What is the average kd in warzone rebirth

What is the average kd in warzone rebirth

What's the average KD in Warzone? / Photo by Infinity Ward

This is not all that surprising considering how high the TTKs in Warzone are, and how wide the skill gap can be at times.

Ultimately, to keep things simple, many players see a KD higher than one as acceptable. As long as you're winning gunfights more than you're losing, you'll have a positive number (>1.0).

Playing more games will also see your numbers fluctuate less rapidly. You might get lucky a few games and see a sharp rise in KD and then lose it a few rounds later. Likewise, you might hit a snag in a losing streak.

Don't let the numbers get you down, however. Improve your skills and techniques as a player, and your KD will rise to follow.

I have a 1.6 in rebirth and Warzone and I feel as though I'm not as good as many others in the game with similar stats. What do you consider average? And what is above average?