What to say when confirming an appointment over the phone

Your clients easily confirm appts via text message

Customers and clients love receiving appointment confirmation text messages. They’re impressed that you thought ahead to take care of confirming client appointments. Our automated text message reminder software sends them a reminder with instructions to confirm, reschedule, or cancel. When they get the reminder, they reply to send text confirmations for appointments (“reply C to confirm”).

For email reminders, the appointment confirmation email template has a button to click to confirm the appointment. If you have appointments to confirm with customers for any kind of visit or event, you can customize the appointment reminder template in our email reminder service to fit your needs. Our appointment scheduling software is the easiest way to get clients to confirm their appointments. We’re also an appointment booking app, so clients can book their own appointments and they’ll still receive reminders with confirmation instructions.

Automated Appointment Confirmations

Save time, only follow up with unconfirmed clients

An automated system is the best of all methods used when confirming appointments. The appointment confirmation emails have built-in appointment confirmation wording for text reminders for appointments — your friendly appointment reminder template will be professional and helpful. With our simple Confirmations features, GoReminders automatically adds reply C to confirm, R to reschedule, and/or X to cancel at the end of the text reminder message. In the email reminder message there will be “Confirm,” “Reschedule,” and “Cancel” buttons. These are all completely optional and if you want to only offer people the option to confirm (without the options for cancelling and rescheduling), you can easily do that. The appt confirmations work seamlessly with our recurring appointment reminders so your customer will be asked to confirm every time you have a repeating appointment. You can ask for confirmations in any language because we support multilingual appointment reminders.

How do I confirm an appointment?

GoReminders makes appointment confirmations simple. You just text your customer, client, or staff member about an upcoming appointment and they reply C to confirm, R to reschedule, or X to cancel. The instructions you give them to confirm are also fully customizable.

Clients Confirm Appointments

Button to confirm appointments in email reminders

If your client confirms the appointment when they get the first reminder, they won’t get prompted to double-confirm again. The automatic “Reply C to confirm…” message and Confirm/Reschedule/Cancel buttons do not get added to the second and third reminder messages if the client already confirmed. Another option we have is to only ask for confirmation on certain messages. For example, if you have a message go out when an appointment is confirmed, and then a message 3 days before and then a message an hour before, you can choose to only ask for confirmation in the reminder that goes out 3 days before. You can also set the status of the appointment to “Confirmed” or “Cancelled” or “Reschedule Requested” from within GoReminders yourself if your client calls you to confirm the appointment. Your confirmed appointments automatically show with a check mark in our calendar reminders app, and cancelled and rescheduled appointments will show with a different icon and different colors to make them easy to notice in the calendar.

What to say to confirm an appointment?

Lots of GoReminders customers say something like “Please reply with R to reschedule, C to confirm, or X to cancel” at the end of their reminder texts. This allows your customers an array of options when they get reminded about their appointments, and makes it as simple as possible for them to let you know about any cancellations.

Appointment Confirmation Notifications

When people confirm, cancel, or want to reschedule an appointment, we’ll send you an appt. confirmation email or text message to your cell phone — whichever you want. You’re always in the loop on who has confirmed appointments and who requested to reschedule or cancel, saving you time and avoiding downtime at the last minute due to appointment no-shows.

Appointment Confirmation

In GoReminders, appointment confirmation couldn’t be any easier. Your customers receive a text message or email reminder before their appointment, with instructions to confirm, reschedule, or cancel the appointment. They simply reply to that text or email and the system handles the rest.

What does it mean to confirm an appointment?

When a customer or client confirms an appointment, they’re saying they’ll definitely show up on time. Having your customers confirm their appointments is a great step to take to minimize no shows and maximize billing, and GoReminders makes it easy!

Appointment Confirmation Text App

GoReminders text reminder template

Not only is GoReminders is the best appointment reminder app, but it’s also got tons of features to make it the most robust appointment reminder system. With GoReminders, confirming an appointment with a customer starts with an automated text from us, and ends with the customer’s reply. If they confirm the appointment, you’ll be able to receive a reminder notification too.

