Why does my cat guard me when i sleep

If you have a cat you might have noticed that they will often lay down at the threshold of the door and not let anyone or anything pass by them.

Why does my cat guard me when i sleep

But why do they do this?

Today we will be taking a look at why you suddenly have a ‘guard cat’ and what you can do to stop them from doing it. 

Reasons Your Cat Guards You

Here are a few of the most common reasons your cat might guard your door:

Your Cat Loves You

This is normal behavior for cats who love their owners. They want to be with you so much they will do whatever it takes to ensure they are safe. This might consist of following you around the house, guarding the door, and even following you to the bathroom.

Your Cat Is Afraid

This is tricky since cats are often afraid of new things. If you just got a new pet, it may be afraid. Or if you got a new baby, your cat may be afraid. Observe your cat for signs of fear, such as dilated pupils, hiding, meowing, and hissing.

It’s Part Of Your Cats Routine

Cats are creatures of habit, so if your cat is used to sitting or sleeping outside of your door, he might just keep doing that. Cats have a tendency to be very territorial about their places of comfort, so if your cat is used to your bedroom being a place he can go, he may just continue to use it.

Your Cat Has Separation Anxiety

One theory about why cats do this is that it has something to do with them having Feline separation anxiety.

This means that if you were to go away on a trip or maybe even just spend a night in another room, your cat would feel very uneasy and afraid.

And sometimes, if they are a very young kitten, they might still be learning to trust and rely on their human.

If this is the case, then when you are not around they might do things to try and make sure they are still safe. Like laying down at the doorway as a form of self-protective behavior.

Your Morning Routine

When people say that cats are very intelligent, they aren’t joking.

Cats can not only establish their own routine, but they can also monitor the routine of their owners.

Every morning, I get out of bed and all of my cats are waiting for me just outside of the door.

They know what time I usually get up and feed them so they wait for me by the door.

Then, when I open it, they scurry down and wait for me to put out their breakfast. 

How Can I Stop My Cat From Sitting At My Bedroom Door?

If you live in a small house and have a cat who likes to sleep on the bed, there’s a good chance he or she is going to want to sleep near your bedroom door, since this is the place where they’ll hear you coming and going the most.

Why does my cat guard me when i sleep

If you don’t want them doing this, there are a few things you can do.

Use A Scent They Don’t Like

You can use a strong scent like lemon spray to make your cat go away.

Just spray a little bit on the floor near your cat’s territory (your cat will hate this!) and see if that does the trick. If it does, keep using it until your cat gets the idea.

Make Them Their Own Space

Put a scratching post or cat tree and a cat bed in a different part of your house so your cat has his or her own “territory”. This will help to keep cats from wanting to sleep near doors or anywhere else where they are cooped up a lot.

Use An Ultrasonic Speaker

An ultrasonic speaker makes a loud continuous noise. Cats hate this noise and will go away from wherever it is you are playing it. You can use this to force your cat away from areas he or she is trying to claim as territory.

Keep Moving Them

If all else fails, simply keep moving them until they get the idea.

It may get to the point where they decide that this new area is not worth the effort and simply move on.

Should I Leave My Bedroom Door Open For My Cat?

Cat owners often wonder if they should leave their bedroom doors open for their cats. The answer is… “It Depends!”.

Why does my cat guard me when i sleep

The suggestion of leaving the door open for your cat to come and go as he pleases is taken from the idea that cats are invisible when they are sleeping.

They are supposed to sleep during the day and normally sleep with their owners.

Although, it is noted that not all cats will do this.

Do Cats Protect You While You Sleep?

The answer is a definite yes!

Cats are very protective of their families and will go to great lengths to make sure they are around to see you wake up in the morning.

This is especially true if you have a cat who is very attached to you. A cat might sleep on you while you sleep to feel your heartbeat and breathing.

The reason behind this is that cats feel more safe and secure when they are sleeping near you.

Final Words

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article and I really hope that you have a better understanding of your cat’s behavior. So next time you ask yourself ‘Why Does My Cat Guard My Bedroom Door?’, you can find the answers here. Thank you very much for reading.

