Why do dogs love watermelon?

With summer approaching, many people are preparing to bust out their lawn chairs and enjoy the outdoors. Many of us will also be bringing our pooches with us, which means we may be offering them some sneaky treats, and there’s no better sample of summer than some sweet watermelon!

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Dogs can eat a wide range of fruits. Included in this list are apples, a mix of berries, bananas, and even pears. If you’re aiming to let your pooch take a bite right out of summer, however, you’ll probably want to feed them a slice of watermelon.

Fortunately for dogs, watermelon is a safe and generally healthy treat for them to enjoy! Unlike some other fruits, the bulk of watermelon (as its name implies) is water. This makes watermelon slices or cubes a fun way to keep yourself and your dog hydrated.

Precautions to Take

Before feeding your dog any watermelon, be sure to remove the rind and discard any black seeds (or get a seedless watermelon). We’ll elaborate on this a bit later, but these parts of the fruit pose a few risks to your dog. Swallowing a little bit of either isn’t something you should panic about, but it’s not a habit you should indulge.

As with any treat, you’ll also want to provide appropriately sized pieces. A melon baller is a perfect way to make bite-sized treats that are safe for most dogs! By dicing or cubing watermelon prior to feeding, you reduce the risk of choking for your pooch. Cutting the watermelon also helps you measure how much you’re feeding. As delicious as they may be, watermelons are still treats, and you don’t want to give your pooch too much!

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon: The FAQ

Why do dogs love watermelon?

As with any treat, be sure to closely monitor your dog the first time you provide watermelon. Provide their first taste of watermelon in a controlled environment, and give your pooch a tiny serving. This will make it easier for you to watch their reaction. Some dogs may not like watermelon. It is also possible for dogs to be allergic to this summery fruit.

If your dog is allergic to watermelon, stop providing it to them immediately. Signs of an allergic reaction in dogs include:

  • Intestinal distress
  • Gas and/or bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Diarrhea

Is Watermelon Toxic to Dogs?

Watermelon is not toxic to dogs. In fact, it’s known to be a great source of vitamins A, B6, and C with some potassium on the side. Watermelon is also an extremely light treat! A cup of plain watermelon has only 50 calories per serving.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind?

Why do dogs love watermelon?

To be safe, never feed your pups watermelon rind. In addition to being tougher to eat, the fruit’s rind is hard to digest. It isn’t poisonous, but it is known to cause upset stomachs and vomiting. If your pup gets a little nibble of rind, don’t worry! They’ll be fine! Just don’t make it a habit.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Seeds?

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Never feed the black seeds of a watermelon to a dog. In fact, the most convenient way to share watermelon with your pooch is to purchase a seedless fruit. This way, there are no seeds for you to pick free! Like the rind, watermelon seeds are not necessarily toxic. You shouldn’t lose sleep if your pup accidentally swallows one or two.

The biggest risk posed by watermelon seeds is the potential for an intestinal blockage. Because the seeds are not typically digested, they may become lodged in your dog’s digestive tract. This risk is great for small dogs, but the safest thing to do is simply avoid the seeds, regardless of the dog’s size!

How Much Watermelon Can I Give My Dog?

As healthy as watermelon may be, it’s still a treat! There is a bit of sugar hidden in this delicious, juicy treat, so don’t overdo it. Per Hill’s Pet Food, treats like watermelon and other fruits should only be 10% of your dog’s overall diet. Provide watermelon slices in moderation and only after taking the proper precautions. Remember: if you’re ever in doubt, ask your vet first!

Can Dogs Eat Yellow Watermelon?

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Yellow watermelon is perfectly safe for dogs. Both red and yellow watermelons contain the same basic nutritional perks. While red watermelons contain lycopene, which gives them their color, yellow watermelons are packed with beta carotene. Because of this, they have a sweeter, honey-like flavor. Nonetheless, they’re just as safe for canine consumption.

Can Watermelon Turn Dog Poop Red?

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Yes! Watermelon may turn your pooch’s poop red. The fruit shares this quality with other vibrantly colored foods, such as beets and red velvet cake. If this happens, it’s likely a sign that you may have overdone it a bit. Lay low with the watermelon snacks until your dog’s poop returns to its usual coloration.

Can Watermelon Cause Diarrhea in Dogs?

Watermelon should not cause diarrhea. If your pup is having diarrhea after ingesting watermelon, they may be allergic. In other cases, the chemistry of the fruit might not sit well with your dog’s tummy. Dogs, like people, have unique digestive chemistry. Not every pup can eat the same thing, and some may not digest watermelon well. If this is the case, stop providing watermelon to your dog. There are plenty of other delicious fruits to share with your pooch!

