Why does my dog bite my feet when I get home

Is fido biting your feet and ankles? Whether it is playful or aggressive, this annoying behavior is a call for attention. First, you need to find out why your dog is biting at your feet and then you can decide the best course of action.

My new puppy is biting at my feet when walking, why?

Puppies are like human toddlers in many ways: they are endearing, adorable, stubborn and playful. They also haven’t learned manners yet– if your pup is biting at your feet when you are walking, they are just choosing a bad time to try to play with you. Gently correct this behavior– never strike or scare your puppy, they won’t understand what is happening and lose trust in you. Instead, gently push them away and say a firm “no.” After a while they will figure out that playtime isn’t every time you are walking.

Why does my dog bite my feet when I get home?

Does your dog bite at your feet when you get home? Is this behavior accompanied with jumping, barking, and zoomies? The reason is likely that your dog is excited that you are home, and is exhibiting that behavior in undesirable ways. The way to adjust this behavior is to ignore your dog when you first come home– do not acknowledge them until they calm down. They want your attention, so they will learn to be calm to get it, and stop biting at you when you walk in the door.

Why does my dog bite my feet when I run?

When you run your feet move faster, and some dogs see this as a challenge to “catch” your feet. This is bad news for a lot of reasons– you could kick your dog or trip and hurt yourself. This behavior could also be your dog’s herding instinct kicking in. Certain dogs are bred to nip at livestock feet to guide them. To stop your dog from biting your feet when you run, either keep your dog away from where you exercise or carry a water spritzer bottle and spray your pup when he goes for your feet.

Why does my dog bite my feet when I leave the house?

If your dog is biting at your feet/pant leg when you leave the house, it is likely that they have separation anxiety. They are nervous about you leaving and do not know how to express it. Dogs communicate through biting/nipping, and it could be that your dog is expressing their anxiety and displeasure with you leaving.

Why does my dog bite my feet when excited?

Dogs communicate through sounds and body language. When your dog is excited they can do a lot of things, such as run around (zoomies), bark, jump, and bite at your feet. It’s all part of the same reaction– uncontrollable excitement!

Why does my dog bite my feet when I walk him?

If your dog is biting at your feet on walks, it could be a nervous reaction. Maybe they do not feel secure, or they are trying to stop you from moving them. Maybe they are just so excited to be walking that they get worked up. When you walk your dog make sure to use a well fitting harness and a non-retractable lead no longer than eight feet. This will allow you to keep a closer grip on your dog, and make them feel more secure.

Why does my dog bite my feet so much?

There are a few different reasons your dog could be biting at your feet. One is that your dog is acting out a herding instinct– certain dogs such as german shepherds, border collies etc have herding in their blood, and they will try to move you by nipping at your feet as they would with livestock. Your dog could also be trying to assert dominance over you, or biting your feet because they are bored.

Why does my dog attack my feet?

If your dog is using your feet like a chew toy, they are either challenging you or are just understimulated. If the bites at your feet feel aggressive (or hurt!) stop your dog at once to discourage the behavior, and consider seeking the help of a trainer. If your dog seems more excited and playful than aggressive, they are just understimulated, and could benefit from a better outlet for their energy such as playing fetch, going on an on-leash walk or playing with toys.

Why does my dog bite my feet at night?

You are just drifting off to sleep and then– ouch! Your dog bites your foot. What gives? If your dog is attacking your feet at night, it’s because the movement of your foot under the blankets looks like a small animal, and it triggers their prey instinct. For some dogs it’s more playful, but sometimes it really hurts! Either way, if your dog is biting your feet at night, then they have to be removed from bed as soon as they do it, every time. Eventually your dog will understand that biting feet gets them kicked out of bed.

How to stop my dog from biting my feet?

Tired of tripping over your dog? If fido’s foot-hunting is getting on your nerves, gently correct this behavior. Get a spray bottle with clean water and spritz your dog every time they try to bite your feet, while loudly and firmly saying “No!” Soon you won’t need the spritz bottle, you can just say no and your dog will get the idea and stop nipping.

What not to do when training a dog not to bite feet?

Dogs’ bad behavior can be frustrating, and it can be tempting to lose your temper. However, when training your dog to stop biting your feet, never scream angrily or strike your dog. Dogs do not understand behavior the same way we do– they will not understand why you are hurting them and scaring them, and will stop trusting you. Gentle deterrents (such as a spritz bottle) and positive reinforcement are not only kinder ways to treat your dog, but also more effective.

Puppy bites my feet aggressively?

Puppies learn their place in the “pack” by testing their boundaries, much the same way that children learn their place in the family. If your puppy is aggressively biting your feet, they are testing to see what will happen if they act up. Every time your puppy bites at your feet, gently correct this behavior by saying “no!” loudly and firmly, and taking the puppy into their kennel, or spritzing them with water. Never strike or scream at your puppy–these aggressive techniques do more harm than good, often leading to worse behavior.

Why does my dog growl at my feet?

If your dog growls at your feet, but doesn’t otherwise act aggressive, it could be that your dog is vision impaired. They cannot see your feet clearly and do not know what they are, and therefore are reacting aggressively by growling. If your dog shows other signs of blindness such as bumping into things, falling, and having reflective eyes, consider taking them to the vet.

Why does my dog attack my feet in bed?

If your dog attacks your feet while under the covers, it’s because they think you are playing! Also the moment of your feet may trigger their prey instinct. Either way, gently remove fido from the bed every time they bite at your feet. Soon they will associate biting at your feet with being kicked out of bed, and will stop doing it.

Dog bites visitors’ feet?