Why does my cat guard me when i sleep

My name is Ben and I am a cat lover. I’m not a professional writer or a doctor or an expert of any kind on anything. But I am a guy who likes to share what little knowledge and experience I have with others.

Dogs are known for protecting their owners from danger, but do cats do the same? Ask cat owners that question, and you’ll find plenty of stories of cats protecting their people and even people who aren’t their owners! Take Masha1, the Russian cat who helped keep an abandoned baby alive during freezing temperatures. Or Pudding2, the cat who saved their brand-new owner when the woman started having a diabetic seizure while asleep.

With stories like these, it stands to reason that our cats will protect us, especially when we sleep. Turns out it’s a little more complicated, though. While cats can protect us while we sleep, you shouldn’t necessarily expect them to, as their ideas of protection are a bit different than ours. Plus, each cat is an individual, and how protective they may be will vary.

Are Cats Protective?

Cats have a rep for being standoffish and doing their own thing, but one study found that when it comes to cat-human relationships, they’re almost on par with human-human relationships. Plus, cats place value on their social groups, which can include the humans around them. With this combination, you’ll find that cats certainly can be protective.

While cats tend to run if they see a threat (particularly one larger than themselves), it doesn’t mean they won’t instigate a fight if their owner is in trouble. That said, cats are much better suited to warning us about things like bad weather or even diseases we have that we don’t yet know about. How can they pick up on those things? It’s because cats can sense changes in atmospheric pressure around them and smell chemical changes that occur in the body when others are ill. Familiarizing yourself with your cat’s body language during storms can help you know when to look for danger.

Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

Why Do Cats Sleep at Your Feet?

Have you ever wondered why your cats like to sleep near your feet at night instead of snuggled up beside you or on your stomach like they would during the day? It turns out they choose that location to protect not only themselves but you as well! Blame those instincts that are still hanging around from the days when cats were wild.

Cats know they’re vulnerable when they sleep, so sleeping with you means they can protect themselves better from danger. Sleeping near the foot of the bed gives your cat a good view of the room so that they will be alerted at the first hint of trouble, and they can alert you or escape in any direction if needed.

Pet parents with anxious cats know the pain of watching your kitty suffer—but that’s where the Hepper Nest Bed comes in.

This product is designed for nervous and anxious cats it's our favorite bed for cats suffering from anxiety. The bowl shape with rounded sides wraps around your pet to make them feel safe and secure, while the sherpa fleece insert and flexible molded foam ensure that they are as cozy as possible.

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Pet parents with anxious cats know the pain of watching your kitty suffer—but that’s where the Hepper Nest Bed comes in.

This product is designed for nervous and anxious cats it's our favorite bed for cats suffering from anxiety. The bowl shape with rounded sides wraps around your pet to make them feel safe and secure, while the sherpa fleece insert and flexible molded foam ensure that they are as cozy as possible.

Calming your anxious kitty has never been easier. Click here to buy one today.

At Excited Cats, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

Why You Shouldn’t Expect Your Cat to Protect You

Credit: Kuiper, Shutterstock

With all this said, it’s important to remember that cats don’t think in the same way as humans do. If your cat is protecting you in some way, it’s more likely a matter of their survival than our own. They’re simply following instincts that remind them that you, as the food-giver, are needed to continue surviving. So, don’t go to sleep just expecting your cat will provide protection or become a hero if something happens. Always stay prepared and keep your home safe in other ways!

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Final Thoughts

Cats are perfectly capable of protecting you while you sleep—and if you find them sleeping at the foot of your bed, that’s likely what they’re doing—but how protective a cat is depends on the cat’s nature. It’s also vital to remember that, for the most part, cats prefer fleeing or even posturing to fighting, so don’t count on them in a pinch. And keep in mind that the ways of the feline are not our ways; any protection your pet offers probably has more to do with their continued survival than anything else.

Your cat can be very helpful in warning you of inclement weather or even undiagnosed disease, though. Due to their ability to sense changes in the atmosphere and their sense of smell, cats are quite good at giving us a heads up about this type of danger!

Fetured Image Credit: Adam Kuylenstierna, Unsplash