Can I Give Other Melons to My Dog?

Why do dogs love watermelon?

With the same precautions (removing the rind and seeds), it’s fine to provide other melons to your dog! Both melons and cantaloupes make for sweet, juicy treats. However, it’s worth noting that other melons tend to have more sugar. As such, take appropriate precautions and remember to exercise moderation.

Do Dogs Like Watermelon?

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Many dogs love watermelon! It’s up to your individual pooch to determine their individual preference, but most pups adore watermelon. Don’t take our word for it! Take theirs! Maya the Samoyed enjoys sharing watermelon with her family. 

Video Source: @mayapolarbear

With a little creativity, you can turn a basic watermelon into an amazing, tail-wagging treat for your pooch! Freeze it, purée it, dice it, or slice it! There’s no end to the possibilities offered by watermelons!

Plain Old Watermelon

Why do dogs love watermelon?

The easiest and quickest way to serve your pooch some watermelon is by slicing it up into appropriately sized cubes. Larger dogs may even enjoy the puzzle of trying to figure out how to eat a slice without the rind! All you need for this method is a plate, a knife, and some fruit!


Is it getting really hot? Boost the cooling power of watermelon by cubing it and sticking it into the freezer. Allow these chunks to harden, then let your pooch enjoy their delicious chilled treat! You can even sneak a few bites, too! Another version of frozen watermelon uses puréed fruit. After removing the rind and seeds, purée the watermelon into a fine, thin mix. This can then be poured into molds and served as yummy frozen bites on hot summer days!

Pre-Made Treats

Watermelon isn’t one of the most popular dog treat ingredients. Its short shelf life makes it a tricky thing to include in pre-packaged doggy snacks, but there are a few strawberry and strawberry-flavored treats that you can buy for your pup.

Treat Name



Pooch Creamery’s Watermelon Ice Cream


This 5.29-ounce cup is packed to the brim with delicious dog-safe watermelon flavored ice cream! All you need to do is add water to this delightful treat and pop the container into the freezer.

Fruitables Skinny Mini Dog Treats


Sold in a 5 ounce bag, these little Watermelon-flavored bites are perfect for training sessions. This particular version is meant for small dogs, but bigger pups will probably love the bites, too!

Messy Mutts Silicone Molds


We know! It’s not a treat, but we couldn’t resist. These 1-ounce dog treat molds are just too cute to ignore! If you’re looking for something to use when you’re making some of your own treats, then consider this double pack of molds.


One sweet way to serve up a fancier watermelon experience is to prep your pooch a puppuccino. This option will require a bit of research and some careful grocery shopping. For the best and safest experience, choose vegan whipped cream. Avoid any products with xylitol or excessive sugar. As you prep the puppuccino, toss in your appropriately sized chunks of watermelon. To make the treat more visually appealing, mix it up a little.


Why do dogs love watermelon?

As the emblem of summertime, one of the most seasonally appropriate ways to serve up a watermelon is as a soothing puppy popsicle! This hydrating fruit pairs well with your freezer, and there are a million different recipes to try.

RELATED CONTENT:  9 Yummy Pupsicle Recipes to Cool Your Dog Off

We have a delicious Rocket Pop recipe, which features watermelons as the red tip! Other ingredients in this pupsicle treat include Greek yogurt and blueberries. If you pick up some of the standard “people popsicles” for yourself, you and your pup can even match! Grab the recipe here: Rocket Pop recipe,

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Watermelons don’t have to be the only ingredient, either! There are plenty of yummy fruits that can be added and mixed into your pup’s popsicles.

Watermelon “Ice Cream”

While we don’t recommend giving your pooch real ice cream (it’s high in fat and may cause digestive issues), you can simulate some watermelon ice cream for your pooch. Find some plain, unsweetened yogurt and blend in seedless watermelon chunks. The resulting mix can be served in popsicle form, or it can be chilled into your dog’s favorite puzzle toys. As with the pupsicle option, you can spice up the ice cream with different fruits.

As with the puppuccino option, be sure to avoid any products with xylitol. Never provide canned or processed watermelon, and be sure to exercise extreme moderation when serving sweet treats!

Puppy Fruit Salad

Why do dogs love watermelon?

For something fun and colorful, consider mixing it up! Think of all of the different fruits that dogs can eat. From apples and strawberries to bananas and pears, there’s a whole variety! Cut up appropriately sized pieces of these fruits for your pooch and plate them as you wish. You might want to toss them all into a bowl and shake it up, or you can be fancy and give your pup their own miniature fruit charcuterie board.