Appointment Confirmation Software

Text reminders are by far the most popular customer reminder method among GoReminders remind text service users. The other options are Email, Both Text & Email, and None. You can decide on the reminder method based on what each customer wants, and our email (yes, GoReminders is also an email reminder service) & text reminder system will remember that choice so it’s less work for you. This is the easiest-to-use text reminder service – with built in appointment confirmation – that’s always updated to save you time.

Use the GoReminders text message reminder system for your appointment book, and never worry about remembering to send text message reminders to a customer – your phone doesn’t even need to be on. That saves you time & makes you money. 

Appointment Confirmation Text

Our automated text message system sends out reminders to your customers and they can let you know if they confirm the appointment, or if they need to reschedule, all without needing to talk to you or anyone at your company. It’s all automatic!

Appointment confirmation script

If a customer confirms an appointment, requests a reschedule, or replies to an SMS reminder, we can forward their reply to you via text or email. Customer replies to email reminders will always go to your email. If you disable notifications, customers will still be able to confirm and request reschedules.

A typical appointment confirmation exchange will look something like this:

You: You have an appointment with <Your Staff> at <Time> on <Date>.

Please reply with R to reschedule, C to confirm, or X to cancel.

Customer: C

You: Appointment confirmed, thank you!

Appointment Confirmation Text Message Sample Template

GoReminders users love our appointment confirmation text app. They use our fully customizable reminder templates to automatically remind their customers, and subsequently receive automatic confirmation, cancellation, or rescheduling notices. Here’s a sample template that they might text to their customers:

You have an appointment with {{Staff Member}} at {{Time}} on {{Date}}.

Please reply with R to reschedule, C to confirm, or X to cancel.

Appointment Confirmation Email Sample Template

Appointment confirmation email template

Our email reminders will help your customers show up on time and prepared, and they’ll also love seeing the reminders in their inbox. People really appreciate a friendly reminder and it also gives them a chance to cancel or reschedule, and they can do that by simply replying to the email. If they want to confirm the appointment via email, they can just reply, simple as that.

Here’s a sample template for an appointment confirmation email:

You have an appointment with <Company Name> at <Time> on <Date>.

Please reply to this email with R to reschedule, C to confirm, or X to cancel.

Then you would receive an email which looks something like this:

<Customer> confirmed an appointment for <Date> at <Time>. Location: <Location set by you>

Staff: <Staff member set by you>

How to Confirm an Appointment

Simply set up an appointment in our system, and the automated appointment reminder will take care of the rest! Your clients receive a text message or email with instructions to confirm their appointment, reschedule, or cancel.

How do I make an appointment to confirm my email?

GoReminders email reminder template

Making an email appointment confirmation in GoReminders is just as simple as our text method. You just select reminder type to be either email or “both” if you’d like to send both an email and a text.

Our email reminders software keeps your customers on time, and they’ll love seeing the reminders in their inbox. When a customer just plain forgets their appointment, it can be frustrating for them as well. People really appreciate a friendly reminder and it also gives them a chance to cancel or reschedule, and they can do that by simply replying to the email. Likewise, they can reply to the email to confirm appointments.

Our customers love using our email reminder system, and two major reasons for that are our fantastic customer support, and the fact that we listen to our users and continuously add the features they request. Businesses asked us about sending follow up emails to get feedback, so we implemented the message blasts feature so they can do this. They wanted group scheduling, so we put that in. We add new features all the time, so if you see something you want, don’t hesitate to let us know!

Job appointment confirmation letter

Here’s a sample email confirmation template:

Dear {{Customer}},

Please confirm your appointment with {{Staff Member}} for tomorrow, {{Date}} at {{Time}}. Please contact me at {{Reply Address}} with any questions and keep me informed if there should be any changes.

{{Your Name}}

People Love Our Confirmation Features

Here’s what someone said about their favorite part of GoReminders:

“I like knowing in advance when my clients can’t make their appointments, which gives me time to schedule someone else in their place!”

Another person said,

“The thing that I love love love is how there is an option for the individual staff members to each receive confirmations to their own phone/email. I know that we have found real value in your services and next month we are going to change our membership to yearly.”

Someone else said,

“I really like that clients can confirm an appointment or indicate that they need to reschedule via SMS message reply!”


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