What strategies did you use to support a child to manage their own behaviour and express their emotions appropriately?

If you’re a parent, chances are you’ve witnessed a tantrum or two in your day. We expect them in two-year-olds. But if your child reaches school age and meltdowns and outbursts are still frequent, it may be a sign that they have difficulty with emotional self-regulation.

Simply put, self-regulation is the difference between a two-year-old and a five-year-old who is more able to control their emotions. Helping kids who haven’t developed self-regulation skills at the typical age is the goal of parent training programs. And many older children, even if they’re beyond tantrums, continue to struggle with impulsive and inappropriate behavior.

Self-regulation is the ability to manage your emotions and behavior in accordance with the demands of the situation. It includes being able to resist highly emotional reactions to upsetting stimuli, to calm yourself down when you get upset, to adjust to a change in expectations, and to handle frustration without an outburst. It is a set of skills that enables children, as they mature, to direct their own behavior towards a goal, despite the unpredictability of the world and our own feelings.

Problems with self-regulation manifest in different ways depending on the child, says  Matthew Rouse, PhD, a clinical psychologist. “Some kids are instantaneous — they have a huge, strong reaction and there’s no lead-in or build-up,” he says. “They can’t inhibit that immediate behavior response.”

For other kids, he notes, distress seems to build up and they can only take it for so long. Eventually it leads to some sort of behavioral outburst. “You can see them going down the wrong path but you don’t know how to stop it.”

The key for both kinds of kids is to learn to handle those strong reactions and find ways to express their emotions that are more effective (and less disruptive) than having a meltdown.

Dr. Rouse sees emotional control issues as a combination of temperament and learned behavior.

“A child’s innate capacities for self-regulation are temperament and personality-based,” he explains. Some babies have trouble self-soothing, he adds, and get very distressed when you’re trying to bathe them or put on clothes. Those kids may be more likely to experience trouble with emotional self-regulation when they’re older.

But the environment plays a role as well. When parents give in to tantrums or work overtime to soothe their children when they get upset and act out, kids have a hard time developing self-discipline. “In those situations, the child is basically looking to the parents to be external self-regulators,” Dr. Rouse says. “If that’s a pattern that happens again and again, and a child is able to ‘outsource’ self-regulation, then that’s something that might develop as a habit.”

Children with ADHD or anxiety may find it particularly challenging to manage their emotions, and need more help to develop emotional regulation skills.

Scott Bezsylko, the executive director of the Winston Prep schools for children with learning differences, says that acting out is essentially an ineffective response to a stimulus. The parent or teacher needs to help the child slow down and more carefully choose an effective response instead of being impulsive.

“We approach self-regulation skills in the same way we approach other skills, academic or social: isolate that skill and provide practice,” Bezsylko explains. “When you think of it as a skill to be taught — rather than, say, just bad behavior — it changes the tone and content of the feedback you give kids. ”

The key to learning self-regulation skills, says Dr. Rouse, is not to avoid situations that are difficult for kids to handle, but to coach kids through them and provide a supportive framework — clinicians call it “scaffolding” the behavior you want to encourage — until they can handle these challenges on their own.

Imagine a situation that can produce strong negative emotions, like a frustrating math homework assignment. If a parent hovers too much, they risk taking over the regulation role. “Instead of the child recognizing that the work is frustrating and figuring out how to handle it,” Dr. Rouse explains, “what they feel is that the parent is frustrating them by making them do it.”

Scaffolding in this situation might be helping the child with one problem, and then expecting them to try the rest. If they feel frustrated, they might get up and get a drink. They might use a timer to give themselves periodic breaks. The parent would check in on them at intervals, and offer praise for their efforts.

If a child is prone to melting down when they’re asked to stop playing a video game, scaffolding might be practicing transitioning away from the game. “You’d want to practice with a game in which they’re not overly invested — you don’t want to begin with high-stakes,” Dr. Rouse explains. “Have them practice playing for two or three minutes and then handing you the game. They get points towards something they want every time they do it.”

Dry runs are another way to scaffold self-regulation. For instance, if you’ve had trouble with a child reacting impulsively or having a tantrum in a store, make a short visit when you don’t need to do serious shopping. Have them practice walking with you, keeping their hands to themselves. They get points towards some goal every time they are successful.

Dr. Rouse says that often parents get discouraged when things don’t go well the first time they try skill-building, but consistency and starting at a level that is appropriate for your child are key. Rather than giving up, try paring down the activity so it is more doable, and slowly give your child more and more independence to handle it.