If you choose this route, be aware that each fruit has its own sugar content. Be careful about serving sizes and make sure that you aren’t loading your pup up with too much sugar. Remember: a little goes a long way when you’re treating your pooch. No matter how big those puppy eyes get, keeping them from devouring everything in sight is your responsibility!

Dogs Love You As Much As They Love Food!

No matter how you choose to serve watermelon to your dog, remember to enjoy your time with them! Dogs love you as much as they love food, and enjoying a sweet summer treat with their best friend is the doggy version of paradise! Many of these options are perfect ways to make treats that humans will also love, so try a bite for yourself. You just might end up rocking matching treats the next time you go to the dog park this summer!

 Watch My Video Where My Dogs Have a Watermelon Eating Contest!

- [Rocky] Okay today we're gonna do something really fun. We're gonna do, the watermelon challenge! We got a lot of watermelons, Ma-maybe too many. No such thing. But this guy Kobe has never tried watermelon before. So today's going to be his first time trying watermelon. We're gonna do a challenge to see who can eat these watermelons the fastest. I don't know if you've seen this. We've been wanting to do this all Summer, but Kobe had heart surgery.

All right so lets get into cutting these watermelons. I think what we'll do first is let him try it. Because you know, he's never tried watermelon, and he's gotta know what's at stake here so that he can try to win the competition. Now some people might say that's too much watermelon, But I say, no such thing is too much watermelon. Flips like, 'well I've never had watermelon either, can I try some?' Flip you're gonna get plenty of watermelon buddy I promise. I don't even know why I'm using a cutting board these watermelons are pretty big. Uh, oh, one note, I did get the seedless watermelons, just to make sure that the dogs don't eat the seeds. Who's a good boy just sitting there hanging out, ready for some watermelon? All the other dogs, they gave up. But he's still waitin'. Probably because it smells different. And since he's blind smell means so much and this is a brand new smell for him.

Oh look how good that looks. Whoa look at this! One for Flip and one for Kobe. If you're as excited as I am to see who wins this competition, make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications to our new Pawonder channel.

This channel is dedicated entirely to vlogs for our dogs. you crying over there? Do I hear you crying? What do you think guys? Do you think we should go ahead and give him his? Cause look, we have Zoey's cut out now too, so we have Zoey's, Kobe's, and Flip's Now lets let Kobe try watermelon for the first time ever. Are you ready? Here we go. You ready buddy? That's a big bite man! Here, here, why you getting the- Aw you don't want the rind. Com e'er buddy.

Oh man it's making a mess on the floor. Oh yeah! Oh man! Oh God! What a mess! He's got the hunger now to win the competition. What do you guys think? But Zoey's piece is relative to her size, so she does have a fightin' chance. All right it looks like our contenders had a taste and they want more, so lets go start round 1 of the competition, which will be all the dogs. And then, we'll have the winner compete against my wife Kelly.