Dogs can exhibit weird behaviors around guests. They may feel threatened, or so overwhelmed that they become manic, biting at the visitors feet. Either way it’s bad behavior, and one you want to correct quickly– no one likes a dog biting at them when they walk through the door!

Why do dogs bite their legs and feet?

Dogs chew on their legs and feet for a variety of reasons, such as allergies, fleas, infection or separation anxiety. If you notice your dog biting at their legs and feet more often than normal, consider taking them to the vet. Especially if you notice your dog’s skin looks inflamed– dogs licking and chewing irritated skin can often worsen the problem.




Anyone who has ever had a dog can likely relate to this scenario. You are sitting on the couch and then you feel his sharp teeth biting on your foot. After this happens a few more times, you will likely be asking yourself: why does my dog bite my feet? 

Dogs bite people’s feet as a result of excitement or boredom. The bite is intended to get their owner’s attention. Your dog could also be biting your feet out of anxiety, fear, or aggression.

It is crucial to recognize the difference to resolve the problem correctly.  Your dog could be biting your feet for many various reasons. This article will highlight the most common causes of feet biting in dogs and how you can stop it from happening. 

6 Reasons Your Dog Bites Your Feet

Dogs bite the feet of people for several various reasons. Here are six of the most common reasons why your dog bites your feet. 

Your Dog Is Excited And Wants To Play

Many dogs bite their owners because they are excited and are feeling playful. This is especially true if the dog is a young puppy or has not been trained that it is not acceptable to bite feet. Usually, you can tell if a dog is excited or playful by its body language. Having loose body language with postures such as the play bow are telling signs that a dog is playful. 

Your Dog Is Anxious Or Fearful 

Some dogs also bit feet out of fear or anxiety. Like with playfulness, you can often tell if a dog is anxious or fearful by its body language. Holding a stiff posture, standing very still, and having wide eyes are common signs that a dog is very anxious or afraid of something. 

They are Bored and Probably Need Exercise

Dogs often bite feet when they are bored. This is especially true if they start biting your feet during playtime because they become overstimulated. This, combined with pent up energy, is a recipe for feet biting. 

Your Pup Needs Attention

All dogs love getting attention from their owners, and most dogs know just how to get it. As a result, your dog might be biting your feet because they want your attention. You can usually tell if this is the case with your dog because they will bite you when you are not paying attention to them. 

Your Dog Lacks Training

Some dogs bite people’s feet because they have not been adequately trained not to do so. This is especially true if a puppy has been brought home eight weeks before.

This is because puppies learn bite inhibition from their littermates during that time. Therefore, the result of bringing a puppy home too early might result in a dog that doesn’t know its bite strength. 

Similarly, a dog may also bite feet due to the behavior getting praised, usually in the form of attention, by accident. They know that biting gets your attention, so they are more likely to bite your feet. 

They Have Herding Dog Instincts

For herding dogs nipping the heels of livestock is often instinctual because that is how they herd.

Unfortunately, this often transfers to the heels and feet of humans when these dogs are not on the farm; thus, nipping is a widespread occurrence in herding breeds, especially if they are puppies. Not to worry though, training often nips this bad habit in the bud. 

Why Does My Dog Bite My Feet At Night

Usually, dogs bite feet at night if they want your attention. This could either be because they are anxious about something or because they want your affection.

To minimize feet biting at night, ensure that all of the dog’s needs are met before bed and that they have a safe and comfortable sleeping space. It helps to make sure that they have gotten plenty of exercise during the day as well. 

Why Does My Dog Bite My Feet When I Leave The House

Although your dog could be biting your feet for any of the six reasons we have mentioned previously, biting your feet before you leave the house is a red flag for separation anxiety.

Of course, it’s helpful to know some other signs of separation anxiety to rule it out. Other symptoms of separation anxiety include: 

● Barking or howling

● Urinating and defecating (and sometimes eating it)

● Digging, chewing, and other kinds of destructive behavior

● Pacing 

● Trying to get out of a house or yard

Why Does My Dog Bite My Feet When I Get Home

Dogs usually bite their owners’ feet when they get home because they are excited and want their attention. They most likely want to play and have a lot of pent up energy as well.

You can resolve this by doing an activity together once you get home, such as going for a walk or playing in the backyard.

Why Does My Dog Attack My Feet

There is a big difference between play biting and aggressively attacking feet. The primary way that you can tell the difference is through a dog’s body language. Loose body language indicates a playful dog, while stiff body language indicates fear, anxiety, or aggression. 

Why Does My Dog Attack My Feet Under The Covers

Your dog is most likely trying to play with you when he bites your feet under the covers. In fact, for many dogs, this is instinctual. Especially for terriers who were mostly originally bred to hunt and flesh out rodents and small game from holes.

Why Does My Puppy Bite My Feet

Your puppy could be biting your feet for any of the six reasons that we have mentioned previously. In addition to this, your puppy might be biting your feet because they are teething. You can help your puppy get through their teething phase by offering them a puppy safe chew toy.

How Do I Stop My Puppy From Biting My Feet When Walking

The biggest tip, along with training for stopping a puppy from biting your feet when walking, is to walk by them more slowly. Puppies like to bite and chase fast-moving objects. Therefore, walking past your puppy more slowly will not entice them to bite at your feet as much. 

How Do I Stop My Dog From Biting My Feet

There are several things that you can do to stop a dog from biting your feet. The first is to train them that biting your feet isn’t ok.

You can do this by ignoring your dog for a few minutes once biting occurs. This is especially helpful for dogs who bite for your attention. It is also important to avoid rewarding this behavior by accident. 

In addition to training, you can set your dog up for success when playing by having chew toys and pulling ropes on hand. This way, you can train your dog to bite those acceptable objects during playtime instead of your feet.


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