For instance, if brushing their teeth is a problem for your child, you might start by focusing just on putting toothpaste on the brush, and respond with positive feedback and rewards when they do it. Once they’ve practiced that a few times, add the next step in the chain.

Similarly, if getting out the door in the morning is causing meltdowns, target one step at a time. First, say, getting dressed by 7:15. Once they’ve mastered that, set a target time for breakfast, and add that. Breaking the chain into small steps allows them to build self-regulation skills in manageable increments.

Bezsylko stresses that when parents or teachers approach impulsive, inappropriate behavior calmly and give them time, kids can learn to choose better ways to respond to that situation. The feedback kids need is non-judgmental and non-emotional: what went wrong, and why, and how they can fix it next time.

“When kids are part of an environment that’s reflective and analytic as opposed to emotional and fast-paced,” Bezsylko explains, “they can learn to make better choices.” Slowing down allows children to become more thoughtful, reflective and self-aware. “We need to slow down and model self-reflection and self-awareness and self-regulation for our kids,” he notes, “but it’s also helpful and good for us, too.”

Bezsylko notes that mindfulness and meditation are good for everyone, but especially for children with self-regulation challenges. And Dr. Rouse mentions the many parent training programs available to help them become better coaches for their kids. For older kids, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is also an option, as it focuses on distress tolerance and emotion regulation.

At the end of the day, though, nothing can replace the work of the parent. “It seems to me,” says Dr. Rouse, “that the family environment is the most important piece.”

Babies don’t need discipline. Babies cry because they’re hungry, wet, tired, in pain or need to be held. You can’t spoil a baby by tending to their needs.

When they start crawling, they get into everything so make sure you baby proof your home to keep them safe while exploring. As your baby grows, it’s likely you will start to develop a routine, but it’s important to be flexible. At this age, distracting a baby or offering them an alternative activity when they are doing something you don’t like, is going to be more effective than saying ‘Don’t’ or showing anger.

Toddlers and pre-schoolers

Toddlers and preschoolers are beginning to learn the basic rules of positive behaviour, but they can be challenging at times.

  • Be a good role model. Behave as you would want your child to behave.
  • Think ahead. Don’t leave fragile or valuable things around for little ones to play with. If they haven’t seen them before, they may not know to treat them with care.
  • Use distraction. Toddlers and preschoolers can get very emotional and throw tantrums when things aren’t going their way, or when they are struggling to express themselves. Sometimes the best strategy is simply to distract them with a change of location or activity.
  • Give lots of praise and stick to routines. Whenever you see your toddler or preschooler doing the right thing, such as tidying their toys or helping a friend, let them know that you’ve noticed and you are proud of them. Keep to routines to help children feel secure and make sure they get plenty of sleep.

The calming impact of nature

Think about ways to keep children and young people calm when emotions seem to ‘fly out of control’. Try taking them swimming regularly, get back to nature with bush walking or focus them through a regular outdoor sport. Sometimes this helps reduce frustrations and can have a calming impact on behavior and emotions.

Once kids are at school, you can start putting in place clear rules, limits and boundaries. This helps them learn independence, take responsibility and begin solving their own problems.

Discipline will be most effective when you are consistent, communicate openly and often, and keep up a warm and loving family environment. Here are some ideas for encouraging positive behaviour in the child or young person in your care.

  • Use effective discipline strategies to encourage positive behaviour.
  • Lead by example, and model the kind of positive behaviour you hope to see in them, such as respecting people and good listening.
  • Help them discover their strengths so they feel good about themselves.
  • Share the discussion about setting rules and establishing consequences for breaking them.
  • Talk to them about their choices and possible consequences.
  • Teach them that rights and responsibilities go hand-in-hand.
  • Always reinforce and reward positive behaviour with warmth and praise.
  • Plan ahead by preventing situations that commonly lead or trigger challenging behavior - such as making sure they’re not over-tired before going out.
  • Avoid labels and name-calling statements like 'You're such a lazy kid' or 'Aren't you hopeless'; instead, talk in terms of how their actions affect you, for example 'I feel let down when you don't help me around the house'.
  • Keep your cool and focus on addressing the behaviour rather than getting involved in power struggles.
  • Make sure they understand why they’re being disciplined.
  • Speak in a calm but firm tone – this shows you mean what you say and expect them to do it

The following organisations and educators provide support and guidance on parenting issues to carers of children and young people.

Raising Children Network
Free parenting resources and information for all stages and ages – lots of tips, tools and videos.

Relationships Australia 1300 364 277

Offers a range of support services including counselling, therapy and mediation services. Relationships Australia also has a specialist service to help reslove issues between teenagers and their parents or carers.