What is the naic number for insurance

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A NAIC number is a unique five-digit number that identifies an insurer and record their financial data, closed complaints, and more.

There are a few instances you'll need your NAIC number.

Let's say you've had a car accident. Everyone is doing all right, but your car isn’t doing so great. Luckily, you have awesome collision coverage, so even if it was your fault, you’ll be able to get back behind the wheel soon.

As you file your insurance claim, some of the information you’ll need might be a little unfamiliar. Sure, you have car insurance, but what is this NAIC number you’re being asked for? Here's what you need to know about the NAIC number and how to locate it.

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NAIC stands for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, an organization that sets standards for and regulates the insurance industry in the United States. One of their roles is to help identify individual insurers in the nation to streamline the claims process.

Each insurer is assigned a unique NAIC number to identify them, and it’s a way of credentialing an insurance company. It can be used to look up consumer reports on an insurer or underwriter, as well as any closed complaints, fraud, or financial data for the company.

An insurer often has different NAIC numbers depending on the type of insurance product you have, and they might have different numbers from state to state too. If you’re asked for an NAIC number, you’ll need the correct one for the policy you hold. Otherwise, it can take longer to process a claim or get the information you need.

When you need your NAIC number, there are a few places you can find it. You're looking for a five-digit number.

The first place you should check for your NAIC number is on your proof of insurance card. The number should be easy to locate on your insurance card. If you don’t see it immediately, look for a Company Number. That’s an alternate name for an NAIC number. This is guaranteed to be the correct number.

Secondarily, check your insurance policy documentation. In the insurance policy, the underwriter or insurer will have their company number or NAIC number specified so you can correctly identify them. This is the same number as the one on your insurance card, but it could be more difficult to find and you probably aren’t carrying it with you.

Or, if you can’t locate the NAIC number in your insurance policy or you’ve misplaced your insurance card, you can find it online. Visit the NAIC website and used the Consumer Insurance Search tool to locate your insurer’s company number.

There are a few reasons you might be asked to provide an NAIC number.

Filing an insurance claim: Regardless if it’s for home insurance, travel insurance, or auto insurance, you’ll need to provide the NAIC number to file an insurance claim.

Completing a DMV report: When you fill out information to register a vehicle or complete any other paperwork with the DMV, the NAIC number is commonly required.

Looking up your insurance company: If you have a concern about how your insurance company has conducted itself, you can look up their profile online.

"NAIC" stands for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. This is an organization that helps set standards for the insurance industry.

A NAIC number is the unique number given to an insurer to identify them. This allows people to see the insurer's financial data, fraud, and more through consumer reports.

Published on Nov 17, 2020

The goal of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) system is to coordinate regulatory oversight, establish best practices and standards and conduct peer review to standardize insurance regulation across the U.S. Insurance companies use NAIC numbers for training and education. It provides technology solutions, programs, like the Regulator Professional Designation Program, newsletters, industry publications and much more. 

The NAIC also provides information and online tools for consumers. The Insure U consumer education program by the NAIC provides consumers with basic information about types of insurance–life, health, homeowners, renters and auto. Insure U for small businesses provides tips and information about small business insurance. 

The NAIC comprises seven committees that cover property and casualty insurance, life insurance and annuities, market regulation and consumer affairs, health insurance and managed care, financial regulation standards and accreditation, the financial condition of insurers and international insurance relations. 

What is NAIC?

The insurance sector is highly regulated in the United States. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization led by chief insurance regulators in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories. 

The NAIC was formed to establish best practices, provide support, conduct peer reviews and institute governing standards for the U.S. insurance industry. It is often confused with the North American Industry Classification System that lists, collects and analyzes data on all industries.

The NAIC is headquartered in Kansas City, MO, and has offices in Missouri, New York and Washington, D.C. The NAIC is made up of various committees and working parties, with the goals to: 

  • Protect the public interest
  • Promote competitive markets
  • Facilitate the fair and equitable treatment of insurance consumers
  • Promote the reliability, solvency and financial solidity of insurance institutions
  • Support and improve state regulation of insurance.

What is an NAIC code?

All licensed and authorized insurance companies in the U.S. are assigned a five-digit NAIC number by the NAIC. The code, which can be found on the NAIC database, also shows consumer reports, such as the number of closed complaints for an insurance company, any fraud or actions taken against the company and company financial data. 

Most companies’ NAIC numbers vary from one kind of insurance to the next. For instance, Allstate auto and homeowners insurance NAIC number is different from the company’s life insurance NAIC number. And, Liberty Mutual Insurance has one code for homeowners and auto and another for fire insurance coverage. This can be confusing for consumers, so it’s important to research a company’s NAIC number to ensure it’s accurate. 

NAIC codes are only assigned to risk-bearing entities, which is a company with the probability that an actual return on an investment will be lower than the expected return. You can apply for a NAIC code on the NAIC website. 

Some of the largest insurance carriers found on the NAIC database along with their NAIC numbers include: 

  • AAA Life – 71854
  • Aetna – 78700
  • Allstate – 19232
  • American Family – 19295
  • Anthem – 60217
  • Geico – 22055
  • Liberty Mutual – 23043
  • MetLife – 13092
  • Prudential Financial – 68241
  • State Farm – 25143

Why is the NAIC important?

Although state-based, the NAIC aims to standardize the insurance industry across the U.S. It helps keep insurance companies in check and provides oversight for the entire industry. One of the most noteworthy accomplishments was creating uniform financial reporting for all insurance companies. 

Other ways the NAIC helps is to bring insurance companies together and facilitate communication. It also ensures that insurance companies can payout during disasters by providing the assistance to make that happen. The NAIC also functions as:

  • A central source of information.
  • A reference for financial and legal services.
  • A source for services insurance companies don’t have in their own states.

The NAIC also provides regulatory tools, educates members of Congress, makes sure the voices of state insurance regulators are heard and works with the media to understand the mission of the NAIC. 

For consumers, the NAIC provides detailed information about insurance companies’ complaints, financial health and licenses. Consumers can look for information on health insurance, auto insurance, life insurance, flood insurance, homeowners insurance and more. The NAIC site also provides a place to file a complaint against an insurance carrier. If someone has an issue with their insurance company, the NAIC is the organization to contact. 

Insurance companies can apply for an NAIC code on the NAIC website. 

The takeaway

  • The goal of the NAIC is to standardize insurance regulation across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories.
  • All licensed and authorized insurance companies in the U.S. are assigned a five-digit NAIC code that represents their primary area of business within the insurance industry.
  • Consumers can find out information about insurance companies, any complaints, licenses, their financial health and more. 
  • The NAIC helps keep insurance companies in check and provides oversight for the entire industry.

Because of the NAIC, consumers can rest assured that the same regulations and policies apply to all insurance companies no matter where they are located. NAIC codes make it easy to look up an insurance company, find closed complaints, any fraud or actions taken against the company and company financial data.


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