She doesn't even know yet that I entered her into a watermelon eating contest with the dogs. We've got it ready to go, let's go set it up. Flip, Kobe, Zoey. Okay it's a hot Summer day, this watermelon is gonna be refreshing, it's all set up, and here's how it's gonna go down; So we're gonna start round one of the competi- 'ey what are you doing out here?- I'm seeing what you're doing.- [Rocky] I thought you were babysittin'.- Uh no, she's sleeping.- [Rocky] All right you wanna, you wanna help me with this watermelon eating competition?- Sure.- [Rocky] How cool is that huh? Look I set it up for the dogs, so I have Flip, Kobe, and Zoey.- Oh where's your watermelon?- [Rocky] I'm glad you asked because, round 2 is actually gonna be you against the winner.- oh- [Rocky] That's what everyone wants to see. I'm always in the videos, they want more Kelly.- Okay I'm not upset with that.- [Rocky] Okay you down for it?- Yeah.- [Rocky] But who will win, you or the dog?- I don't know, we're gonna have to see kinda, what their gage is on watermelon like, Flip really likes watermelon- [Rocky] All right that doesn't make you feel confident I woulda thought that you just woulda like been all about it.- Well they've got, Flip and Kobe have a much bigger mouth than I do.- [Rocky] No comment - I could definitely beat Zoey- Hey watch it- [Rocky] Okay since you're out here why don't we do this, I'll have you go to the door, open the door, we'll count down from three, and then we'll let them run out here, and hopefully they'll pick the right ones, I think they will, or something close.- Does watermelon have a smell? Is Kobe gonna be able to smell watermelon?- [Rocky] Oh yeah, because he just had a tester and he loved it.- Okay so he knows.- [Rocky] He knows, his nose will be all about it.- Okay three, two, one. Go get it guys! Go eat!- [Rocky] Round 1! Come on! Get it, lets get it! Kobe! Come on buddy! Oh Kobe..Zoey's Okay.- [Kelly] Okay here we go. Zozo- [Rocky] Zoey got the big one?- [Kelly] That's how our girl rolls.- [Rocky] She's like 'I'll take this one please' Oh Kobe's destroying the small one.- [Kelly] Zoey might win, she's in the lead!- [Rocky] Kobe's slowing down, he's slowing down. He's looking for the big slice. Flip you just left, Flip just left his. Here you go Flip, here. Take a bite buddy, take a bite. Get it. Get it. You're just gonna lick it? Like a watermelon Popsicle?- [Kelly] I think at this rate Zoey's gonna win.- [Rocky] Yeah, Zoey's winning here. Flip, Flip's not eating his so, Zoey's in the lead right now.- [Kelly] You're doin' good Zozo.- [Rocky] Okay here we go. Let's give Kobe a big one. He always goes for the corner. Get the middle buddy, get it! Like you can see on that side he's working he's working that side. Oh, oh, the biggest bite yet! Look at that.- [Kelly] And just like that he's ahead of Zoey.- [Rocky] Zoey you gotta go faster, it's just water. You can do it! Get it buddy! I don't know who's ahead or behind now at this point. Listen to Kobe eating watermelon.- [Rocky] Best thing I've heard all day. Okay lets see how Flip does.- [Kelly] He's just licking it.- [Rocky] All right you know we have been giving them those watermelon popsicles.- That's true- [Rocky] So maybe he's like 'I like the cool refreshing popsicles.- [Kelly] Maybe he just needs a smaller piece. Bite it, come on!- [Rocky] Get it, get it buddy! He's like 'I lick, you hold.' Kobe is the, Kobe is the watermelon destroyer.- [Kelly] And the other two are over it.- [Rocky] All right comment down below. Who do you think won round 1 of the competition? Now I know who I think won round 1 of the competition.- Kobe- [Rocky] The real question is, who's gonna win round 2 of the competition?- Me- [Rocky] Okay, let's see. You ready?- Can I get a fresh one that the dogs haven't licked?- [Rocky] We do, we do have like five watermelons- Okay- [Rocky] I think we might have over done it just a tad.- Eating watermelon for the next month?- [Rocky] Yeah definitely- [Rocky] Okay, you ready?- Yeah. How do I look?

- [Rocky] You look great. Kobe come here! three, two, one, go! Kobe come here! Kobe! Kobe treat! You got a little head start cause Kobe is still not coming over. Kobe come e'er. You want some watermelon? Come here buba. Oh man oh man, how are you feeling? Ay, you're using your hand! I guess you could use a paw if you want. Come e'er bud. Here you go. Oh there it is. There it is. With one bite, with one bite he could take the lead. Get it.

Come on I want you to beat her buddy. I'm trying to help him. Oh look yeah he got another bite. Sorry I'm on team Kobe Wow! Wow! Man I'm proud of you! Look at that. Kobe you gotta pick it up buddy! I'm trying to help you here, but mom's gonna beat you. You'll never live this down. You'll never live it down. Capri our baby is gonna be proud of you one day when she watches this video- Uh huh- [Rocky] To have the bragging rights that you can eat watermelon faster than a dog, is pretty solid. He's slowing down. I think he's got water bloat.- Is he full?- [Rocky] I think so! Oh, oh he's forfeiting. You win, you win. Yeah champion!- Ew, watermelon dripping down my neck.- [Rocky] Yum, new watermelon fragrance.- Yeah, so what's my prize?

- [Rocky] Your surprise is you get to tell everyone that what they should be doing right now.

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Rocky Kanaka is an entrepreneur, pet rescue advocate and dog dad to a rescue boxer named Flip, a blind Cane Corso called Kobe, and a terrier mix named Zoey. He's also a pet chef and owner of The Dog Bakery, which specializes in dog birthday cakes and fresh baked dog treats. His three dogs can't get enough of the dog cakes and treats!

Why do dogs love watermelon?

Lorna Paxton Ladd is a passionate dog lover and enthusiast of The Dog Bakery. She loves spoiling her 3 rescue dogs with dog cakes and jerky. A 15 year veteran in the pet industry, her aim is to educate pet parents on the best recipes, products, tips and tricks to optimize the human/canine bond. Her favorite product at The Dog Bakery are the customizable dog birthday cakes.