position and repeat it on the other side.

So, how did you do? It’s easy to put together a list of aerobics exercises to do at home for the short term, but long-term changes are results to strive for and are thus more challenging to accomplish. Remember that “rigorous and strict routine” we mentioned earlier? You need to be disciplined and committed, which many find to be the most challenging aspect of a fitness pilgrimage, and end up quickly burning out. You want lasting results, you NEED lasting results. That’s where fitness and weight loss retreats come in.

Fitness retreats are a great starting point for you to begin your journey to a healthier you. It’s a support network of like-minded individuals looking to achieve similar goals. You’ll learn how to properly nurture your body through not only exercise but also through realistic diets that provide proper nutrition that you can easily whip up in your kitchen. Fitness retreats are more than just exercise training, they provide life skills that you can take home with you, so you can confidently pick up at-home aerobic workout routines like this one, and maximize your results.

Interested in jumpstarting your new healthy lifestyle? Reach out to us at Fit Farm and let’s start your journey together!


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